Alabama Volunteer Firefighter Arrested On Child Pornography Charges

October 19, 2017

An Alabama volunteer firefighter has been arrested on a child pornography charges involving a local victim.

David “Noah” Perdue, age 19 of Brewton was charged with five counts of possession of child pornography and attempt to possession obscene material. He surrendered himself to the Escambia County (AL) Sheriff’s Office on Wednesday and was booked into the Escambia County (AL) Detention Center in Brewton.

The victim was under age 18, according to investigators.

The investigation into Perdue began in August when the Escambia County (AL) Sheriff’s Offcie received a complaint from parents that believed there had been inappropriate contact of a sexual nature with their minor child. An investigation by followed by the Sheriff’s Office, Alabama Department of Human Resources and the Child Advocacy Center.

Officials said Perdue was a volunteer firefighter with the Barnett Crossroads Volunteer Fire Department. Information on his current status with the department was not available.


9 Responses to “Alabama Volunteer Firefighter Arrested On Child Pornography Charges”

  1. Mike on October 21st, 2017 8:30 pm

    LIL GIRL made a great argument. If a 17 years old lady sends her nude pictures to a 19 years old guy, he will have child porn pics in his phone – is this correct? He, being an adult, will be arrested for possession of child porn – is this correct?
    Now, is she going to be arrested for disseminating child porn by sending her own nude pictures?

  2. Robert on October 21st, 2017 7:46 am

    We don’t know any of the details from this article. Please don’t assume the girl sent anything, because the article doesn’t say that. All the article says is that he was attempting to possess child pornography, and that there were some pictures (we don’t know of whom). This probably was a difficult decision to come forward for all involved, and we are making a lot of assumptions about people that may have no basis in fact.

  3. RASHEED jACKSON on October 20th, 2017 12:11 pm

    A high school senior can date a freshman and nothing will be said. A 19 year old dates a senior and it’s child abuse?

  4. LIL GIRL on October 20th, 2017 9:08 am

    I also agree with Mike 100%..
    I’m a mother and love my children more then anything in the world. Come on folks if the law in Al will trial you as Adult at 17 and let you drop out of school without your parents permission at 16 then I cant see where you can charge this boy(Yes I said boy) cause he is only one year over the so called adult age and her a year under in mind set NO Difference then she needs to be also charged as an adult for sending graphic photos via cellphone or internet..Then maybe Her parents will find out this wasn’t her first rodeo and let her get with the next real criminal or drug addict/dealer. Hopefully his life isn’t ruin and leave this LIL GIRL alone for her parents to raise.

  5. Bewildered on October 20th, 2017 9:06 am

    Thanks Robert for clarifying these laws for old folks. If it’s against the law to solicit nude pictures, why is it legal to make nude selfies and send them? If the age of consent in Alabama is really 16 and not 18 – seems punishment in this case should go both ways.

  6. Robert on October 20th, 2017 8:05 am

    I hope this is a much needed wake up call to young men. Asking someone for nude pics is sexual harassment and against the law. If you get these pictures sent to you and the victim is under 18, you possess child pornography.

    We all as men really need to step up our character and treat women with respect, just like we would our mother and sister.

  7. bewildered on October 20th, 2017 7:36 am

    If Mike is correct and it is true that the “child” is 17+ years old and he is 19 molestation are ridiculous charges. Disgruntled parents or a consentual relationship gone sour would be behind this frivolent accusation. I have a 17 year old granddaughter and would not believe for one minute that any 19 year old kid made her do something she did not want to do. Wake up people and use common sense!

  8. paul on October 20th, 2017 7:35 am

    I believe the age of consent in Alabama is 16.. Just don’t take pictures..

  9. Mike on October 19th, 2017 8:15 pm

    So, he is 19 and his victim of “child abuse” is under 18. A 1.5 years difference, and he is an adult abusing a child? Come on folks, where is the common sense?

    Photos of a 17.5 years old is a child pornography?? I guess a sharp change happens on the 18th Birthday. Her body does not change on that day, but if you had her picture a day before, you had child pornography, the day after you are fine.

    A 60 years old molesting a 10 years old is obviously a child abuse, but a couple whose birthdays are a 1.5 years apart???