Approval Granted For Bridge Design Funding On Dawson And O.C. Phillip Roads

October 1, 2017

Escambia County and the Florida Department of Transportation are set to enter into  agreements to design a replacements for a bridge on O.C. Phillips Road near Walnut Hill and Dawson Road south of Century.

O.C. Phillips Road

The Local Agency Program Agreement will see the $675,000 estimated cost to design the bridge over Brushy Creek split 75-25 between the state and the county, with FDOT providing $506,250 and Escambia County providing $168,750. Design is expected to be complete in June 2019.

After a design is accepted by FDOT, the department will work to acquire any necessary property. Once acquisition is complete, the county would be able to submit a separate request to FDOT for construction funding. The expected future replacement cost is estimated at $1,365,984 with the county’s 25 percent share at $341,496.

The County’s share of construction funding is available in 2022, as shown on the “LOST IV Bridge Program” priorities list that is pending Board of County Commissioners’ approval.

The bridge is located about a mile east of South Pineville Road.

Dawson Road

The Local Agency Program Agreement will see the $650,000 estimated cost to design the Dawson Board bridge over Pritchett Mill Branch split 75-25 between the state and the county, with FDOT providing $487,500 and Escambia County providing $162,500. Design is expected to be complete in June 2019.

After a design is accepted by FDOT, the department will work to acquire any necessary property. Once acquisition is complete, the county would be able to submit a separate request to FDOT for construction funding. The expected future replacement cost is estimated at $1,381,590 with the county’s 25 percent share at $345,397.

The County’s share of construction funding is available in 2022, as shown on the “LOST IV Bridge Program” priorities list that is pending Board of County Commissioners’ approval.

The bridge is located just north of Bluff Springs Road.


7 Responses to “Approval Granted For Bridge Design Funding On Dawson And O.C. Phillip Roads”

  1. David Huie Green on October 4th, 2017 6:50 pm

    ” what should we do about the road going to the gravel lakes or even the fish camp, they’re both dead end roads. Should we close them completely,”


    Reopen the former Dawson Road as platted for that end, extend the Fish camp area to Whirlpool. Or: Add a crossing just shy of first gravel lake where it would allow escapes in cases of derailments and toxic gases further north on Dawson Road.
    (I miss Charlie Dawson.)

    Or build a bridge across to Dykestown Road.

    David for solutions

  2. Resident on October 4th, 2017 3:51 pm

    @David Huie Green so what should we do about the road going to the gravel lakes or even the fish camp, they’re both dead end roads. Should we close them completely, I mean there is only 1 way in and out on both of them roads. I’m sure if they made Dawson Road a dead end road it won’t be the only dead end in Escambia Florida will it

  3. David Huie Green on October 3rd, 2017 10:03 pm

    ” Lets close the bridge perminately, make it a dead end road,”

    Every location needs more than one exit. Dead ends are called that for a reason.

    David for escapes from harm

  4. commuter on October 2nd, 2017 2:15 pm

    Half my route to work is construction, barrels, road blocks, and backed up traffic.

  5. Resident on October 2nd, 2017 6:17 am

    I live on Dawson road with 6 other residents. We all live North of the bridge. Lets close the bridge perminately, make it a dead end road, and save the tax payers a whole lot of money.

  6. David Huie Green on October 1st, 2017 10:26 pm

    That is amazing. It makes you wonder how the first bridge held up all those heavy vehicles all those decades.

    David for good value

  7. bartender on October 1st, 2017 8:55 am

    thats so cost that much to make papers to close another bridge.if they keep closing bridges all over we not gona have no roadfs open.must be a company that needs a big payout.what do they pay engineers for.thats as bad as the sheriff posting his picture on a tax payers cost. why all the sudden the fixing all the bridges at once? should have been done years ago.