Morgan Fires Back Against Commission Budget Response To Governor

October 26, 2017

The day after the Escambia County Commission answered his budget appeal to the governor, Sheriff David Morgan filed the next round in the budget battle with a YouTube video.

In their budget appeal answer, the county commission criticized Morgan for his use of social media and sites like YouTube to garner public support.

In the video, Morgan said the commission has not addressed “what we believe to be serious deficiencies in the law enforcement budget as it applies to our ability to recruit and retain quality law enforcement officers for the citizens of Escambia County”.

Morgan said he created the video to address some of the points made by the county in their appeal.

“My concern with the appeal that was written by the Board of County Commissioners is so many things are patently false at the very beginning of the appeal.”

Morgan said that a commission statement is not true that said they provided a three percent pay raise for all county employees, including those at the Sheriff’s Office, that might not reach ECSO employees. He said is required to pass along the three percent raise under a collective bargaining agreement.

“So we begin the response to the budget appeal with a misstatement, some would even call it a lie,” the sheriff said. “I am hoping it is just a misstatement.”

The sheriff took issue with a commission claim “lapse dollars”, money left at the end of the budget year, being used for salaries since there’s no guarantee of any lapse funds in the next budget year.

Morgan also blasted the commissions scrutiny of the sheriff’s use of the Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) for contribution to non-profits. In a specific example provided by Morgan, the county said “The sheriff contributed $20,000 for 10 people to attend the “Fore Charity Tee-Off Par-Tee” event.” He said the organization presented a request for the funds, and the golf tournament was complimentary with the contribution, not spent directly on a “gala event”.

“For the Board of County Commissioners to smear not only the Sheriff’s Office in out attempt to contribute to the non-profits in Escambia County but these fine organizations…to say they are taking that money to throw party events is beyond disingenuous. I think it is hateful,” Morgan said.

To view Morgan’s YouTube response video, click here.

For an earlier article about the commission’s response, click here.


32 Responses to “Morgan Fires Back Against Commission Budget Response To Governor”

  1. Bill on October 29th, 2017 12:47 pm

    Just saw the comment by James in regard to car use. Did you notice the comment in the Boards response to his outrageous submission, that they had requested W-2forms “through a public records request” which has “yet to be satisfied” for his employees? Page 16. I thought this was public record, clear and simple. Where is Billy boi Eddins when you need him?? And I have been told, but not sure, that off duty work by Deputies is paid at 27 an hour, 2 dollars which he, the Sheriff collects back. Where is this fund, and what happens to the monies collected? Anyone know? Return to the County? This could be a large amount.

  2. James on October 28th, 2017 3:37 pm

    Why is it the cops on there own time off allowed to use a county owned vehicle to earn extra income by sitting on the roadways using tax payers dollars and then on top of that they get free transportation to and from work which keeps down wear and tear on their vehicle plus the fuel savings benefit after benefit jus sayin we would all love some off those perks just fuel savings alone is like a nice size raise

  3. David Huie Green on October 28th, 2017 11:34 am

    “Why do they need all these big 8 cylinder Tahoe suvs?”

    To catch culprits

    David for golf carts

  4. Why is-it on October 28th, 2017 5:51 am

    You can rest assured that if the citizens in Escambia County don’t want something, (for example, 4 cent gas tax to pay for ECAT that very few people use, landfills, rezoning of residential neighborhoods to appease developers, approving permits for operations that have been running illegally since Hurricane Ivan like the concrete recycling operation on Bellview, etc.) the self-serving Escambia County BOCC will approve it. They continue to prove time and again they care nothing for the people in their district, especially in district 1. They raised the money for the ECSO so instead of redirecting it for their own pet projects, use it for what it was intended

  5. John on October 27th, 2017 8:15 pm

    Eliminate the waste at ECSO. Why do they need all these big 8 cylinder Tahoe suvs?

  6. Bob on October 27th, 2017 12:10 pm

    The money he donates to charities are seized money from crimes and he tries to put it back into community to help this pitiful excuse of a county. Poorest and dumbest and sickest in the state. He does not have a slush fund to hide the excessive waste like the BOCC. Let’s all remember how much cheaper and better the BOCC was going to run the jail! How did that work out for the taxpayer? $140 million later!

  7. Bukmaster on October 27th, 2017 9:54 am

    ECSO with 2 Chief’s? How top heavy is your Department? Well just ask the employees!! Do u really need a Public Information Officer making over $30.00 an hour? Really? A journalist? How about too many Chief’s, Majors, Commanders, Sergeants and Lieutenants Lance Corporal’s ! and not enough Indians. The BOCC gives you the money, just seems that its not making it to the sworn Deputies!

  8. Bob C on October 27th, 2017 9:37 am

    When did the Sheriff’s duties shift from Law Enforcement to being a Big Deal contributing to “Charities” using Taxpayers monies?
    A friend on the board of Symphony thought their donations were out of Morgan’s personal private monies and was shocked to find it was taxpayer monies.
    Follow the money. And WE pay for his videos and ads thru the LETF.

  9. Bill on October 27th, 2017 8:59 am

    Then numbers suggest, strongly, that the Hollywood Sheriff, we currently have needs better financial advice. IF HE WOULD LISTEN. WHICH IS DOUBTFUL. He only listens to himself. According to his own financial records, from 2014 to 2016. he had a reduction in fuel costs of almost 700thousand dollars. But his total budget went up. What did he do with the 700thousand? Where did he move it? His overtime costs increased from 130thousand in 2014 to 999thousand (1 million), in 2016. I think OT is payable at time and a half. His comp time from approximately 160thousand in 2014 to over 900thousand in 2016. Those are some mighty big increases, and as the Boards response notes, these costs are I n the personnel category, and he could have used them for salary increases, but he choose NOT TO DO SO.

  10. paul on October 27th, 2017 8:28 am

    I can’t wait for the elections.
    I already know who I’m Not voting for.

  11. northofI10 on October 27th, 2017 6:43 am

    To hear a sheriff or a grown adult sound like they are being bullied is unprofessional and to call questions about spending as “hateful” says more about his ego and how dare you question me attitude. Although there was no denial about the ratio of investigators in robbery/homicide to admin staff which in and of itself more than enough for the BOCC to question the arrogant sheriff. The BOCC has a job and the sheriff simply believes he is beyond anyone questioning him and that’s a problem.

  12. questioner on October 27th, 2017 2:47 am

    Sheriff M has made working conditions at his agency intolerable. Moral is under the basement of the exploded jail. And he is fighting to get deputys more pay, yet he can afford TWO chief deputys? They make over $100K per year, and I bet this is the 1st time in Escambia cty history it has happened. Didnt Thelbert campaign against Ronny Mac for being top heavy in his administration? There have been Sheriffs who have not even had a chief dep, but Thelbert has 2 at over $100000 per year, and is complaining about how he cant pay deputys! Like Traumaqueen put above, his so-called professionalism is a joke.

  13. jp on October 26th, 2017 9:25 pm

    Every time politicians want more money they threaten or cut services in the most essential areas.

    There is enough to blame the sheriff and the county commissioners.

    In the north end of the county we may not need a lot of enforcement but we need more than we have had for a long time to cut down on too many dangerious drivers.
    The wrecks at Hwy 29 and 97 could be blamed on incompent people operating dangerious equipment.
    But =
    Tuesday afternoon about 4:30 PM going north on Hwy 97 between Mason Rd. and Howell Rd. there is a blind curve that I was passed in. I was going at least the speed limit. The passer started the pass crossing a solid line. There is no place there to safely leave the pavement to avoid a head on wreck. Had a south bound vehicle met us in the curve the results would have been grim.
    Later about 8:30 PM traveling south I was passed along with four other vehicles all traveling at the speed limit in the same curve.
    The way people drive on Hwy 97 is a danger to all of us that have to drive Hwy 97 to go anywhere.
    This is a serious problem.

  14. Anne on October 26th, 2017 7:35 pm

    ECBOCC response to Morgan, on pg. 12 & 13 addresses Starting Salary.
    In Morgan’s Budget Request to the Board he stated Starting Salary for a Cadet is $28,800 as full-time employee.
    Morgan reported to the Florida Dept of Law Enforcement that Starting Salary for a Deputy is $31,726.
    However, in Morgan’s Budget Request from the Board, Morgan stated.Minimum Starting Salary for BOTH Cadets and Deputies is $35,036.64.
    Morgan has equated Starting Salary for Cadets and Deputies to be the SAME?
    Y’all, the Board Response to Morgan’s Budget makes for Very Interesting Reading and you really do need to see how OUR Sheriff attempts to Manipulate and Wrangle things including OUR TAX Money to his own best interest.
    Waiting in the wings is a ECBOCC member who should be wringing hands and wondering if the $25,000 + $20,000 = $45,000 event over two consecutive years will become an issue of question in all of this about the LETF monies.
    Lord, Please Watch over and Protect our SWORN LEO who are on the streets every day and night protecting and serving US You are the Best and you sure do deserve much better leadership.

  15. M in Bratt on October 26th, 2017 7:11 pm

    Dear Sheriff Hollywood; Do you not know that you are appealing your budget to the same Governor that has balanced Florida’s budget, and gotten Florida to the point of being one of the top rated states for financial health? Good luck with that appeal. Before demanding more money in your budget, you should show the taxpayers and the County Commission that you have pared you budget to the bones and cut all the unnecessary spending and personnel. Anybody that wants to, can look at wages of other law enforcement agencies in Fl. and the panhandle on the FDLE,s web site. If you look you will see that the pay here is not out of line with with other agencies in the panhandle. This survey doesn’t take into consideration that our deputy’s get a car to use like their own to get back and forth to work, and lots of our deputy’s don’t even live in Escambia County. In anybody’s money, this benefit of a car, gas, insurance, maintenance has to be worth $800 per month. Sheriff Hollywood, have you considered the possibility that your deputy’s are leaving because of you and the working conditions you have created?

  16. A on October 26th, 2017 5:34 pm

    This is starting to look a lot like a Facebook spat among teenagers.

  17. David Donaldson on October 26th, 2017 4:30 pm

    I have never seen so much mudslinging from any elected official in my life. Threats, demands, and show is his venue. By the way, WHO pays fore all the ads on the TV channels????

  18. Former Resident on October 26th, 2017 4:03 pm

    Morgan said the commission has not addressed “what we believe to be serious deficiencies in the law enforcement budget as it applies to our ability to recruit and retain quality law enforcement officers for the citizens of Escambia County”.

    If the Sheriff is so concerned about public safety, why did he not use discretionary funds at his disposal for school resource officers instead of self promoting community events? The sherrif’s office is not a conduit for corporate giving but an agency tasked with protecting the public. It’s obvious he is more interested in spending on self-promotion rather than public safety and employee morale.

    Additionally, for those who believe he is simply asking for more money from the “state”, the money would come from you, the county taxpayer. The “state” does not have access to a magical money machine and neither does the county. Taxes fund every expenditure and the Sheriff is essentially asking you to pay for his own slush fund.

  19. Bill on October 26th, 2017 1:37 pm

    All voters should read the response by the Board to this egomaniac Sheriff. It is very well written, full of documentation and facts, and utterly destroys any argument he might have dreamed up. As to the LET, there is a line in the response that suggests an opinion has been requested as to the proper use of these funds. Sure hope it has. Our erstwhile State Attorney, the Honorable Bill Ed dins, did his usual whitewash findings for the Sheriff, back about a year ago. What a tragedy that one was but typical Billy boy work. The Governor, would be foolish to consider his appeal, and should throw it out, although an independent audit would sure be welcome, but not by Morgan.

  20. Very Curious on October 26th, 2017 12:59 pm

    If pay raises are covered under a Collective Bargaining Agreement, what is the fuss?

    If a Union bargained with the ECSO for pay rates, is the agreement not being honored?

    My questions are sincere as well as an indication that the whole issue is a convoluted mess.

  21. Ron Cloud on October 26th, 2017 12:17 pm

    I have supported the sheriff on every election and have been proactive to call my rep to voice my support for him. Unfortunately I think his power has made him unable to view things in a unbiased way.
    Power currupts most. He no longer views things from an unbiased position.
    I fully support the officers on the street and they know that. We show them often but if he has as much administration staff as reported he needs to restructure.
    And while every cheritable cause is probably worth while our Sherriffs office should refrain from such donations. Especially when you are threatening to pull officers out of the field and schools because of revenues.
    General public see 3% raise as fair. No one thinks our officers are paid enough but hard to believe your fighting for them with all the self grabbing attention your trying to get. Never seen so much advertising to promote a sheriff versus promoting the officers and department . You have quite the pr department. Guess that’s part of the administration.
    Just my 2 cents

  22. Traumaqueen on October 26th, 2017 12:07 pm

    Who posts rebuttals to a government decision on YouTube? This sheriff is so professionally challenged it is sad.

    So the commisioners were incorrect about the golf tournament but weren’t about the other 1.4 million pay to play donations? I’m all for donating to worthy causes but you can’t make these donations in lieu of paying your bills first. He didn’t even argue the bad points of the commisioners report except for a few things. He is a narcissist. His YouTube video’s and billboards prove that. He is and has always been bad for Escambia County.

    According to BoCC he had the money to give raises to the deputies but chose not to give them the money they needed and deserve. However, it doesn’t matter how much they get paid. They will continue to lose deputies because of Morgan and his outrageous behavior toward those deputies that don’t agree with his way of thinking.

  23. anne1of2 on October 26th, 2017 11:21 am

    Seriously, the Sheriff is busily getting his name and face out there. I think he is planning to run for mayor of Pensacola.

  24. Mark on October 26th, 2017 10:43 am

    The county is clearly spending too much money on promoting Pensacola Beach and the baseball park. Under funding the police will have long term conciquences. Our security and our schools should be above EVERYTHING on the long list of important things that the county pays for.

  25. just me on October 26th, 2017 9:06 am

    Has anyone asked for an opinion from the Attorney General’s Office as to the use of the LETF funds? If so were all of these large donations to civic organizations allowed?

  26. aam on October 26th, 2017 8:45 am

    Tell you what I don’t want Elmo, is some power hungry official conducting himself in the manner he does. This is more than about budget this is the Sheriff trying to be the bully of the block. I know deputies that talk about how ego driven this man is. No sir, this is not the man I want as Sheriff.
    The BOCC has tried to work with this man and his representative sent to the BOCC meeting instead of going himself. The representative came with the same mentality as his boss. We are going to dictate what we want and you had better give it or we will stomp our feet and go viral. All they have managed to do for me is to show the constant inability to compromise and act like the County official that he is. Think how we look to neighboring counties, who would want to move here and put up with this?

  27. Duke of Wawbeek on October 26th, 2017 8:30 am

    What you need are constables and deputized citizen volunteers.

    The law is the law, regardless of who is enforcing it.

  28. retired on October 26th, 2017 8:28 am

    sounds like the same half truths you use in your campan

  29. Louise on October 26th, 2017 8:21 am

    Calling people liars doesn’t help the situation at all. He might want to reconsider his actions.

  30. Lou on October 26th, 2017 6:06 am

    Most working folks in NW Florida don’t make what the rest of the nation does when it comes to salaries! If we don’t have the money to build a jail….where will this money for just the Deputy salaries come from? We have awesome law enforcement in our area….and lots of other hard working folks as well. As always, probably top heavy salaries ar ECSD like most other companies as well. The money maybe needs to be juggled!

  31. Citizen on October 26th, 2017 1:28 am

    He started out the budget cycle publicly calling out the BOCC, some by name on a video rather than sitting down discussing issue. That set the tone. They are all men. Ego and drama has surrounded the entire process and it isn’t over yet. I am not impressed. How about ending the soap opera? Or once started we have to keep watching and waiting for the next episode.
    It’s now going to mediation. It’s like a bad divorce except it’s all men.
    Oh wait, no it’s about public safety,peoples lives…
    Get a grip.

  32. Elmo on October 26th, 2017 12:28 am

    Just sit back and watch this man work…..Don’t hate him for trying to get more money from the state! Why wouldn’t you want that????