Inmate’s Family Sues DOC, Warden Over Stabbing Death At Century CI

October 14, 2017

The Florida Department of Corrections is being sued in federal court by the family of inmate that was stabbed to death in June at Century Correctional Institution.

The family of Jorge Slaughter, 33, filed the negligence-wrongful death lawsuit this week against the DOC and Century CI  Warden Randall Bryant, claiming that Slaughter was not adequately protected from being stabbed.  Inmate Robert Hunt, 26, had been charged with stabbing Slaughter on June 19 in a Century CI common area.

“On June 19, 2017, at approximately 10:54 p.m., the claimant was notified by an employee of Century Correctional Institution that her son, Jorge Slaughter was involved in an altercation and was deceased. The employee for Century Correctional Institution provided no further information and Century Correctional Institution has been uncooperative in communicating with the claimant,” the suit states. “Information was later gathered from another source that there was no attempt by any correctional officer or employee of Century Correctional Institution to prevent or stop a fight…”

The suit alleges Hunt “held a reputation as a white supremacist, not only by association or gang affiliation, but also by identity”, and numerous tattoos including a swastika on his arm. As such, the FDOC should have taken steps to prevent any conflicts, the suit states, including keeping Hunt under close supervision within an armed perimeter or under direct armed supervision.

“It is clear that Mr. Hunt was allowed to walk about freely within Century Correctional Institution with a metal weapon prior to stabbing Mr. Slaughter multiple times in the abdomen, killing him. A search by Defendants FDOC and Bryant’s correctional staff of Mr. Hunt’s person while clothed…could have been conducted to prevent Mr. Slaughter’s murder,” the lawsuit states.

The Florida Department of Corrections would not comment on the pending lawsuit.

“The health and safety of our inmates is a top priority of the Department. As this is active litigation, we are unable to provide information at this time,” Ashley Cook, press secretary for DOC, told in an email.

Hunt was arrested and charged with homicide on August 3. He remains in the Escambia County Jail. The federal lawsuit references an August 5 article as providing the latest information available to the public at that time.

The family is seeking funeral and burial expenses, loss of earnings and claims his mother, Anice Slaughter, has lost the “support and services” of her son, suffers mental pain, and suffered the funeral expenses of her son.

In an August press release, the FDOC said Hunt stabbed inmate Slaughter multiple times in the abdomen with a metal weapon inside the G Dorm. The entire incident was captured on video by security cameras inside the dorm. Inmates who witnessed the incident identified Hunt as Slaughter’s attacker. Witnesses also told the FDLE that Hunt attacked slaughter over an unspecified debt that Slaughter owned Hunt.

Slaughter, 30, was serving a 30 year sentence out of Miami-Dade for armed burglary, grand theft and robbery. Hunt was serving a 15 year sentence out of Polk County for attempted robbery with a gun or deadly weapon. He had previously served a year and a half for aggravated assault with a weapon and methamphetamine possession.


20 Responses to “Inmate’s Family Sues DOC, Warden Over Stabbing Death At Century CI”

  1. Tabitha on October 17th, 2017 10:42 am

    There is a law in place that Fl is just beginning to use, charging inmates for their care. The only way they ever have to pay is if they come into money. Well guess what……

  2. BILL on October 17th, 2017 10:42 am


  3. Candy Crush on October 16th, 2017 2:22 pm

    With all of the things that I hear that goes on at Century CI this might just be an eye opener that inmate who was killed could have just as easily been an officer. So this may all seem silly but really it puts alot of pressure on the higher ups to do their jobs to make sure EVERYONE is safe. Because when you are in there working that is the goal at the end of the shift everyone lived.

  4. David Huie Green on October 15th, 2017 9:28 pm

    “ACLU strikes again. What a crock. You are in prison, guess what there are bad guys in prison. the department of correction kneels to the ACLU and all suffer.”

    I missed how the ACLU is supposed to be involved. The mother wants the vast amount of earnings her loving son would have provided were he not in prison and/or dead. Her lawyer wants his/her cut.

    They also want to segregate the inmates. ACLU might get involved in THAT.
    “Separate but equal incarceration” doesn’t sound like something they would favor.

    David for details

  5. Howie on October 15th, 2017 1:33 pm

    “The family is seeking funeral and burial expenses, loss of earnings and claims his mother, Anice Slaughter, has lost the “support and services” of her son, suffers mental pain, and suffered the funeral expenses of her son.”

    A pure lie plain and simple. No man in prison for 30 years or 1 year can give support and services to anyone. Maybe services to the Correctional Institute to keep his sorry self in there with our tax dollars.

    And by the way, how can anyone prove that Hunt holds a reputation as a white supremacist, gang affiliations, and the identity of his tatoos suggesting it? Pure speculation if you want my opinion. I don’t know these two no-good robbers, as a matter of fact I know no one in prison.

    “the suit states. “Information was later gathered from another source that there was no attempt by any correctional officer or employee of Century Correctional Institution to prevent or stop a fight…” Who did you ask? Other inmates? You won’t get an honest answer from those evil doers. Of course, they will take sides against anyone employed in the Prison.

    This entire lawsuit is ridiculous. One man down, one man up. Live with that and move forward.

    Moral of the story: When you borrow, you need to pay it back. If you don’t, you will suffer consequences.

  6. Ensley Boy on October 14th, 2017 5:57 pm

    Lets see, He could have made approx. $215,280.00 in 30 years. It would cost the government $900,000.00 to house feed and medical care. So based on projections, they owe the government $684,720.00. They would be better off to sue the guy that killed the man.

  7. ROBERT on October 14th, 2017 5:06 pm

    Her son was in jail for 30 years.What kind of support was he giving her and what loss of earnings….1$ a day if he is jail…Lesson learned don’t lose a bet in jail and owe your enemy money…Fact is DOC can not watch every inmate every minute of every day.

  8. A on October 14th, 2017 4:59 pm

    I’m for reinforcing the gates and throw a sack full of knives over the fence. Ya’ll be careful now.

  9. Charlie on October 14th, 2017 4:28 pm

    Paul—Read the story again. You have the victim confused with the murderer. It was Mr. Hunt who has the swastika and is gang related. He didn’t need protection, as he was the killer.

  10. EMD on October 14th, 2017 4:25 pm


    The story said the other guy had the swastika on his arm.

  11. Dan on October 14th, 2017 3:51 pm

    Go ahead and give her the lost wages for the whole thirty years let’s see thirty years times um nothing because he didn’t have a job equals nothing. Now the mom should be sued for the taxpayers money back for housing his lazy behind and for any medical expenses try to save him.

  12. Life Lessons on October 14th, 2017 1:24 pm

    Don’t borrow money from a convicted murderer and not pay him back.

    ESPECIALLY if you are in a confined area that the Department of Corrections has put up cameras so that the Correction officers can not do their job.

    A system that allows the convicts to have cell phones to organize and not allow search for weapon and such is falling apart. What are you going to wait for a complete breakdown of security and have them break out and be on the streets?

    This should alert the Department of Corrections to a bigger issue and the issue is you.

    Century, the Stabbing Cabin?

    How about supporting the ones who are hired to keep them in check. Although the suit may seem bogus perhaps it can be a wake up call..

    The roles need to be defined..Correction officers = Good Guys…Prisoners = Bad Guys..

  13. citizen on October 14th, 2017 12:30 pm

    ACLU strikes again. What a crock. You are in prison, guess what there are bad guys in prison. the department of correction kneels to the ACLU and all suffer.
    Stupid lawsuit and the victim mentality strikes again.
    Let the blame games begin.
    If you do not want to be subjected to prison, don’t commit crimes.

  14. Dan on October 14th, 2017 11:28 am

    I don’t think he just walked around freely with the knife I think he had it hidden somewhere until he needed it even though the officer conduct hundreds of pat searches and cell searches a day they can’t find everything Im quit sure in a dorm full of all different ethnicities this inmate was not stabbed for the color of his skin

  15. anne 1of2 on October 14th, 2017 10:47 am

    Wow, I sure wouldn’t want to be the attorneys on this case.Looked at it from both sides and here’s the deal, we would all be on trial if we killed people who owe us money So, Hunt is guilty and the Slaughter family is sol Prisons start paying for lawsuits on assaults, injuries and deaths the prisons will go mad with lawsuits.
    You get yourself into prison, there will be no protection, period. Iit is simple, be a law abiding citizen and stay out of prison.,

  16. paul on October 14th, 2017 9:50 am

    So he needed extra protection because he was stupid enough to put a swastika on his arm.. That’s the problem with the ones who feel the need to be in a gang..
    They can’t take care of themselves..

  17. JS on October 14th, 2017 9:26 am

    No one wants to see a death occur, however I’m confident that the staff at Century CI did everything that was required to prevent this incident from happening. Warden Bryant is a great and experienced Warden. The Mothers and families of these convicted felons are always the ones who suffer the most.

  18. retired on October 14th, 2017 7:57 am

    Maybe Anice Slaughter needs to reimburse the state for her sons upkeep.

  19. Sunflower on October 14th, 2017 6:54 am

    Ok look he was in prison …sorry but things happen like this when u have so many mean men brhind thrm bars he wasn’t worried about what he done getting in there and I believe the staff aT century do what they can to try to keep everyone safe great job CCI

  20. A Alex on October 14th, 2017 5:14 am

    Her son is in for 30 years and she lost his earnings. Please explain her loss when its costong the state $30k a year to keep him from robb1ing people