Putnam Says Hurricane Irma Will Hurt Florida’s Ag Industry

September 9, 2017

From landscaping and nursery businesses in Miami-Dade County to citrus growers in Central Florida, the agriculture industry will take a hit from Hurricane Irma, state Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam said.

Putnam, who is running for governor next year, said during an interview on Fox 13 in Tampa that protecting people is the priority, but, based on past storms, the powerful hurricane will negatively impact Florida growers.

“The current storm path projections come right up the heart of Florida’s agricultural lands,” Putnam said Friday. “The landscape and nursery businesses in south Dade County, around Homestead. The tropical fruits businesses. Avocados. The citrus and sugarcane industries in South Florida and throughout the interior. Fruit size on grapefruit trees along the Indian River is now of such a size that it is indeed pretty heavy and will undoubtedly be blown off the trees in significant ways.”

Putnam said he will ride out the storm at his home in Bartow.

“I’m hoping we’re not going to notch a fourth hurricane eye over the top of my little town,” Putnam said. “The beautiful trees that were there prior to (Hurricane) Charlie (in 2004), they’re just not the same anymore.”

by The News Service of Florida


4 Responses to “Putnam Says Hurricane Irma Will Hurt Florida’s Ag Industry”

  1. And? on September 10th, 2017 11:47 pm

    Next from Putnam:

    “Hurricane Irma will be windy”

  2. Chris on September 9th, 2017 10:13 pm

    Say it ain’t so, genius!!!!!

  3. Kevin Enfinger on September 9th, 2017 7:42 pm

    Sad our tax dollars pay for people like this to be in office. I mean so you think aa Hurricane will come and destroy everything but crops? Lol what a winner we have here. Guys

  4. Bob C. on September 9th, 2017 9:09 am

    WOW…and we Elected this gentleman of Awesome Intelligence to let us know this Major Hurricane is going to hurt the Agriculture industry?

    Guess the real story is “Hurricane Irma destroys citrus groves – Developers move in quickly to assist by removing damaged trees, grading lands and putting in more Mobile Home Communities”.

    Remembering the aftermath of the great freeze back in the mid-80’s and how the orange groves were converted into mobile home communities by the mile.

    Prayers for safety of our Florida neighbors and those on the roadways trying to get out of the path of Irma.