FHP: Local Residents Should Use Local Roads, Stay Off I-10

September 8, 2017

Due to heavy hurricane evacuation traffic, the Florida Highway Patrol is asking that local residents use local roadways for travel when possible.  This is in effort to alleviate unnecessary traffic on I-10. Pictured: I-10 westbound just west of I-110 at 5 p.m. Friday. Image for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


One Response to “FHP: Local Residents Should Use Local Roads, Stay Off I-10”

  1. Tramaqueen on September 8th, 2017 11:46 pm

    I ran a medical call today at a welcome center on I 10. Having never been in a hurricane or having to evacuate I had no idea the number of people,cars and animals leaving Florida. I arrived on scene and couldn’t believe what I saw. The car lot was full with vehicles,little kids running around the cars and dogs wandering aimlessly around the rest area in search of owners. Cars full of deseperate people,most stuffed with everything they could grab,running to safety in far away states. Forgive me for being so dramatic but it truly looked like a scene from an apocolype movie. People wandering around in search of anything and everybody’s. Being from the Northern states myself we just don’t see things