Weekend Gardening: It’s Easy To Attract Hummingbirds

September 3, 2017

by UF/IFAS Extension Service

Few sights are more thrilling in the garden than rapidly moving hummingbirds darting among colorful flowers. Hummingbirds, also known as hummers, are always a wonder to see, and it’s easy to attract them to your garden.

In Florida, we see three different types of hummingbirds, but the most common is the ruby-throated. This feathered jewel is only about three inches long and weighs as little as a single penny.

For their size, hummingbirds have among the largest appetites in the bird world. They feed every 10 or 15 minutes from dawn until dusk. During this period, they eat more than half their weight in food and 8 times their weight in water.

If you’re fascinated by hummingbirds, you probably hang out a feeder or two in the summer to provide them with sugar water. Artificial feeders will attract hummingbirds.

However, feeders should not be the sole source of food provided. The sugar solution may appeal to the hummingbirds’ sweet tooth, but it provides little nourishment. Nectar is much more vital to the hummingbird than just water and sugar. By planting certain flowers and shrubs, home gardeners can provide food and habitat for hummingbirds.

Typical hummingbird flowers are red, have a tubular shape and have no strong scent. But there are several notable exceptions to this general rule. Many plants with red flowers don’t contain very much nectar. Roses, petunias, geraniums and zinnias have brilliant colors but little nectar.

Plants that produce an abundance of flowers over an extended period of time and those that require little care are good choices. Native plants can “fill the bill” where nectar-seekers are concerned and should be used whenever possible.

Perennials that are recommended as nectar sources include butterfly milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa), red basil (Calamintha coccinea), shrimp plant (Justicia brandegeana), cigar plant (Cuphea ignea), firespike (Odontonema stricta), red star hibiscus (Hibiscus coccineus), and obedient plant (Physostegia spp.).

It’s also important to plant a mixture of nectar producing trees, vines and shrubs that have overlapping blooming seasons. This will insure that a continuous source of nectar will be available to hummingbirds throughout the growing season. Some of the species recommended include red buckeye, bottlebrush, firebush (Hamelia patens), wild azalea, trumpet vine, and coral honeysuckle.

Contrary to popular belief, hummingbirds are not strictly nectar feeders. Insects and other invertebrates are the primary source of protein for adult hummingbirds and their young. An adult female can consume up to 2,000 insects per day. Small invertebrates including mosquitoes, gnats, small bees, fruit flies, spiders, caterpillars, aphids, and insects eggs make up the hummingbirds diet. So keep your plants free of pesticides. Pesticides destroy the insect food base vital to hummingbirds and their offspring, and may also contaminate the nectar they drink.

And if you do use artificial feeders, remember that the sugar solutions must be kept fresh. Florida’s hot weather can cause rapid bacterial growth in these feeders and birds that drink contaminated water could die. To avoid this, change the solution every 3 to 5 days. Clean the feeders with hot water and white vinegar. Do not use soap or chlorine bleach.


16 Responses to “Weekend Gardening: It’s Easy To Attract Hummingbirds”

  1. H on September 4th, 2017 2:11 pm

    We still have ours here in Western NJ, just saw her today!

  2. Melody LaRue on September 4th, 2017 11:51 am

    I just LOVE seeing our little humdingers. WA state.

  3. It is Finished on September 4th, 2017 9:40 am

    Here in Lottie, Ala. they visit everyday about the same time, 3-4, peek in the window as to say hello, at 4:30 everyday, love these creations of an awesome God…..

  4. Janet on September 4th, 2017 8:42 am

    Do hummingbirds show up in September in Dallas, Texas?

  5. Kathren S. Curran on September 3rd, 2017 9:01 pm

    Im in ne kansas and i still have them around. I’ve read they are juveniles that hang around a bit longer. :)

  6. Lisa Eckerle on September 3rd, 2017 8:43 pm

    Our hummingbirds are still here in norfolk Virginia. They too are gere a lot longer. I hope they don’t get hurt here we are suppose to get hurricane Irma.

  7. Diane M Cox on September 3rd, 2017 8:27 pm

    Diane from Taylors SC. We didn’t see a hummingbird til July this and last year. Is that normal.

  8. Dianna on September 3rd, 2017 8:12 pm

    We are in Brewton, Alabama and our hummingbirds are still here too:)
    I sit my feeder on the ledge outside my kitchen window. I love watching them come right up to the window to eat.

  9. Kathleen Elliott on September 3rd, 2017 6:46 pm

    Area: Eugene, OR. Love, love the hummers. Had to change out the feeders due to Honey bee swarming. Got a copper one.to one that keeps.the bees out, and put plugs in the saucers. We’ll that not viditing. Any ideas? Also, running 90 to 100 this week. Would that keep them away.

  10. Betty on September 3rd, 2017 11:55 am

    Im in Alabama and weve only had maybe 6 feeding this year. Last year we had at least 15. It has been a hot summer, dont know if thats the difference.

  11. Betty on September 3rd, 2017 11:53 am

    I wish people commenting, would include what state they are in.

  12. Sidney on September 3rd, 2017 11:24 am

    Great informative article.

  13. anne 1of2 on September 3rd, 2017 9:10 am

    I can see my flowers are short on food as the hummingbirds try every flower in my yard but they move on quickly. I stopped using bug spray, thank goodness. Thanks for this informative article.

  14. Emma Lally on September 3rd, 2017 8:33 am

    I love my hummingbirds I look out my picture window and see them eat out of the feeder and flowers my shower and bedroom is decorated in hummingbirds very fascinated birds I’ll miss them this fall and winter but look forward to spring and summer to see them again

  15. Carolyn Bramblett on September 3rd, 2017 7:21 am

    The bottle brush are award winning with the hummingbirds.

  16. Hummer Lover on September 3rd, 2017 6:19 am

    Are the bird cycles mixed up this summer? My hummers are usually on their way out by mid-August, but we still have ours here.