ECUA: Yard Waste Collections Increase, Some Pickups Late Due To Nate

October 11, 2017

Due to increased volumes of yard debris following Hurricane Nate, ECUA yard waste collections in Escambia County may run behind normal schedules throughout this week.  All routes/collections will be completed but some customers may have their yard waste collection later in the day than they normally do, or their yard waste may be collected on the following day.  All collections will be completed by the end of the day on Saturday.  Yard waste, as defined by the ECUA Sanitation Program, includes leaves, pine straw, grass clippings and small prunings.

To help ensure collections are completed as promptly as possible residents are asked to:

  • Not use their garbage or recycling can for yard waste. Yard waste is collected separately from household garbage and recyclables so it can be composted.
  • Place bagged, bundled, or canned yard waste within two feet of the curb and away from the street/road.
  • Contain small yard waste, leaves, pine straw and grass clippings in standard garbage containers or bags (preferably compostable) that do not exceed 32 gallons in size or weigh more than 40 pounds when full. The ECUA will collect up to 20 yard trash bags or cans each week.
  • Cut limbs should not exceed six feet in length or 40 pounds in weight, and must be bundled in two piles of no more than two 6’ W x 6’ D x 6’ H.
  • Ensure that yard waste is placed by the curb for collection by 5:30 a.m. on the normal collection day.

Customers are asked to call ECUA Customer Service at 476-0480 if their yard waste has not been collected by the end of the day following their regular collection day.


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