Convicted Felons Arrested With 1,500 Rounds Of Ammo, Guns Outside Nine Mile Restaurant

October 6, 2017

Two convicted felons were arrested Tuesday night outside a West Nine Mile Road businesses in possession of several weapons and over 1,500 rounds of ammunition — one of the men allegedly high after huffing canned air, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Ronald Clark Roddenberrry, age 49 of Atmore and Christopher Aaron Roddenberry, age 28 of Cantonment, were both charged with felony possession of a weapon by a convicted felon. Ronald Roddenberry was also charged with inhaling harmful chemicals. The family relationship between the two men, if any, was not released.

Deputies responded to Jersey Mike’s restaurant near Publix on West Nine Mile and Pine Forest roads after receiving a complaint about a man huffing a can of spray paint. A similar complaint was received from the West Nine Mile Road Home Depot store a few hours earlier. Ronald Roddenberry told deputies he was huffing canned air, not spray paint, inside the Home Depot, according to an arrest report.

After observing a shotgun in plan view in the vehicle used by the Roddenberrys, the vehicle was search. Deputies reported finding:

  • a 12 gauge Robust double-barrel shotgun
  • a Chinese model SKS 7.62 caliber rifle
  • 1,000 rounds of 7.62 caliber ammunition in a box
  • various other ammunition in an ammo can
    • 17 rounds of 45 caliber CCI Blazer ammunition
    • 1 loose round of 40 caliber ammunition
    • 50 round of 40 caliber Monarch Smith & Wesson ammunition
    • 25 rounds of UMC 45 caliber ammunition
    • 38 rounds of Federal 9 mm ammunition
    • 136 rounds of Federal 45 caliber ammunition
    • 240 rounds of Norinco 7.62×36 ammunition
    • 9 unknown caliber rifle cartridges
  • can of air duster
  • one long Chinese brand SKS magazine
  • one short Chinese brand SKS magazine

The arresting deputy reported that Ronald Roddenberry appeared to be under the influence of narcotics.

The vehicle and firearms were not stolen, according to deputies.

Ronald Clark Roddenberry remained in the Escambia County Jail Friday morning with bond set at $16,000. Christopher Aaron Roddenberry remained in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $15,000.


50 Responses to “Convicted Felons Arrested With 1,500 Rounds Of Ammo, Guns Outside Nine Mile Restaurant”

  1. Dixie Dragon on October 9th, 2017 1:01 am

    Once it goes to court, the real story will be presented, the charges will be dropped or reduced and the only one in serious danger of jail time will probably be the huffer. Unless they were on parole and facing parole violation charges this is technically a minor infraction – the real gun owner was present and legally owned the weapons. At worst a lapse of judgment. People are a little stressed and over sensitive since last weekend. Everyone needs to just sit back and BREATHE.

  2. Infidel Numéro Uno on October 8th, 2017 1:51 pm

    Actually the 2nd amendment was written for these weapons as well. We have the 2nd to protect us from a gov’t, foreign or domestic, that intends on ruling with tyranny and denying us our other rights. And if the gov’t has high capacity large caliber guns, then we will need and shall have the same. And these 2 may be losers but being a loser and huffing paint doesn’t carry a life sentence as it shouldn’t. And possession of a firearm by a convicted felon doesn’t either,. I think it carries a 5 year sentence. The answer is not always putting people under he jail forever. Get a grip folks.

  3. Please think b4 you speak on October 7th, 2017 10:32 am

    310 million guns in the us 13,286 gun related deaths in 2015
    253 million cars in the us 38,300 vehicle related deaths in 2015

    If you don’t like guns that’s fine. But don’t ask for gun control if your not willing to give up your car.

  4. Valiant Thor on October 7th, 2017 7:22 am

    Odd. Unless modified with an expensive new stock, the SKS fires from an internal 5-round magazine. It doesn’t use “long” or “short” magazines like an AK or AR.

  5. Robert on October 7th, 2017 4:07 am

    Duh, the were practicing for the militia.

  6. Christina on October 7th, 2017 12:43 am

    I think that it’s there business . What’s done is done no one can change it. That’s someone’s son , husband etc..

  7. Caraway on October 6th, 2017 11:44 pm


    “the founding fathers didn’t presume that we’d have SKS 7.62 rifles, AR-15’s, high capacity magazines, etc. in the days of musket guns.”

    The second amendment was written to prevent a tyrannical government from rising. As their firepower advances, so does ours.

  8. Jcellops on October 6th, 2017 11:07 pm

    This is, perhaps, a little more complicated than what one might initially take from the story provided. If there were surveillance cameras in the parking lot of Jersey Mike’s, it would be easy to prove what “eyewitness” related- that Chris was not a passenger (contrary to what was inferred by the sheriff’s report, “in the vehicle used by the Roddenberry’s”). I’m sure that the judge, or jury, will be able sort this out. Lesson: chose your friends wisely- especially, felons.

  9. Rick Duff on October 6th, 2017 9:45 pm

    A lot of the societal issue we’ve faced over the past several decades are a result of the shutdown of public asylums, and subsequent release of unstable people onto the streets because keeping them confined was “cruel”…

  10. Rick Duff on October 6th, 2017 9:30 pm

    @safebear Assault weapons are weapons capable of full auto mode of operation. In order to own one in this country, you must be Class 3 licensed(expensive), and buy the weapon($15k-25k). It DOESNT happen much….

  11. Skipper on October 6th, 2017 8:37 pm

    @trey There also were no computers, no iPad, no cell phones, no Tv’s when the Amendments were written, therefore, you shouldn’t be able to own anything more than a quill , an inkwell and parchment paper to practice free speech with, correct?

  12. chris on October 6th, 2017 6:55 pm

    I recommend the 100 round drum for the 7.62×39.

  13. Olin S Schultz on October 6th, 2017 5:51 pm

    Ok, lets assume that the guns are not Ron’s. Who, in their right mind would ride around with that type of fire power after what happened in Vegas. Give me a break.

  14. Robert on October 6th, 2017 4:14 pm

    @ELO,. Actually I think this is a good idea why good laws would help. A routine traffic stop finds illegal guns, and the people get some mandatory sentence just like someone who is found with a pipe bomb in their car. Sooner or later criminals would hopefully figure it isn’t worth it to carry a weapon of mass destruction and get the mandatory sentence.

  15. Robert on October 6th, 2017 4:05 pm

    @ Grand Locust. I respectfully disagree. Please give me some good reasons why every single person is this country should be able to own a magazine with over 20 rounds. How about bump stocks? I can give 58 reasons and rising why we shouldn’t from last week.

    I believe a little common sense would go a long way in gun regulation. I don’t understand why it seems like an all or nothing argument. Can’t we meet in the middle somewhere

    You are correct in the fact that people kill. However, if someone is planning to kill, I’d rather they have a knife than a rifle capable of shooting nine rounds a second with a 50 round magazine.

  16. Les Lassiter on October 6th, 2017 3:40 pm

    I am stunned at the lack of knowledge exhibited by some of the people making these posts. Tell me where can a 7 year old legally purchase any type weapon. Same goes for a convicted felon. Even if a convicted felon lies on his application, he will be exposed & denied the ability to purchase a weapon in a legal transaction. a person attempting to purchase a gun is required to fill out a OMB 1512-0129 and it is processed through the AFT data base for eligibility to purchase. If the applicant is a felon or has been deemed unfit due to drug addiction, domestic violence, or been adjudicated for a defective mental impairment, etc this applicant is not permitted to purchase a weapon. No if’s, and’s or but’s, the weapon is not transferred to the applicant.

  17. EyeWitness on October 6th, 2017 2:46 pm

    This article only tells half the story actually it only tells the facts that were available and not the story behind it.I will start by saying Ronald is a dumbass for huffing air duster which is what set this in motion.With that said those guns did not belong to either of them..They belonged to a passenger in the vehicle whom is not a felon and was not aware of Ronald Rodenberry being a felon. But unfortunatley it doesnt matter who the guns belong to because the law states a convicted felon isnt allowed to be in possession physical or constructive.Constructive means in the home or vehicle.So according to the law Ronald Rodenbury was breaking it at the time and because of his ignorancy steming from huffing duster he is now incarcerated and facing some jail time.With that being said he was not in danger to anyone really except his self.Now Christopher Roddenbury was actually not even a passenger in the vehicle he mereley got into the truck for not even a minute and once he realized the guns were in there he exoyed as quickly as possible..So thats the real Story!

  18. Trey on October 6th, 2017 2:07 pm

    Chris Saul – “If the constitution only meant that we should have muskets using ball and cap to fire then you should use a quill pen and india ink and deliver this to the north escambia office via horseback.”

    Really? That’s your argument for allowing anyone to have any kind of gun? You might as well use “I’m rubber, you’re glue. Bounces off me and sticks to you.”

    Yes, times have changed and so has technology. If I had a quill pen, maybe I would write a letter. Could I borrow yours? If you truly believe that it’s okay for any American to possess any gun in any capacity in any quantity, please let us know.

  19. Pencil on October 6th, 2017 1:31 pm

    What i’m really worried about is copycat crimes . . . . . usually after a big shooting like Vegas, you have several smaller incidents that follow with people trying to get their name in the paper . . . . and I don’t want one happening here.

    I was there when the younger man was in custody right in front of Jersey Mike’s and he was in the company of a female . . . I wonder if they took her in, she wasn’t mentioned but surely she knew about their records and the ammo stash.

    People looking the other way (especially his female friend) or helping him out is how the Vegas shooter was able to get so much done in plain sight.

    If we had sensible gun control in all 50 states, we could at least keep the meth heads and substance inhalers from building up small arsenals!

  20. Chris Saul on October 6th, 2017 12:20 pm

    @Trey Yes, the 2nd Amendment gives the right to bear arms, but the founding fathers didn’t presume that we’d have SKS 7.62 rifles, AR-15’s, high capacity magazines, etc. in the days of musket guns. Just because you CAN have something doesn’t mean you SHOULD. There’s no age requirement in the constitution, but would you allow a 7 year old to walk around with a semi-automatic weapon? What about someone high on drugs? The constitution doesn’t mention that. I pray that no loved one of yours is ever hurt by senseless gun violence. Yes, people are the ones who pull the trigger to do bad things. We should address that issue, too. But why make it easy for people who really should’t have a gun (mentally ill, criminals, terrorists, gang members, children) to be able to get one? There’s going to have to be some compromise to solve the issues we have these days.

    If the constitution only meant that we should have muskets using ball and cap to fire then you should use a quill pen and india ink and deliver this to the north escambia office via horseback.

  21. ELO on October 6th, 2017 12:14 pm

    This is a perfect example of how gun laws DO NOT stop criminals. Making laws only controls law abiding citizens. Criminals will never obey a law. So wake up people and prepare to defend yourselves, when the stretched thin ECSO can’t protect you. Only changed hearts will make us safer. Until then…

  22. Just me on October 6th, 2017 12:04 pm

    Oh and Willis… a Chinese model SKS 7.62 caliber rifle
    1,000 rounds of 7.62 caliber ammunition in a box a long Chinese brand SKS magazine and a short Chinese brand SKS magazine… Nope no ammo to fit them at all

  23. A on October 6th, 2017 11:33 am

    NorthEscambia, where’s the rest of the story? This paints a picture of the two riding around with guns getting high. That’s not quite the case. Chris was not riding with him, nor did he know the guns were in the vehicle at the time (nor was he huffing air duster…). He was with someone else and they met in the parking lot because they are family & live in separate states. The guns belonged to another person with Ron. Why weren’t the three others who were there mentioned? Chris was also not in the vehicle, but in one of the stores at the time of arrest.

  24. EOS on October 6th, 2017 11:02 am

    Convicted felons lose their rights to be in possession of a firearm once they are convicted,but they can be restored if they follow the proper procedure to have their rights restored once they have completed their sentence (time service in prison or community supervision) and submit a request to the Florida Commission on Offender Review after the proper time has expired once they have completed their sentence. This is per Florida Statues. Convicted felons are educated of this once they are in the system, but they choose what they may think is the easy way. Too bad for these two individuals, because once you are caught in possession of weapons and or ammo manufactured outside the state that you are in and they did not request to have their rights restored and they were granted those rights, then say hello to hard federal time. They will just have to sit an wait for a Federal Grand Jury to indict them.

  25. Rene’ on October 6th, 2017 9:48 am

    Wow thank goodness the police got these guys before god knows what would happen

  26. Trocarman on October 6th, 2017 9:19 am

    Trey, I agree with you 100%. Excellent post.

  27. anne 1of2 on October 6th, 2017 9:18 am

    A perfect example of why no American will give up their gun. Felons have no right to own guns, but s we can see, they do, yet the gov’t expects us to believe we will be safer if we don’t own one. Are they crazy or what?

  28. Gary on October 6th, 2017 9:16 am

    Let’s see what happens when they go to court.

  29. whatever on October 6th, 2017 9:08 am

    Grand Locust…..try and pry my guns from my brain dead hands….enough said..

  30. Willis on October 6th, 2017 9:06 am

    What do you mean so many weapons?
    Chinese sks rifle, robust double barrel shotgun.

    2 guns, several Calibers of cartridges that won’t fit them.

  31. 3rdstrike on October 6th, 2017 8:42 am


  32. amclemore on October 6th, 2017 8:40 am

    Actually federal law for convicted felons states that several rights are lost. Of those that are lost are the right to vote, serve on a jury, hold public office, own or possess firearms. Title 18 states all of this.

  33. Former citizen on October 6th, 2017 8:34 am

    Oh grand locust,

    “In regard to use of firearms by felons: It is illegal in Florida for convicted felons to possess firearms, including muzzle loading guns, unless the convicted felon has had his/her civil rights restored and firearm authority restored by the state’s Clemency Board or the gun qualifies as an antique firearm under Florida statute 790.001(1). Properly licensed convicted felons may hunt with bows or crossbows during hunting seasons when such devices are legal for taking game.”

  34. Cantonment grl on October 6th, 2017 8:11 am

    Convicted felons lose their 2nd amendment rights.

  35. Safebear on October 6th, 2017 7:27 am

    Grand Locust – The second amendment was written in the 1700’s when there was no military or police. Back then the guns could only fire 1 shot at a time and people needed them to protect life and property. There is no reason for anyone, other than military or police to have any assault weapons, anything that makes a weapon into an assault weapon, more guns than they can hunt with or that much ammunition. I am a gun owner but I can’t understand why so many people have so many guns. Nobody questioned why the guy in Nevada had so many guns until he killed 59 people and injured over 500. What are you planning?

  36. Janice Poolson on October 6th, 2017 7:27 am

    The key point is “Conviced Felons” can’t own firearms, they broke lie law if they only had one! That is why it’s a story!

  37. joy bryant on October 6th, 2017 7:23 am

    I can’t believe people STUPID enough not to question all of those weapons sitting in a car or anywhere else. We have a right to have protection for our homes and family – which I also have BUT THIS AMOUNG IS NOT WHAT THE CONSTITUTION GUARANTEED – get a grip

  38. Holly Ray on October 6th, 2017 7:13 am

    Yes, please let’s take up for the FELONS who have enough Guns and ammo to do some real damage! THANK God they were taken into custody. Felons have no right to bear arms.. get a grip!! Especially high of duster!

  39. Chris Saul on October 6th, 2017 7:08 am

    “Why talk about this. The second amendment says every American can have as many guns as they want. The courts and congress have NO right to restrict ownership because of a felony. The courts or congress cannot regulate guns. Get used to it and try to pry my guns from my brain dead hands. Guns do not kill…..huffing cans of spray paint kill. Pass a law to ban spray paint and leave our guns alone.”

    It said they were convicted felons.

  40. Cc on October 6th, 2017 7:04 am

    Yes we have the right to own guns……. but ….. these two were convicted felons. So no they do not have the same rights as law abiding citizens.

  41. Sam on October 6th, 2017 7:02 am

    FELONS cannot have fire arms. It is the law.

  42. Trey on October 6th, 2017 7:01 am

    Grand Locust, with all due respect, it’s thinking like yours that’s allowing any nutjob with a credit card to buy a gun and kill your fellow Americans. There has to be some common sense (which isn’t so common these days) with gun laws. Yes, the 2nd Amendment gives the right to bear arms, but the founding fathers didn’t presume that we’d have SKS 7.62 rifles, AR-15’s, high capacity magazines, etc. in the days of musket guns. Just because you CAN have something doesn’t mean you SHOULD. There’s no age requirement in the constitution, but would you allow a 7 year old to walk around with a semi-automatic weapon? What about someone high on drugs? The constitution doesn’t mention that. I pray that no loved one of yours is ever hurt by senseless gun violence. Yes, people are the ones who pull the trigger to do bad things. We should address that issue, too. But why make it easy for people who really should’t have a gun (mentally ill, criminals, terrorists, gang members, children) to be able to get one? There’s going to have to be some compromise to solve the issues we have these days.

  43. area resident on October 6th, 2017 6:56 am

    Get that jail built ASAP! Then the judges can set bail at $1M where it ought to be and hold these losers.

  44. Donna Jones on October 6th, 2017 6:37 am

    There bonds are so low. How are bonds set? Bond setting needs to be address.

  45. TJ on October 6th, 2017 6:35 am

    @Grand Locust, the keepers of the Constitution, SCOTUS upheld the laws restricting convicted felons from owning guns and voting. When you are convicted of a felony you lose your civil rights. Get use to it, it’s the law!

  46. Mom against felons possessing guns on October 6th, 2017 6:33 am

    @Grand Locust–You can’t be serious! If you are a law abiding citizen more power to you…I wouldn’t want to pry your guns from your cold dead hands but, you seriously think these guys should be allowed to have weapons? Yea..that’s a safe combination for the general public! I am all for gun rights but only for law abiding mentally stable citizens, neither of which these guys are. People with your thought process scare the crap out of me.

  47. Dennis on October 6th, 2017 6:32 am

    Nothing said about guns being stolen so undoubtedly they were bought by them from some ‘law abiding’ citizen………

  48. Jim on October 6th, 2017 6:10 am

    Jails are full they will be back on the streets in no time

  49. Grand Locust on October 6th, 2017 4:31 am

    Why talk about this. The second amendment says every American can have as many guns as they want. The courts and congress have NO right to restrict ownership because of a felony. The courts or congress cannot regulate guns. Get used to it and try to pry my guns from my brain dead hands. Guns do not kill…..huffing cans of spray paint kill. Pass a law to ban spray paint and leave our guns alone.

  50. Trocarman on October 6th, 2017 3:47 am

    What were these guys doing with so many weapons?
    Huffing air? Shouldn’t these guys be locked up for the remainder of their lives?