Drug Ring Leader Gets 20 Years After Wiretap Investigation

September 6, 2017

An Escambia County man is headed to prison for drug trafficking.

Alfred Hayes entered a no contest plea to conspiracy to traffic in heroin, conspiracy to traffic in oxycodone and trafficking in methamphetamine. Hayes was sentenced by Circuit Judge Gary Bergosh to 20 years in state prison to be followed by 10 years of probation.

The charges stem from a wiretap investigation from March to May of 2016 which identified an organization that distributed significant quantities of narcotics in Escambia County. Alfred Hayes was arrested on May 8, 2016, and was found to be in possession of one kilogram of methamphetamine and $32,000 in cash.

The investigation revealed that Alfred Hayes was the primary leader of a drug distribution ring in Escambia County.


5 Responses to “Drug Ring Leader Gets 20 Years After Wiretap Investigation”

  1. Traumaqueen on September 8th, 2017 12:05 pm

    I’m with Mick..If it walks like a duck,quacks like a duck…well you get the idea.

  2. Chris on September 8th, 2017 4:51 am

    Less is given to murders.
    No one was forced to buy his “poison”

  3. Don't Play on September 8th, 2017 12:13 am

    Judge not and ye shall not be judged guess you perfect stop judging people like the police don’t lie and kill people and walk so they can’t lie wow honest Escambia County What joke

  4. John on September 7th, 2017 2:35 am

    20yrs is a long time for tax payers to pay for him to be babysat. It wasn’t like he was forcing folks to use drugs. Yeah sure he deserves time but not that much. When I was working at a prison saw pedophiles with less time. You even see robbers and home invaders with less time and those type of crimes have an effect on peoples psyche for a life time. The only reason we have so many re-offenders is because Florida prison isn’t hard time. At least not physically hard more mentally than anything. More inmates come out on psych meds than skills for re-entry. So all he’s gonna do is sit for 20yrs 3meals a day laid up doing the same stuff he and his old friends would be doing on the street. Watching TV and instead of drugs selling its cigarettes, cell phones or drink. He needs a few years hard time digging ditches, farming food they should be providing for the institution they are at, making their own uniforms thing like that. Then the 10yrs probation.

  5. mick on September 6th, 2017 9:39 am

    He’s a poison peddler he should have got 50 years in cage, or mix him up a cocktail of all that poison. A despicable excuse of a human being.