‘Severe Meth Addict’ Charged With ‘Viciously Beating’ Small Dog

September 22, 2017

A Cantonment woman has been arrested for  allegedly “viciously  beating” a small dog while it “cried out in pain”.

Heidie Creamer, 35, was booked into the Escambia County Jail on a felony animal cruelty charged.

She “intentionally and repeatedly” inflicted “unnecessary  pain and suffering on a one-year old, five pound Chiweenie (chihuahua/dachshund mix) dog by picking the dog up by its back leg, raising it in the air, then viciously beating the animal while it screamed out in pain and suffering,” according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report.

Creamer and her boyfriend had been living in a tent on a woman’s property on Frank Ard Road. The woman said Creamer is a “severe meth addict” and her drug abuse had grown out of hand, according to the report The woman told deputies that Creamer walked over the dog and snatched it up as as it was peacefully sleeping in the shade. After the alleged beating, she carried the dog upside down by one leg about 50 feet back to her tent. The woman said Creamer had beat the dog  four or five times in the past month.

Several witnesses provided deputies with a similar account of the incident.

In their report, deputies describer Creamer’s tent and living area as “utterly filthy” with a strong body odor. The report also states Creamer was covered all over her body with festering sores and she appeared to be high on some substance.

The deputy reported that when Creamer stepped out of the tent, the Chiweenie and a Yorkie appeared to cower away and try to move away from her as if in great fear.

Creamer remained in the Escambia County Jail Friday with bond set at $5,000.


40 Responses to “‘Severe Meth Addict’ Charged With ‘Viciously Beating’ Small Dog”

  1. David Huie Green on September 27th, 2017 9:35 pm

    There is more than one kind of sickness.

    Many are self-inflicted such as eating under-cooked meat can cause food poisoning. Of course in cases like that there aren’t as many signs warning about the dangers of eating raw or under-cooked food as there are warnings against drug usage, but tey are there.

    Alcoholism is also a disease but one which will never bother anyone until they drink alcoholic beverages. Thus, it is harder to feel as much sympathy as for those with genetic diseases or those harmed by food or water but they are still sick.

    The thing is that being sick does not excuse everything.

    David for perfect cures

  2. Shay on September 26th, 2017 6:14 am

    “This lady is sick”

    She doesn’t have cancer, being a survivor of breast and ovarian cancer I know. She had a choice to do drugs or not. She chose meth. Her own actions caused her to turn into the monster that she is. She deserves to be labeled an animal abuser and do time in prison. It’ll do her good because maybe then she’ll be clean for a while. I think part of her sentence should be that she is made to work at the county animal shelter(heavily supervised) and see exactly what happens to abused animals.

  3. Tina on September 25th, 2017 10:46 am

    Where are the dogs? Can they be adopted?

  4. Trocarman on September 24th, 2017 8:08 am

    This female does not need a second chance. She didn’t give that dog a second chance. She should be pit away for life as she really has no redeeming value. Let her go through withdrawal in prison like a rabid animal. Lock her up.

  5. Patti Neal on September 23rd, 2017 9:39 pm

    I know this girl personally, I have lived on Williams Ditch most of my life and i believe this lady needs a second chance

  6. Mike on September 23rd, 2017 9:35 pm

    I think the worst about it is the multitude of (slightly) hidden sadists. ” I would have beat her into the hospital! ” “I would love to do to you,what you did to your defense dogs”
    That lady is sick, but those who are willing to do the same to her are a lot more sick, they want to do it, they would enjoy beating somebody to death, they just need an excuse to do it. In all societies the executioner was a shameful profession, but here it looks like a lot of folks are just awaiting the command …

  7. Dee on September 23rd, 2017 7:59 pm

    Five minutes with this trash. Just give me five.

  8. Joe on September 23rd, 2017 4:18 pm

    This case will be prosecuted properly as long as the county attorney doesn’t get her hands on it. She dropped the ball on the civil hearing of the recent bestialty case and made the county look bad. it was so obvious in the courtroom that people are even speculating that it had to do with her long history with the defense attorney. Completely unacceptable.

  9. Shay on September 23rd, 2017 11:56 am

    As a foster mom for a local rescue I can tell you that the effects of abuse last forever with animals. I have had a few that couldnt stand to be touched and would lash out and bite me because they were so scared(not their fault. It’s the monster’s fault that abused the poor pup). I have pups for yrs before they were able to be adopted to their new owners. I have one who was snatched literally from the jaws of death by minutes. His owner was going to kill him. Sadly his litter mate wasn’t so lucky and was killed just prior to a neighbor snatching the surviving dog. You would never know it today,only a yr from him being saved,that he was ever mistreated. He is one of the lucky ones.

    There is a special place in hell for people that abuse animals,children and older people. I feel dirty just reading this article.

  10. Chris in Molino on September 23rd, 2017 9:49 am

    Heck this is nothing. There’s a guy on this road that has relations with some of his animals. That same person and a few others also wake up drinking, drink all day, and drive around all day. Many of you know who I’m talking about, so many of you know ECSO know who they are and do nothing about them on the road drunk. Shame. There are some good folks on that road however, there are also some who are the very definition of white trash.

  11. David Huie Green on September 23rd, 2017 12:18 am

    “David, it is clear you have no knowledge of addiction”

    Yes, I am not a drug addict. I am sorry if that offends you.

    “the politicians would rather grow a police state”

    Actually, they would rather provide what voters want — in this case, protection from dangerous criminals.

    That is why 55.3% of Florida inmates as of March 31, 2017 were in for violent crimes, 21.2% were in for property offenses such as breaking into your home and stealing or destroying your property. Only 14.5% were in for drug offenses — such as selling heroin or meth to fools and/or addicts. (8.9% were in for other crimes, like bashing puppies against trees or the ground, for example perhaps.)

    “It is easier to build for profit jails”

    Please consider reality. Approximately 10% of Florida state prisoners are held in seven privately-operated prisons. Translation: 90% are not involved in “for profit jails”.

    “people like yourself want to blame the person who is mentally ill.”

    Mentally ill?
    Nope. I do blame people who decide to drink then drive and kill and those who decide to use dope then blame their crimes on dope.

    Violently criminal?
    I don’t care if they are to blame or not; I don’t want them freely endangering my loved ones.

    “Christian is what Christian does”

    You are what you do.
    Someone calling himself Christian doing evil doesn’t make evil Christian.

    “please…..do not try to associate stupid choices with being American. Americans are smart.”

    Americans are smart so we do stupid things?
    What if Americans are doing smart things and you just think they are stupid?

    David for America and safe children & puppies

  12. Sheriff's Daughter on September 22nd, 2017 10:36 pm

    As much as I miss my Daddy….things like this make me glad he is not here to see what this wretched world has become. Just saying.

  13. Works For A Living on September 22nd, 2017 8:57 pm

    Grand Locust-

    Your analogy of “sick” is a joke. Drugs are a personal responsibility. Choices were made and as a result of those decisions consequences will be paid. To say I should pay additional taxes due to the ignorance of another who CHOOSES to continue to drugs is absurd. And to blame politicians and hard working voters for this issue shows very clearly you believe in blame and hand outs rather than personal responsibility and hard work.

  14. Charlene Ward on September 22nd, 2017 8:43 pm

    For those of you wondering what has happened to the dogs? Usually when someone is charged with an animal cruelty or neglect situation, the animals are impounded at the Animal Shelter until the case can be seen in front of a judge and then the fate of the animals can be determined. By this I mean if the judge charges her with cruelty or neglect and if the judge lets her have the animals back. Sometimes I’ve seen special cases where the animals have been released sooner so that they can go ahead and be released either to a rescue so they can be adopted or just released to the shelter. The animals have to held as evidence is the reason they are being held at the animal shelter.

  15. Beth Gardner on September 22nd, 2017 8:02 pm

    The only way to truly help these animals is to write to the Florida state legislature and demand tougher laws for animal abuse. We have judges right here in Escambia County that just found Bradley Hubbard NOT GUILTY of having sex with his dog! Family members testified against him. Witnesses heard the dog cry out in pain. He just got his dog back. These littleThe animals stay in county custody until there is a disposition on the case. Vote these people out of office!

  16. paul on September 22nd, 2017 5:31 pm

    “Severe meth addict”
    I didn’t know there was different levels of being a meth head.
    I wonder if they count their sores to determine levels. ;)

  17. Sierra Earnest on September 22nd, 2017 5:30 pm

    I was there when she was arrested and she tried making it seem like she did no wrong… god help her if she gets out anytime soon..

  18. Qualude on September 22nd, 2017 4:39 pm

    Why are the meth heads always living in filth? Meth should give you energy to clean clean clean

  19. Ruby White on September 22nd, 2017 4:36 pm

    Why a bond? She doesn’t need to get out. If only I could get my hand on her, she would thank twice before looking at a small helpless puppy.

  20. erica on September 22nd, 2017 4:00 pm

    She better be glad I didn’t see it cuz I would have beat her into the hospital! How could whoever witnessed it the other times just stood by and do nothing!?!?!?!?! Shame on you for not calling the cops sooner! I pray that these precious innocent little babies are safe now and will never be back with her again! Can someone please give us an update on where they are?? Any animal abuse case makes me sick and it should be a felony every time!

  21. Grand Locust on September 22nd, 2017 3:52 pm

    We have educational programs to warn folks. We have drug treatment programs to help those who at least pretend to want to get clean. David for reality

    David, it is clear you have no knowledge of addiction, or how most people who have a loved one who is sick cannot even get 30 day hospitalization and treatment because the politicians would rather grow a police state and fight medical insurance policies which helps families with their sick loved ones getting at least 30 day coverage. It is easier to build for profit jails, and let insurance companies profit while families have none of your reality in the real world as they try to deal with mental illness and addiction, but it is easier for our country to throw non violent sick people in jail as taxpayers are being bankrupted both financially and morally, and people like yourself want to blame the person who is mentally ill. Christian is what Christian does…..electing politicians who grow the good old boy criminal justice system as a human garbage disposal system which makes all good people feel better when sick people are criminals and deserve no compassion……in regards to your opinion of an attack of American society….please…..do not try to associate stupid choices with being American. Americans are smart. Good old boy politicians who have ignored the real world are my target, and with our jails half full of non violent sick people while violent predators roam the streets and invade homes and the system fails again.

  22. anon on September 22nd, 2017 2:47 pm

    I am most certainly NOT condoning what Heidi did, I just thought everyone should know that Heidi is a person with profound mental development issues. She used to live in Jay and that’s how I know her. When she is properly cared for (needs such as food, clothing, shelter, medical) she is actually a very nice person. I hate to think what or who got her to this point. Let me assure you, she did not go looking to make her life this way, someone led her down a primrose path and that person ought to be charged with charged with cruelty to mentally disabled…..Just thought ya’ll should know the rest the story.

  23. Kathy on September 22nd, 2017 1:11 pm

    I hope this woman gets some help. She needs lots of prayer.

  24. Shari on September 22nd, 2017 12:47 pm

    Does anyone know what has happened to the dogs? I work with Dachshund rescue, and would love to be able to help the poor babies.

  25. Meek on September 22nd, 2017 12:39 pm

    What happened to dogs can they be adopted and if so where?

  26. David Huie Green on September 22nd, 2017 11:51 am

    “Living in a tent….
    What have we collectively become?

    A country that lets people live in tents if they wish.

    “A country …invests billions in a criminal justice system which has one solution….grow our jails and fill them with non violent sick people.”

    Actually, it gives priority to violent people.

    “In other Christian nations”

    There are no Christian nations, just some nations with more professed Christians than others. Only an individual can be a Christian and most are not. You are certainly free to try to help her achieve her goals in life — just remember her goals may not be your goals.

    “what I hate even more is what we have collectively become”

    Become? As opposed to? The lady was free to destroy herself with drugs. She made choices. We have no evidence she wants anything more than to be left to her drugs, tent, filth and animal torture.

    We have educational programs to warn folks. We have drug treatment programs to help those who at least pretend to want to get clean.

    You don’t really have any good reason to attack American society.

    David for reality

  27. David Huie Green on September 22nd, 2017 11:29 am

    “a human being has a little sense to not inflect pain on animal.”

    Check your history a little closer. Humans have a long history of torturing animals — and fellow humans, of course — just for the fun of it.

    David for better people

  28. Tom on September 22nd, 2017 10:56 am

    Grand Locust, Your statement is very true of a greater underlying cause for a lot issues which are being ignored in this country. Had this happened anywhere else this women would had been declared mentally unfit and sent to a rehabilitation facility, Which most of the world other than us adopts willingly. We already have a corporate overcrowded prison system bigger than the next few countries combined. Housing these people over and over again as repeat offenders without fixing the problems is the biggest craziest waste resources and money.

  29. anne1of2 on September 22nd, 2017 10:31 am

    I’m sorry, but I don’t believe this woman is a nice person when she’s not on drugs either. Sounds like she has many issues.a bad case of the poor me’s. You would think it would cause her to at least be glad to have a dog that loves her. As for the dog, my heart breaks for such treatment and shame on the lady who didn’t call the police the first time it happened!

  30. Jessica on September 22nd, 2017 10:04 am

    Meth really ages you..

  31. Animal lover on September 22nd, 2017 9:57 am

    I would be happy to take the poor puppies. #puppiestoalovingfamily

  32. Molino guy on September 22nd, 2017 9:00 am

    Thank Goodness for the person who called the sheriff’s office to stop the beating of this puppy. Who would do such a terrible thing as beating a dog while holding it by its rear leg?? This is what happens when you surrender your life to drugs!

    Don’t let it happen to you!

  33. Deborah Daughetydixiebug38 on September 22nd, 2017 8:41 am

    I would love to do to you,what you did to your defense dogs..what goes around,comes around..you are a sorry coward..and other things,that I can’t say here.

  34. Charlene Ward on September 22nd, 2017 8:38 am

    Well I hope the court doesn’t let her get away with Animal Cruelty! Maybe we have some better judges now that will enforce the laws instead of back when I was an ACO and we had a couple that would not do their job and a basic smack on the hand was all they would get! For God sake, keep this woman locked up and get her the help she needs and make sure that she never owns a pet again!!

  35. Grand Locust on September 22nd, 2017 8:30 am

    Living in a tent….

    What have we collectively become? A country which is actively trying to eliminate mental health coverage in standard health care policies invests billions in a criminal justice system which has one solution….grow our jails and fill them with non violent sick people. In other Christian nations they attempt to treat sick people, but in America we lock them up and pay ten fold the bill to taxpayers. I hate the thought of an animal being abused, but what I hate even more is what we have collectively become.

    “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

  36. dareme on September 22nd, 2017 8:15 am

    so my question is, to the woman who said the dog had been beaten 4 or 5 times in the past month…..what did you do to help it ?

  37. JenniJ on September 22nd, 2017 5:48 am

    I can only imagine that cell conversation. ” What are you in for ? Burglary ? Extortion? Drugs? ”
    ” No , I beat a chiweenie senseless while high on meth .”

  38. BamaHurricane on September 22nd, 2017 5:31 am

    If it’s not already too late. If you’re thinking of paying the $500 it will take to get this woman out of jail. Don’t do it. If you care for her, if you want her to live, give her time to get clean, so that she can make a rational decision about her future. Maybe she will then accept the help she desperately needs. She is very, very sick.

    As for the little dogs, they will go to a new home where they will be loved and not treated so cruelly. Hopefully one day they will be in a pack that will allow them to be happy and secure, but they’ll never forget. Even years later a dog will cringe and cower at loud noises and sudden movements, once they’ve been abused.

  39. Lu on September 22nd, 2017 3:09 am

    What a SOUL-LESS thing…. I don’t call her a person cause a human being has a little sense to not inflect pain on animal. Wish I had the money I would take the dog if it lives. Poor baby to be treated like this. God don’t like UGLY. She better kneel and pray for forgiveness! Hope she straighten out her Life but she should NEVER be allowed another pet!

  40. BamaBreeze on September 22nd, 2017 2:29 am

    No excuse what so ever!! The devil has a nice warm place waiting for her. Reap what you sow!