Byrneville Elementary Board Talks Hold On Building Plans, Pay Raises, New Board Member

September 28, 2017

The Byrneville Elementary School Board of Directors has hit a few minor bumps in the road in their plans to construct a new building.

But none of those bumps are set to halt plans, rather just to slow them down according to Principal Dee Wolfe-Sullivan during a board meeting Wednesday afternoon at the school.

The board is awaiting answers from the state about about capital outlay funding before moving forward with plans to acquire their school property from the Escambia County School District in order to continue with any construction plans.

The charter school is considering the construction of a new multi-million dollar modern building containing 8-10  classrooms, likely a cafetorium and possibly even a small gym. The largest building on the current Byrneville campus was build in 1941 and contains five classrooms, plus offices and a cafeteria.

Also Wednesday, the Byrneville board decided to align their educational support personnel pay scale with that of the Escambia County School District. Once the plans are finalized and approved at an upcoming board meeting, the pay changes will be retroactive for the school year. The change will result in a slight pay raise for the support employees.

And a new member of the board was approved Wednesday. Chris Hawkins was appointed to the board as a community member. Hawkins is employed as a nurse and is the pastor at Byrneville United Methodist Church. He will replace Michelle Driskell who resigned recently after four years on the board.

Pictured: Byrneville Elementary School Principal Dee Wolfe-Sullivan address board members Melanie Killam and Jeremy Hawsey Wednesday afternoon. photo, click to enlarge.


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