West Florida Libraries Offer Special Edition Library Card

September 21, 2017

West Florida Public Libraries will offer a special edition library card in September in honor of Library Card Sign-up Month.

The special edition card features Teen Titans, a fictional superhero team appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.

The Escambia County Board of County Commissioners officially proclaimed September as Library Card Sign-up Month during the regular board meeting Thursday, Sept. 7.

While library cards are always free for Escambia County residents, the usual $3 replacement fee for lost or damaged cards will be waived during the month of September, as part of the celebration.

Escambia County residents can find information about getting a library card or sign up online by clicking here.

September was designated as Library Card Sign-up Month by the American Library Association in 1987, after then Secretary of Education William J. Bennett issued a challenge. The challenge was for a national campaign encouraging every child to obtain and regularly use a library card.


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