Workshop To Help Landowners Do Battle With Invasive Species
September 4, 2017
The Florida Forest Stewardship Program and the Six Rivers Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area are presenting a workshop September 28, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the University of Florida Extension office on Airport Road in Crestview.
The title of the workshop is Invasive Exotic Species and Control and the topics will include herbicide label, required personal protective equipment, applications techniques, herbicide resistance, modes of action, rotation, terrestrial and aquatic invasive exotic plants and control update, invasive species identification and look-alikes, established and new invasive exotic insects, and working with the Six Rivers CISMA.
Participants can learn about identifying and controlling cogon grass, Japanese climbing fern, privets and other non-native invasive species. Participants can earn pesticide applicator and forestry CEUs. Registration is $10 per person and participants may sign up on line at or call (850) 689-5850.
Pictured top: Cogon grass. Photo for, click to enlarge.
One Response to “Workshop To Help Landowners Do Battle With Invasive Species”
A lot of our cogongrass problem in Escambia county is caused by the local road department. They are required by county standards to clean equipment after working in areas where invasive species are present yet they refuse to do so. Therefore they carry that invasive plant to other areas of the county, spreading the problem.