Pre-Storm Tips From Gulf Power

October 7, 2017

Here are some quick pre-storm tips from Gulf Power:

*   Turn your air conditioning down to cool down your house. If you keep the doors and windows closed after the storm you can keep your house relatively cool for about 48 hours after the storm.
*   Charge up your cell phone before the storm — and anything else that needs to be charged up.
*   Keep freezer doors closed and sealed. Well-filled freezers keep most foods frozen two to three days if the door is kept closed. Turn your refrigerator and freezer to the coldest settings and pack your freezer with as many food items as possible.
*   Be prepared to disconnect or shut off any appliances that will turn on automatically when power is restored, including electric space heaters and stoves, washers, dryers, TV’s, microwave ovens, computers, refrigerators and freezers. If not, when power is restored, several appliances may come back on at the same time and overload your circuits, or hot appliances may come on while you’re away or asleep, posing a fire hazard.
*   Unplug electronics in your home and place them on sturdy surfaces or relocate them to the highest floor.
*   When traveling before or after a storm, be aware of electrical crews working and the potential for down power lines or power poles.
*   If someone in your home is dependent on electric-powered, life-sustaining medical equipment, review your family emergency plan for backup power or make arrangements to relocate when a storm warning is issued.
*   If you plan to use a ladder while preparing your home for a storm, note the locations of power lines before you begin. Be sure that ladders or scaffold are far enough away so that you – and the ends of the tools you’re using – stay at least 10 feet away from the power lines. Before lowering a TV antenna or satellite dish, make sure to turn off and unplug the TV.
*   Most counties will suspend trash and debris pickup before a storm. Please do not trim trees now, as high winds can turn cut branches into dangerous, flying debris. However, if you already have trimmed trees, please help to prevent outages by tying down or securing loose branches and other debris.


One Response to “Pre-Storm Tips From Gulf Power”

  1. Anita Kroha on October 7th, 2017 2:27 pm

    Another thing to remember pre-storm is to fill your tub, washing machine and all empty containers with water for cleansing purposes in case your water and power are off.