Irma Heads For Florida Landfall, Latest Updates And Maps

September 9, 2017

cone graphic

Major Hurricane Irma continues to move toward a Florida landfall.

The latest details on Hurricane Irma are in the graphics above and below, click to enlarge. Reload the page to ensure that you are seeing the latest graphics.


2 Responses to “Irma Heads For Florida Landfall, Latest Updates And Maps”

  1. Jeff on September 9th, 2017 1:22 pm

    The third map down, Mr Orange line guy. Whoever did the orange line needs to be smacked. All my best for everyone in the path of this but I think Pensacola gets hit enough.

  2. Willis on September 9th, 2017 7:29 am

    By tomorrow morning may be just panhandle and no peninsula.
    Keeps moving West.