Century Approves Increased Budget, Sets Tax Rate

September 12, 2017

The Century Town Council gave preliminary approval Monday night to a $4.6 million budget — an increase of 23 percent over the last fiscal year.

The budget is $4,609,519, up from $3,746,888.36 last fiscal year.

The council also approved a tentative rollback millage rate of .9204, which is no increase over last year.

Before becoming final, the 2017-2018 Century budget faces another public hearing on Monday, September 18 at 6:50 p.m., just prior to a regular council meeting at 7:00.


One Response to “Century Approves Increased Budget, Sets Tax Rate”

  1. James on September 12th, 2017 1:50 pm

    So many articles in the past regarding the Century economy and the need for economic development. This budget clearly shows how out of touch the council and mayor are with the condition of the town. Zero expenditure for economic development. No wonder Century is going nowhere. It’s not the “Dawning of a new Century”; it’s the continued decay and mismanagement of the same old Century.