Several North Escambia Schools Name ‘Five Star Schools’

October 3, 2017

Several Escambia County Schools have been named Five Star Schools.

To be selected a Five Star School, a school must submit a portfolio that demonstrates they have: a strong community/business partnership program; strong family involvement including an active PTA , booster program or the like, including educational opportunities and support to families; strong volunteer program; encourage and support student community service; and, have an active school advisory council.

This year’s Five Star Schools are: Jim Allen Elementary, Bellview Elementary, Beulah Elementary, Blue Angels Elementary, Hellen Caro Elementary , N.B. Cook Elementary of the Arts, Cordova Park Elementary, Ferry Pass Elementary, R.C. Lipscomb Elementary, L.D. McArthur Elementary, Molino Park Elementary, Pleasant Grove Elementary, Scenic Heights Elementary and A.K. Suter Elementary.


3 Responses to “Several North Escambia Schools Name ‘Five Star Schools’”

  1. patti on October 4th, 2017 12:59 pm

    CONGRATULATIONS MOLINO PARK ELEMENTARY TEACHERS & PRINCIPAL and volunteers. You’re doing a GREAT job! Congrats to all the other schools too!

  2. Bonnie Exner on October 3rd, 2017 6:06 pm

    Congratulations to all the above listed of the common threads they all have is active COMMUNITY and PARENT involvement..when you have this special element,ALL STUDENTS,FACULTY AND STAFF REAP GREAT BENEFITS..comments from a 33year retired educator

  3. Susan Huff on October 3rd, 2017 7:54 am

    The commitment and love for children in this school is so obvious! The enthusiasm is contagious and the devotion to high standards of education is done with joy by the teachers to their students. Congrats!!!