Former Jay Baseball Coach Accused Of Inappropriately Touching Students

September 9, 2017

The former head baseball coach at Jay High School has been charged with battery after allegedly touching female students inappropriately.

Brian Joseph Moye, age 46 of Jay, was recently arrested on three counts of battery for the incidents that occurred during the last school year.

Two female students, age 16 and age 14, first told a teacher that Moye had been touching them inappropriately, according to an arrest report. One girl told deputies that Moye has been touching her over a period of several months, and another said he had touched her inappropriately. The incidents allegedly occurred in his classroom.

The girl had a cell phone in her hand and was able to take a picture that shows a male had resting on her desk between her arm and rib cage, right next to her breast, the arrest report states. No faces are visible, but the male is wearing a garment that appears to beĀ  a Jay High School coach’s issued pullover jacket, the report states.

He also allegedly rubbed up against one of the female students while she was seated at her desk.

Victims also told deputies that Moye would also ask them personal things, like if they had ever been with someone sexually and if they had ever sent photos.

Moye denied all of the allegations against him, calling one allegation a “bold face lie”, the report states. He was released from the Santa Rosa County Jail on a $6,000 bond.

Santa Rosa County School Superintendent Tim Wyrosdick said Moye’s teaching contact was not renewed when it expired in May.


8 Responses to “Former Jay Baseball Coach Accused Of Inappropriately Touching Students”

  1. Yomama on September 16th, 2017 12:10 am

    He is being accused of these actions, he has not been proven guilty! I’m all for putting sex offenders behind bars however I do think a person should have a fair trial! There are so many rumors going around right it is unreal. Just because a student says something the teacher is automatically bashed, their career is gone, and not only do they suffer their family does to! I know this person and for as long as I have known him, which has been many times, never once had he said or did anything out of the way. When he is found innocent, because he will be if the police actually do their jobs, what does he have to go back to? He’s lost his career, and his family is suffering deeply because of this. People should not be so quick to judge.

  2. Noneofyourbusiness on September 15th, 2017 11:58 pm

    @Trocarman I’m taking it as if you know him personally? Enough for you to know that “he’s guilty”? You want them to “kill” him? How could you say things like that when you don’t know the facts? This is my father that you are talking about……and I know him and know he didn’t do this more than anyone else! My father is a good man and he would never in a million years do something like this! Kids these days are “bored” and want “attention”. They do what they have to do to get this “attention”! Please do not state your opinion, or say anything like you said unless you know him personally and/or was a witness!

  3. Chris on September 11th, 2017 12:51 am

    Agree with Mike,
    Dont work at any school.
    All students are snowflakes, look at them wrong and the imagination goes wild

  4. No opinion on September 10th, 2017 11:42 pm

    Guilty until proven innocent nowadays. Hope he didn’t do it, I say.

  5. Chris in Molino on September 10th, 2017 10:54 pm

    However, back when those two young woman teachers were fired, I heard a group of female students saying there were plenty of other teachers having relationships with students at Jay. Just saying.

  6. Mike on September 10th, 2017 8:58 pm

    Trocarman, in your opinion the fact that he was accused is enough to kill him, right?

  7. Mike on September 10th, 2017 8:55 pm

    He has been accused. This means he is guilty. The line of those willing to stone him is growing. Here is an advice to men: never go to work at a school. A discontent from a female student is a death sentence for you. Your face will be pictured here and your address will be shown clearly way before any investigation takes place. Was the allegation true? Who cares.

  8. Trocarman on September 10th, 2017 3:01 pm

    I hope this guy is convicted and I hope he never sees the light of day again.