Escambia County Using New Device To Fight Mosquitoes

October 12, 2017

Imagine enjoying your favorite sporting event or a day at the park without constantly swatting away pesky mosquitoes. The City of Pensacola and Escambia County are partnering with Gulf Power on a project that could make those outdoor events more pleasurable.

In perhaps one of its most buzz-worthy projects, Gulf Power is working with the makers of DynaTrap® to test an innovative mosquito control prototype in a pilot project with the city and county to help control the mosquito populations in those areas tested. The traps mount to outdoor dedicated lighting poles and other structures.

The mosquito control prototypes will be tested in several public locations around the community such as the Southwest Sports Complex, the Escambia County Equestrian Center, Maritime Park, Bayview Park and Roger Scott Sports Complex.

“Mosquitoes can cause itchy bites and even spread dangerous diseases, and this high-tech trap offers an alternative to chemical pesticides,” said Kimberly Blair, Gulf Power spokesperson. “The goal of the new pilot project with the city and county is to develop an easy and effective mosquito-control measure.”

DynaTrap is a technology-driven indoor/outdoor insect trap that protects against mosquitoes. Unlike other bug prevention solutions, DynaTrap is chemical- and pesticide-free and environmentally friendly. The device uses UV light and carbon dioxide to attract mosquitos. In this innovative prototype, mosquitoes are drawn to the device and the mosquitos are vacuumed in and eliminated.

Tim Day, Escambia County’s Natural Resources Management Department Senior Manager, said the county is excited to partner with Gulf Power to innovatively reduce the mosquito population in public spaces without harming beneficial pollinating insects that are sometimes negatively impacted by chemical sprays.

“Escambia County mosquito control uses larvicide to kill mosquitos before they fly and adulticide fog as needed.” said Day. “While still an effective program of controlling the mosquito population, there are times that mosquitos may be at a nuisance level until our staff can treat the area.”

This continuous treatment technology, Day said, is anticipated to maintain mosquito populations at very low levels in the public spaces where they are employed.

Bill Kimball, the City of Pensacola Parks and Recreation Department superintendent said he sees many benefits to participating in the mosquito control pilot project.

“We believe that mosquito control is desirable to protect public health, the environment and as a way to improve the overall quality of life,” he said. “Our hope is, this will improve the overall user experience in these parks especially during early evening hours when mosquitoes are more prevalent.”

Testing will begin later this year with devices mounted to approximately 30 light poles around the area. If the pilot program proves successful, the device may be used in other parts of the city and county to fight against mosquitoes. Gulf Power also plans to offer these mosquito control units to customers in 2018 after the pilot is complete.


10 Responses to “Escambia County Using New Device To Fight Mosquitoes”

  1. Bewildered on October 13th, 2017 11:18 am

    I have a small dynotrap zapper and it catches mainly moths and harmless flying insects. Also little frogs jump up in search of a meal and get sucked into the bottom of the trap and get killed. Why can’t anyone come up with a solution that either attracts mosquitos and kills them or keeps them away from humans and pets…no repellant works for me?

  2. A.Wilton Thompson on October 13th, 2017 9:17 am

    Bring us one to Mosquito Flats and we will test it out.Film at 11.

  3. Dale on October 13th, 2017 5:14 am

    I hope they keep a close watch on the traps. I put out a bug zapper that had a uv lamp during the termite swarm season. I left it on during the day and it attracted my bees and I accidentally killed about 50,000 bees before I knew what was happening.

  4. Johan on October 13th, 2017 1:52 am

    The first thought that crossed my mind: Will the traps not be too high up?
    Aedes species are normally found just above ground level. Yet I do realize it is a pilot test. Good luck!

  5. Avis on October 12th, 2017 9:20 pm

    How many of us bought those blue light bug zappers only to find out it only attracts and kills moths.

  6. DA from michigan on October 12th, 2017 5:02 pm

    Try vicks vapor rub!.. i was surprised that it actually worked (at least on Northern mosquitoes ;) )

  7. Wendy Paull on October 12th, 2017 4:00 pm

    I’m very allergic to mosquito bites. I found that a mixture of lemon and eucalyptus essential oils in lotion keep mosquitoes far away from me.

    If these traps can eradicate them, even better!

  8. Howie on October 12th, 2017 12:41 pm

    Bring a few to Hwy297A between Hwy97 and Kingsfield Road. We live near Eleven Mile Creek Skeeter Breeding Grounds. A place where you don’t want to be outdoors. We can’t buy enough OFF, Deep Woods and Avon Skin so Soft.

  9. My2Cents on October 12th, 2017 12:16 pm

    Why not install more bat houses to take care of the problem naturally? Just a thought…

  10. Calvin qualls on October 12th, 2017 8:21 am

    Why not bring some to cantonmemt where they really breed it the wooded areas asap these thing are eating us alive