Morgan: Fewer ECSO Deputies For Low Crime Areas

September 23, 2017

Escambia County residents in low crime areas will soon have fewer deputies patrolling, while patrols will be stepped up in high crime areas, according to a video posted by Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan. The move is in response to a dwindling number of deputies and recruitment problems due to low starting pay that Morgan blames on the Escambia County Commission.

“We will be pulling officers from lower crime areas and reemphasizing and placing them in higher crime areas. The theory here is to prevent the spread of crime from the high crime areas to the lower crime areas,” the sheriff said.

The sheriff said department leaders will look at the crime maps of Escambia County to determine where deputies will be cut.

“Some districts in Escambia County will see a lessening of patrol coverage and  patrol visibility because those officers will be reassigned,” Morgan said. “This will be statistically; it will be done very methodically. It’s the only response that we can make.”

The sheriff decline to name which areas will see future deputies as to not tip off criminals.

He said the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office lost 62 officers last year, and blames a problem recruiting new officers on the lack of a good starting salary.

“That’s another obvious fact that we can’t seem to get the county commission to understand,” he said.

Morgan has already cut the school resource program almost in half, dropped funeral escorts as of next month, cut court security and stopped the targeted “Clean Sweep” operations due low salaries leading to a lack of manpower.


59 Responses to “Morgan: Fewer ECSO Deputies For Low Crime Areas”

  1. Top Heavy on September 26th, 2017 3:28 pm

    @ajt – He isn’t capable to work a shift, he isn’t qualified or knowledgeable enough, he would have to have a training officer with him the entire time which defeats the purpose.
    Besides his top heavy admin and brownnosers get paid too much for pretending to work oh and his hr staff is unbelievably twofaced and backstabby like his upper level people. he is actually worse than mcnesby and seely and grant where the administration and faveorites are concerned. not sure why Simmons threw in with him, his reputation is going to get shredded now.

  2. Anon on September 25th, 2017 4:19 pm

    None of the issues in the comments are known to the general public. Nor will they be considering how it’s coming about. If you have a problem and post with anonymity then you should assume that the public (myself included) will not believe it’s an issue. It’s just something personal.

    I think the Sheriff is being realistic.

    I voted for him and I regret it.

  3. Steve on September 25th, 2017 8:41 am

    The agency is top heavy with too many Supervisors, Chief Deputies (plural) Colonels, Majors (2), 1st Lt’s, Lt’s the list go on. There is 16 investigators to 11 Supervisors in Investigations.

  4. Bewildered on September 25th, 2017 4:41 am

    Amazing article – 54 negative comments, yet this Sheriff got re-elected? Maybe the Russians had a hand in this also? (Tongue in cheek). No matter who is in charge of this agerncy he/she cannot please everybody. If high crime areas are targeted with a high police presence they are accused of racial profiling – if these areas are ignored law enforcement is accused of not preventing crime.
    Funeral escorts are an old Southern tradition and will fade by the wayside in our modern fast paced society. We accept disrespect of our flag – so why not change and conduct funeral services at the graveyard and transport the body there ahead of time.
    I cannot think of any other country where police officers are needed in schools. Maybe its time for society as a whole to look into a mirror and see who is responsible for the mess this country is in!!!

  5. Former Resident on September 24th, 2017 10:49 pm

    Used to live in Pensacola and can’t stand to hear this self important windbag when WCOA has him as guest. A real leader doesn’t take his toys and run home when he doesn’t get his way. He finds a way and earns the respect of his subordinates. This guy is a joke, a fool and a charlatan. Or in his own insipid language…etc, etc.

  6. Watcher on September 24th, 2017 7:53 pm

    He knows he will not run for Sheriff again, probably trying to fatten the budget there for GOBs in the dept. Trying to make BOCC look bad and either run for commission soon or P’cola Mayor against Robinson and trying to make Robinson look bad. All at the expense of deputies and citizens…just a production…politics…Can’t they just do a good, fair job? This stinks.

  7. paul on September 24th, 2017 8:58 am

    I also agree on the Tahoes.. there’s no reason they can’t ride in pairs and save fuel.
    Just about every call they run requires backup. Two in a vehicle would fix that.

  8. paul on September 24th, 2017 8:54 am

    I think the ECSO should have an audit and see how the money is spent.
    I voted for morgan the first time and that was it.

  9. Tom on September 24th, 2017 8:36 am

    Mack, the Tahoes are actually the most economically efficient patrol vehicle on the market. A five year study by 10 separate agencies showed that over a 5 year period, the Tahoes cost on average $5,500 less (maintenance and fuel) that any other patrol vehicle on the market. Mostly because GM parts are mass produced at a greater rate that all others. Chevy uses basically the same parts on all their 1/2 ton to 1 ton vehicles.

  10. Lou on September 24th, 2017 8:20 am

    I don’t blame our county commissioners, I blame this area we live! Almost everyone’s salaries in the NWF area are lower than the rest of the nation! I work for the State in a professional occupation, Nursing, no raise in 10 years, good evaluations. When compared to any area in the nation…NWF nurses are way below others salaries….so what, who’s gonna fix that? It’s the price one pays for living in this area. It’s not just police or nurses…it’s almost every working person in our area. I’d love to see everyone living in this area make more, but it’s not going to happen.

  11. Esc co leo on September 24th, 2017 8:14 am

    @ Mack

    We drive tahoes because ford no longer makes the crown Victoria and there are very few police model cars to choose from. The tahoes are less expensive than some other choices out there.

  12. Gary on September 24th, 2017 8:02 am

    Morgan is a fake. It is all about him and his cronies. Morgan is not from pensacola and should be removed from office. I agree with Chris and JP who has also noticed there is no law enforcement on dangerous 97. Chip Simmons is not the answer either. Morgan thinks he is grooming Simmons for sheriff. NOT

  13. JJ on September 24th, 2017 7:48 am

    I believe that Morgan is going to vacate his post, early, at which time he will request to the Governor that Chip Simmons be appointed Sheriff, to finish out the term. Folks, that would be the best thing that has happened to Escambia County law enforcement, probably ever! Chip is a proven leader, doesn’t over dress the part and hopefully, doesn’t sing karaoke!

    Meanwhile, citizens of Pensacola…look out! Morgan will run for Mayor, against Hayward. While Hayward has his faults and is just as pretentious as Morgan, he would still be better than a maniacal person that cannot get along with anyone!

  14. JJ on September 24th, 2017 7:41 am

    This guy should have Never been elected, the first time, much less three times. He’s arrogant, pretentious, egotistical (big time) and has made a farce of Escambia County law enforcement. He has ZERO law enforcement experience (being an Air Force MP guarding a tarmac is not the same thing as working the street).

    It’s like making Cartman a police officer, in real life! Maybe next time, the citizens of Escambia County won’t be taken in by a smooth talking karaoke singer.

  15. EMD on September 24th, 2017 1:47 am

    How can people that are not even involved in the operation and budgeting and oversight of the Sheriff’s department make definitive judgments about all of this? Just wondering. I do know that in many areas, the federal government imposes so many regulations on soa many businesses that it is a wonder anything gets done. Just jumping through hoops and doing endless paper work. Also, it takes money to run any office or business. One cannot pull money out of the air. It has to come from somewhere. I think many here are used to a macho man type in charge of law enforcement. I do not know Sheriff Morgan personally, but have spoken with him on two or three occasions. To me he acts like a gentleman and a caring person. I like that image myself. I think he is doing the best he can with what he has to work with.

  16. Mack on September 24th, 2017 12:22 am

    Maybe if some of the deputies drove regular squad cars an not Tahoes, He can save some money on gas.

  17. Chris in Molino on September 23rd, 2017 10:22 pm

    Every Sheriff is gonna have their issues but this guy is a fake. If you cross Thelbert, look out. He’ll have your job. He doesn’t support his deputies. The young guys see what’s up and they get some experience and gone. The older guys can’t afford to do that so their stuck in the middle. Its sad. They need raises. Costs go up for LEO’S families too. Why are there two Chiefs ? That makes no sense at probably $ 100k/ yr or better. There are many who dislike him, even the ones kissing his rear end all day. So for you all disliking the admin guys, some are just doing what they gotta do while they have to. Some are truely idiots like Haines but he’s soon to be gone. Hopefully someone good will come along that can fool the sheep at election time. As for Thelbert, no way you’ll see the last of him. I see a run for commissioner, rep, senate, something where he can have power and limelight. Anyone know if he wears makeup ? Just curious.

  18. Self-defense on September 23rd, 2017 10:09 pm

    I guess ol’ Morgan won’t mind if the folks in these “low crime” areas go in to self-defense mode. I have to admit that I voted for him because I can’t stand the good old boy system that Ronnie-Mac ran for years. Maybe the lesser of the two evils to me but it has been a disappointment at best. Bloated upper-level staffing, padding the wallet to help yourself just isn’t the right way to run this business. The county commissioners certainly don’t help but it’s the citizens of the county once again that have to suffer. Same old story, different names. Until we as voters clear the house, the same old squatters will keep coming back.

  19. Well on September 23rd, 2017 9:14 pm

    Must have got his answer from Tallahassee.
    Poor thing.

    As much as I believe officers need a raise I believe 10 fold that they need new leadership.

  20. Gator Don on September 23rd, 2017 8:31 pm

    Thats Not what i call reall smart thinking on his part.Letting all the bad guys know they will have free ride in certain areas! Why I didnt vote for him!!

  21. Tom on September 23rd, 2017 7:59 pm

    Fun fact: the state of Louisiana has imprisoned more people then Iran and China combined. The judicial system is broken from the top down to our dear sheriff. We have a massive problem in regards to non violent and drug offenders being put in prison. The rest of the civilized world has found a better and cheaper way called rehabilitation and then becoming a productive citizen again. There needs to be a bipartisan conversation in this country about prison and judiciary reform. I for one do not like the police state tactics that are emerging.

  22. PLC on September 23rd, 2017 7:59 pm

    Believe me. If you are not a Brown Noser, Snitch/Rat, you will not go no where working for the man. I work for me,myself and I now, after 17 + years for a company. It is scary at first. All you have to do is work Hard and Believe in yourself

  23. Dave on September 23rd, 2017 5:33 pm

    Mr. Morgan would have us believe salary of low pay I s the alleged reason to play this game with Escambia County. The internal abuse and threats alone under him drives good of g ices away…but we don’t want to discuss that topic due to threats of termination. Come election time…we will be short of a person as Mr. Morgan.

  24. jp on September 23rd, 2017 4:35 pm

    A cut back of deputies on patrol will not affect the Walnut Hill area because there is little coverage now.
    We could sure use coverage in the late afternoon and evening on Hwy 97.

    I don’t see that as a problem except for Highway 97 that I have to drive to go virtually anywhere. On hwy. 97 people pass in no passing zones and drive way faster than 55 mph posted.

    Sherriff Morgan told us that the department receives a very small portion of moving violation ticket revenue. His reason for wanting traffic camera. Could this be why there is so little traffic enforcement.

    Escambia County has a higher vehicle insurance rate than some more populated areas because of all the wrecks.

    County Commissioners could use the extra tax on fuel for a more efficient bus service or even no bus service, but at least cut out free WIFY.

    Lots of improvement needed from both sides.

  25. TRAUMAQUEEN on September 23rd, 2017 4:15 pm


    And yet people did anyway. SMH

  26. Joe on September 23rd, 2017 4:05 pm

    The problem with deputies leaving has little to do with pay and more to do with the culture of the agency. For whatever reason, Sheriff Morgan has let Eric Haines and Jerry Champagne get away with their rule-by-fear model of management that the deputies fear the administration more than the criminals on the street.

    Yes the deputies need a pay raise and it is more than overdue, but without the support of the administration, it doesn’t mean much. All it would take is for someone to interview the deputies and they would quickly find out that the poor leadership and fear of retaliation from Eric and Jerry are the real reason the office is hemorrhaging officers.

    Sheriff Morgan may or may not need additional budget money, but he needs to look at those he surrounds himself with. They are the root of the problem, not the pay. There are many many stories that all result in deputies leaving because of the poor leadership… that’s why I left.

    With what I know about the agency, I believe that Sheriff Morgan brought Chip Simmons in because Eric Haines doesn’t have the leadership or patrol knowledge to help the guys on the road. Most deputies do not like or respect Haines or Champagne.

    This problem must be fixed from the top down and I hope that Chip Simmons will bring stronger leadership to the agency.

  27. Citizen on September 23rd, 2017 4:03 pm

    Doug Baldwin Sr. Where are you? Let’s hear from you, or other sheriff candidates.

    The time is at hand, start campaigning.

    Now the BLM has been called out as the domestic terrorism that it is,
    you may have more of a chance (maybe) Obama’s hate for anything American and detrimental liberal policies did a lot of damage for people of color but believe it or not, most do decide on character not color, unless that is all the other candidate is about. (no racism please)

    and Underhill, if you keep supporting this guy…We know where you are coming from also.

  28. K on September 23rd, 2017 2:32 pm

    The Depities deserve a raise. With that said., this administration is too too heavy. The media director is paid $33 an hour. That’s ridiculous. Cut the fat.

  29. SW on September 23rd, 2017 2:29 pm

    Well, he did say to not vote for him if he ran for a 3rd term.

  30. Concerned Tax Payer (G. Harris) on September 23rd, 2017 1:33 pm

    I have been involved in Escambia County politics and actually ran for County Commissioner. I think the sheriff needs to release an actual line budget from his department to the public if he needs the $ so bad. I know for a fact there are MANY unclassified positions within that department that are making way too much money. And I remember some of his campaign promises were to cut administration, pay raises for deputy’s, open a substation in the Cantonment/ Molino area, etc…… I hope the County Commissioners stand their ground and force the Sheriff to release a TRUE LINE BUDGET of what we’re getting for our monies now, before any increase is considered.

  31. Rags1998 on September 23rd, 2017 12:40 pm

    Why would Morgan hire another chief deputy, give two pay raises to Churf Haines, hire another commander, 2 FB staffers, media employees? Could he have used that salary money to give much needed pay raises to the deputies?

  32. Dale on September 23rd, 2017 12:37 pm

    Just a follow up on my previous post. There are lots of really good comments posted. Shows that this is an important topic for the public. I agree Leo’s are way underpaid to be on the street. I believe we can get great service if the office reduced unnecessary staff and gave all the deputies a raise. I believe Morgan can cut staffing in half and double street deputy salaries and we would get way better service. But, I have to ask the public. What do you think when a patrol car pull up behind you when you’re driving? Do you give a sigh of relief that you got a cop looking out for you, or do you worry that he’s going to pull you over for something like weaving because you’re looking in the mirror worried that you’re going to be stopped? I believe that 90+% of the population are law abiding honest good citizens, but the others that Leo’s encounter make them think most citizens are bad just like the public thinks a majority of the police are bullies with guns and a badge because of a few within the force. Those few shape public opinion and thus the public support for more money for the s.o. Here’s a thought, I’m talking to you Escambia County Deputies, how about cruising through a neighborhood and getting to know the public and let them get to know you. You’ll find many people are very open to being a friend to a cop. But just as a cop has his shield up during an encounter with a citizen, so does the citizen. Clean up within, run out the bullies in your midst. Work smarter not harder.

  33. anne 1of2 on September 23rd, 2017 12:24 pm

    Aw, come on! Just google highest crime zip code, Pensacola, FL and a map of the zip code comes up. It is also #13 (no joke) in the state of FL. We all need to give the Morgan man a break and stay out of that zip,especially at night.

  34. R on September 23rd, 2017 11:01 am

    If those salary numbers are correct above then that is pitiful. If you do the math and divide it by 52 weeks then that isn’t worth taking a bullet for especially with a family at home. Sounds like they do need a raise and sometimes tough tactics have to be used to get it.

  35. Retired LEO on September 23rd, 2017 9:47 am

    There are a lot of comments here that are right on point. This is the man that has been your Sheriff for the past eight and a half years and you are just beginning to see his true personality. His past challengers, good or bad, tried to tell the public how poor of a leader this man is. A Sheriff with no knowledge or experience as a law enforcement officer. He’s not now nor has he ever been a certified law enforcement officer.

    He claims he’s been to the Florida Sheriffs Academy after he was elected. This is a play on words he regularly uses. There is no Florida Sheriffs Academy, only a presentation given to the new Sheriffs by the Florida Sheriffs Association to let them know what areas can get them in trouble and what to avoid. A true law enforcement academy lasts up to six months or better.

    The Deputies deserve a raise and for the compression to be fixed, but this isn’t something that just happened, it’s been going on for some time and he’s picked now, eight and a half years in to address it. Members of the public should use the Florida open records law and request the salaries and benefits of his upper staff members, including assignment pay. He has one of the most bloated staffs, more so than the past three Sheriffs. His PIO is making close to $70,000.00 a year and his channel 3 recruited camera man makes around $50,000.00 a year. I guess they’re more valuable than a Deputy.

    I’m sure some Deputies are leaving for better pay, but the majority of the loss is from the ones that left because they just don’t like working for an agency that doesn’t treat its people well. Most cops don’t work in law enforcement to get rich, they do it because they have a passion for the job. The practice of head hunting officers who get crossed up with any of his staff members is probably the biggest contributor to this issue.

    Until the public realizes that we have a seriously unqualified man in this position and votes him out you’re going to see more of the same. If you think Chip Simmons is the answer to this problem next election you only going to get more of the same.

  36. M in Bratt on September 23rd, 2017 9:35 am

    @ajt; Sheriff Hollywood cannot go work a shift as you suggest, because last I heard he never bothered to get his certification as a law enforcement officer in Fl. He cannot legally perform any of the functions he expects his subordinates to perform. Any arrest he made would probably be promptly thrown out of court because he’s not certified to make arrests. How’s that for leadership?

  37. Escambia county employee on September 23rd, 2017 9:30 am

    First off all county employee’s are under paid! We have to kiss a** to every citizen that calls in a complaint. All because a particular commissioner wants that one vote on the ballot! Do county employee’s get cost of living raises, rarely! I’m living pay check to pay check. The county commissioners don’t care about anything but a vote and to please anyone that votes for them! The county is in a $9,000,000 dollar debt because of them! But yet they all get a $10,000,000 deficit EACH to spend on what they see fit. Hmmmm! Something doesn’t sound right here!

  38. Becky on September 23rd, 2017 9:16 am

    The majority of people voted him into office, not just once but again. Low crime areas will probably become high crime areas. You will have to shoot first, then wait for the police to come arrest you for protecting yourselves. My gun is ready, so you criminals just be warned.

  39. Tom on September 23rd, 2017 8:56 am

    As Dale stated, a neighborhood watch program is a great idea. It is not only helpful in solving crimes but also allows the public to interact with the sheriff’s department. It’s good for the good people to know the actual man wearing the uniform and not just know the uniform.
    Anyone who has actually been in law enforcement and worked the streets and highways, knows that criminals are nomadic and tend to go to the areas with least resistance. This is why you don’t decrease patrols in lower crime rate areas. If you do, you will need that neighborhood watch program and should want the public to be involved in their own safekeeping.
    It’s obvious that Sheriff Morgan has never done the job of the deputies. Otherwise, he would know how to deal with people to get the best outcome. You can’t just force your way and pitch a fit when you don’t get it. Part of a sheriff’s job is to for a relationship with the county commission so that when a need arises, they will be willing to help. I know we can’t all get along but it’s only time to get ugly and start pointing fingers with all friendly and reasonable avenues for a larger budget have been exhausted.
    And of course the deputies need higher salaries. ALL law enforcement officers are underpaid. Might I suggest that the sheriff do a study of the salaries of agencies that are approximately the same size across the United States and compare them to ECSO’s salaries. Then he may have something to actually show the commission about why his deputies need more money and starting salaries need to go up.

  40. Ajt on September 23rd, 2017 8:53 am

    I don’t think Vence seely or Jim lowman or Ronnie Mac. Had the problems running the dept like this guy has… Quit crying and do your job you ran office for.. Sheriff,you want to look good and that your trying very thing you can do to help the people of Escambia county? Jump out there and work some shifts with your everyone your willingness to do anything YOU can do to help us out here! You want everyone else to do there job how bout you do yours!

  41. Olin S Schultz on September 23rd, 2017 8:46 am

    I was going to comment on this but I think all has been said about Sir Morgan. I worked for the department and I can assure you that the majority of the deputies left because of the sheriff.

  42. Perry on September 23rd, 2017 8:43 am

    Just more political posturing by our sheriff. Can’t perform funeral escorts, can’t patrol “low crime” areas, can’t keep enough deputies. Oh, and he’s mad that the BCC won’t give in to his budget demands – I’m sure this is just coincidence. And at the very least, why publicly say you’re reducing patrols other than to scare the public? It seems to me that’s not something you should advertise. I would be very interested to hear from those inside the department on their staffing and why they think it is low.

  43. Concerned on September 23rd, 2017 8:33 am

    I don’t feel the deputies are not responding due to low starting pay as I worked at the Century Correctional Institution and our officers would leave and go to ESCO. With everything happening to law enforcement in the United States now makes a family man concerned about being here for their family. No respect for the uniform. If the Sheriff would make is pyramid right side up instead of upside down his department would be better. We don’t need an individual spokes person for the news media, etc. Right now the sheriff acts like a spoiled child instead of an adult taking care of the citizens. Maybe election is not soon enough. In our area we have never had law enforcement cover our section unless called to it. We see Alabama sheriff deputies much more than Florida deputies as we live on the Florida side of the State Line.

  44. Bama on September 23rd, 2017 8:01 am

    I just wonder what the ratio of regular deputies to command staff is compared to other areas. Maybe he will spend some money on giving us this info, rather than spending money on TV crying about needing raises for deputies.

  45. retired on September 23rd, 2017 7:40 am

    If Morgan needs proof of his deputies speeding, all he needs to do is get into one of his unmarked cars and drive the speed limit through 29 & I10( it is 35 not 60) that should go for the funeral escorts also, they ran 70-80 between intersections, we have all seen it!!!!!. Maybe he needs to come out and start patrolling or put someof the supervisers to WORK on patrol. If you make a complaint there is nothing done or a slap on the hand.

  46. Bob C. on September 23rd, 2017 7:36 am

    PAY, RETIREMENT, BENEFITS, MEDICAL COSTS, for 69 LEO slots who have left the office, WHERE has the MONEY for those officers gone?

    MEDIA CENTER for the sheriff staffed with VERY high paid ex-television reporter plus staff to operate and produce very high quality Self-Promoting programs of “Toothy Thelbert”.

    BILLBOARDS all over the county with “Smiling Dave” bigger than anything else along with television spots featuring him more than the needs of the county.

    FUNERAL ESCORTS ENDING…October 1, your Loved Ones and Veterans will No Longer receive the decades long custom of Honor, Respect, Safe Transport for their final journey because of “Poor ol’ Dave”.

    CONTRIBUTIONS from “Drug Money” to Non-Law Related organizations such as Pensacola Opera, Children’s Chorus, Filipino-American Club, Cybersecurity Conference in which BoCC Underhill was much involved, squandered money that could have been used for pay of School Resource Officers.

    SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS were Threatened to be Removed from YOUR Child’s School by the sheriff. Thank you School Supt Thomas for Reminding the forgetful sheriff that the School District PAYS Half the SRO costs. sheriff still reduced the SRO presence in several schools in the North End.

    WHERE HAS THE MONEY GONE, sheriff Morgan?

    HEAVY ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENCE do you Really Need 2 High Paid Chief Deputies? Got along for decades without that need.


  47. Joe Schmo on September 23rd, 2017 7:31 am

    This guy has clearly launch a vendetta campaign because he is sour that the Commissioners did not approve his budget. He is since then taking resource officers out of schools, said that there will no longer be a sheriff’s police force at the Interstate Fair, they will no longer provide funeral services. He says it’s because he does not have the Manpower… all the while the Downtown Courthouse in Pensacola is absolutely packed with Sheriff’s officers since the jail exploded. And that’s on top of Securitas! It’s not uncommon to walk in the courthouse and see four to six officers guarding one door. Which wouldn’t be bad, and might make you feel safe, if even one of them would look up to make sure you are who you say you are (back entrance). I don’t blame the officers. I don’t think many of them want to be there… But when Sheriff Morgan says there’s not enough Sheriff officers to do these other roles, I kind of have to laugh!

  48. North End on September 23rd, 2017 7:28 am

    The SO lost 62 Officers last year? I am curious to know what the turnover has been for the past several years when Morgan was not the Sherriff. I suspect that the turnover has increased since he was voted in. Billboards, TV commercials or blaming the County Commissioner will not fix this problem. Voting Morgan out is a good start.

  49. lynn jones-baldwin on September 23rd, 2017 7:23 am

    Hearing ” high crime areas ” is a dog whistle for low income areas. It also implies an increase in profiling and the continued over policing of minority communities. He’s paid to manage better and needs to use his bloated staff for more than grandstanding and bullying.

  50. North End on September 23rd, 2017 7:09 am

    How can we lose 62 Officers in one year? The Sherriff blames the County Commissioners for the low starting salary as a roadblock to hiring new Officers. Makes no sense. In my opinion, losing 62 Officers is the real issue. I would be curious to know what the average turnover was during the previous years was when Morgan was not the Sherriff. Appears to be a Leadership problem to me.

  51. DD on September 23rd, 2017 7:07 am

    Unfortunately this measure is another of the tactics imposed to scare the citizens of this county into pressuring the County Commissioners for raises. Slowly, he is jabbing the public, the citizens of this county, with reduction of law enforcement presence in areas he knows is going to stir up controversy. He’s playing on the heart strings of the citizens to try to get his way. While I am all for raises for these deputies, I agree, start cutting at the waste from the top. I would like to hear why some of the deputies are truly leaving, as mentioned previously. Is it due to retirement, or are they also just fed up with the Sheriff himself? Wonder where the next decrease in law enforcement presence will be?

  52. M in Bratt on September 23rd, 2017 7:03 am

    Sheriff Hollywood; Have you checked the wages in surrounding counties? According to the 2016 wage survey done by the FDLE, our deputy’s aren’t making that bad of money; Bay County $30.000
    Jacksonville $31.400
    Santa Rosa $31.553
    ESCAMBIA $31.700
    This survey doesn’t take into account having a free car and gas to drive all over three counties. What’s that benefit worth? $600 per month minimum

    Sheriff; You say you can’t make the county commission understand, Maybe it is you that doesn’t understand the will of the voters

  53. Christopher Osborne on September 23rd, 2017 6:57 am

    Well I guess it’s time for the crooks to go to the low crime areas lol

  54. Tracy A Smith on September 23rd, 2017 5:40 am

    I think this will have an opposite affect. The crime will move to the areas that have less police presence. I think that the sheriff is just trying to get his way and he’s going to do it anyway he can. The county commissioners are wrong also by not giving the monies needed for the raises. I understand this nothing but a cat fight between the two.

  55. SW on September 23rd, 2017 5:23 am

    Think about what he is saying.

    Maybe we should petition the state legislature to bring back constables?

  56. Grand Locust on September 23rd, 2017 5:19 am

    There is a low crime area in Escambia County? It is good to know.

  57. Former ECSO on September 23rd, 2017 5:09 am

    “…The theory here is to prevent the spread of crime from the high crime areas to the lower crime areas,” the sheriff said.”

    This is about the dumbest thing I ever read. So little or no police presence will prevent the spread of crime into the under staffed/patrolled area? I’d bet that the opposite will happen and crime will increase in short order.

    Another problem is the department has too many chiefs and not enough deputies with its bloated admin staff. You don’t need all those supervisors if they don’t have anyone to supervise, right?

    If low pay is such an urgent concern, then eliminate these now unnecessary positions and use those salaries to increase deputy pay. Again, a management decision.

    When you can’t get people to work for you, look into a mirror. Poor management, which starts at the top, is the key issue with loss of deputies. I know because I used to be one. How many of the 62 officers that left last year were due to retirement, half or more? If so, here is a failure to plan and evidence of more bad management.

  58. Dale on September 23rd, 2017 4:58 am

    There are other reasons why there is a shortage of deputies. If sheriff Morgan and his deputies had a better relationship with the public, public pressure on the commission would get the raises they want. But, reality is the public view is the sheriff department is an over grown force with an us vs them mentality. The perception is that Sheriff Morgan is arrogant to the public at large. On two occasions I’ve tried to strike up a friendly conversation with and found him distant and aloof and reluctant to interact with someone so unimportant as me. If the sheriffs office would treat the public as though they were serving and protecting rather than being constantly on the lookout for a reason to arrest you, they might get more public support. I realize there is more profit in arresting People for minor crimes and is very expensive conducting investigations for serious crimes with little profit (by profit I mean fines). But a bloated “criminal justice” system needs constant feeding and the only way to feed it is through fines or taxes. The idea of going on a diet and managing more efficiently with less is something to be considered by Morgan. Do we really need so many deputies? Do we really need deputies that race each other on I-110 late at night? (Yes, Sheriff Morgan, I’ve witnessed it many nights. It does happen.). Do we really need late night “safety checkpoints” or as I like to call it, “shakedown points”
    Here’s an idea, how about a real neighborhood watch program with real citizens who care about their neighbors and neighborhoods interacting and working with a Sheriff’’s department that really cares about a safe community? But we all know, a safe community has no need for a heavy police presence. What a conundrum. If they did a really good job, we wouldn’t need so much of them. A poor job means more crime and thus more police presence. What to do, what to do?

  59. M in Bratt on September 23rd, 2017 4:30 am

    Just wondering if Sheriff Hollywood has cut any of his bloated command staff, or his over sized PR dept., or his budget for signs and advertising? Looks like his plan is to cut the services that directly effect the TAX PAYING citizens if we won’t give him all the money he wants. In many circles, this kind of action would be called extortion. I’m looking forward to elections, and hope there will be some fiscally responsible candidates on the ballot for Sheriff.