Work Begins Monday To Lower Nine Mile Road Beneath I-10

September 30, 2017

Construction to widen Nine Mile Road from two to four lanes between Beulah Road and Pine Forest Road will require lowering the roadway beneath the I-10 overpass. Nine Mile Road will be lowered by about two feet.

Beginning Monday, Nine Mile Road will be reduced to one lane in each direction for about one-half mile on either side of the I-10 overpass. East and westbound traffic will be shifted to the inside lanes as crews lower the elevation of the outside roadway. Once crews have completed the work, traffic will be shifted to the outside lanes and construction to lower the inside travel lanes will begin. Drivers can expect the temporary lane closures to be in place until all work is complete.

File photo.


12 Responses to “Work Begins Monday To Lower Nine Mile Road Beneath I-10”

  1. Jesse on October 2nd, 2017 7:17 pm

    Planning takes time. It’s not like the county decided to do this road work 2 months ago…it’s been in the works for years. It wasn’t always apparent that NFCU was going to expand the way it has. You people need to accept that rapid growth comes with drawbacks. Yeesh.

  2. RD on October 2nd, 2017 12:11 pm

    Build the infrastructure before thousands of employees need to get to work every day. They could of lowered that bridge 5 years ago and no one would of even noticed. The State has owned the necessary right of way to 4 lane ALT-90 for probably 50 years but did not make it a priority until after the NFCU had decided to move here. What a cluster.

  3. mel on October 2nd, 2017 7:01 am

    need to go ahead and stage a fire truck an ambulance and hyw. patrol to work the wrecks ,other wise they will not be able to respond .

  4. Anonymous on October 1st, 2017 7:13 pm

    I dont know the specifics of the project but the road is most likely being lowered to meet the Federal Highway Administration vertical clearance requirement.

  5. Flo on September 30th, 2017 2:12 pm

    It’s a fact the county commissioners do things backwards. This road should have been 4 lanes years ago. How long has Navy Federal been out there??? Once finished, Nine Mile Road west of 29 will be a raceway. East of 29 the speed limit is 45. Do people do 45??? I don’t think so more like 55-60.
    How long will this part of Nine Mile take to finish. So glad I don’t have to travel anymore than I have to any more.

  6. EMD on September 30th, 2017 1:10 pm

    Just wondering why so many projects causing so many detours at the same time. WHY can’t they finish one project before beginning another. Seems crazy and thoughtless of the tax payers.

  7. Julie on September 30th, 2017 11:09 am

    Wish the Kingfiled/Beulah I10 exit could be a reality!

  8. Lee on September 30th, 2017 10:31 am

    It would be nice to have the roads fixed that been needing it for years.Roads like muscogee,Balboa,Santa Rosa,Isabella and Well Line road.These roads have been neglected for a long time now.Can’t even get the stop sign fixed on Perdido road.Somebody hit it over 3 months ago and still haven’t been fixed.And even before it was hit people continuously ran it.We have been needing speed bumps for the longest.But it’s just being over looked as usual.

  9. Olin S Schultz on September 30th, 2017 8:57 am

    Here we go again. Traffic is already congested and it is almost impossible to get to work on time.

  10. Pam on September 30th, 2017 8:41 am

    It is unfortunate that road construction projects in the area were not better coordinated. The bottlenecks on 9 mile and the closing of Muskogee rd so you are unable to access Beulah rd have left alternatives to a minimum when combining from the north of these projects. Seems like someone dropped the ball here and did not consider the overall impact to the area in conjunction with other projects.

  11. Honest John on September 30th, 2017 6:29 am

    Did they say how many months that’s gonna take to complete ? All of this construction is happening at one time because Escambia Co. is behind 20 years on roads.

  12. Ponderosa hill on September 30th, 2017 5:48 am

    So after lowering the road (WHY) ? It’ll turn into a pond
    during after heavy rains ?