NWS: Expect Warmer, Drier Winter Months

October 20, 2017

North Escambia residents can expect a warmer, drier than normal winter, according to forecasters.

The National Weather Service has issued their Winter Weather Outlook for December, January and February. It indicates a 55 to 65 percebt probability of La Niña conditions over the continental United States. That normally includes a more northward aligned polar jet over the central United States and a warmer and drier winter over the southerns states, according to the National Weather Service in Mobile.

Here are the normal average monthly highs, lows and precipitation at Pensacola for the winter months:

Pensacola -
Dec: 62.6/44.4 and 4.55″
Jan: 60.5/42.2 and 4.63″
Feb: 63.8/45.5 and 5.06″


3 Responses to “NWS: Expect Warmer, Drier Winter Months”

  1. Michele on October 21st, 2017 9:37 pm

    this is definitely the opposite of the farmer’s almanac.. I think I will believe them over the weather people right now as the almanac is more accurate as of late.. I do hope it is cold though this winter for more days than last year.. we need the cold to get rid of some of these bugs

  2. Tom on October 20th, 2017 6:24 pm

    dman, We shall see if your (old fashioned) method of weather is correct, maybe it will be a cold winter. When you mention global warming not being real of sorts its just that, its your opinion. When I say it is real on the other hand it is also my opinion that just so happens to be based on facts such as ice core sampling for instance. Maybe the whole of the world scientific community is wrong but I will say thats a gamble to take with the earth…

  3. dman on October 20th, 2017 12:33 pm

    If my memory serves me correct, this runs completely counter to what the Farmer’s Almanac predicts for this winter. Also, if my memory serves me correct, the Almanac predicted September would start out colder than usual and then October would be warmer than usual. \

    Well, the Almanac was exactly correct. And their track record as far as I can tell is pretty darn good.

    So sorry, national weather service, as much as you want Global Warming to be a reality, I’ll stick to following the “old fashioned” method.