Molino Park 1st Graders Attend Wedding Of Q And U
October 23, 2017
The letters Q and U were united in marriage last week in a wedding hosted by the first grade at Molino Park Elementary School.
First graders wore their fancy clothes to look like a QUeen or King for the royal event.
After the QUick wedding, Q and U are now QUietly at home in the vocabulary of first graders at Molino Park Elementary as they continue their QUest for learning. photos by Kristi Barbour, click to enlarge.
3 Responses to “Molino Park 1st Graders Attend Wedding Of Q And U”
My sweet little Kiley looks so fancy in her pretty dress.Love you,Mrs Hilda
The best thing was all of them learning a Q word for playing scrabble! Q & U are very important in that game,lol.
Where did the QUte couple go on there honeymoon?