Irma: Escambia County’s ‘What You Can Do Now’ Tips

September 6, 2017

Escambia County Emergency Management is closely monitoring Hurricane Irma.  Residents are urged to do the same by monitoring local media for the most up-to-date forecasts daily.

According to the National Hurricane Center, there is an increasing chance that the Florida Peninsula and Florida Keys will see some impacts later this week and weekend. However, it is still too early to determine what direct impacts Irma might have on Escambia County and Northwest Florida as there is no reliable way to forecast potential impacts to an area that is more than about five days away from a specific location.

While Hurricane Irma may not come our way, our residents should take the time now to double check their storm supplies and preparations so that when a confirmed threat develops, they are ready. The key to reducing the stress and impact on your family is to prepare by having a plan, getting a kit and staying informed:

  • Review or make a family plan. This includes:
    • Knowing your evacuation zone. Check your zone online by clicking here.
    • Know where you will go. If you live in an evacuation zone, know where you will go and how you will get there.  Will you go to a friend or relative’s home, a hotel, or as a last resort, a public shelter? It is always easier to go tens of miles, not hundreds.
    • Have a communication plan. Plan now how you will contact one another and where you will meet.
    • Plan for those with special needs. Make arrangements in advance to accommodate those in your family with special needs like the elderly, children and pets. Always have at least an extra three day supply of medical supplies, medication and any other special items you may need.
    • Understand Watch vs. Warning, the hurricane cone and what steps you need to take when. Learn more by clicking here.
    • Take photos of important documents and your valuables. Save these to a secure cloud site or keep on your mobile device.
  • Get a Kit - Your disaster kit should have at least three days of nonperishable food and three gallons of water for each person and pet in your home, along with other supplies. Click here to see our latest disaster guide shopping list.


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