Body Found Near Brentwood Elementary

September 30, 2017

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is conducting a death investigation after a body was found along Palafox Street near Brentwood Elementary School late Friday afternoon.

The body was found about 5:30 p.m., and authorities said it appeared to be a local homeless man who was found not breathing. There was no immediate indication of any foul play.

Further information has not yet been released. reader-submitted photo by Jason Isbell, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Body Found Near Brentwood Elementary”

  1. Shay on October 2nd, 2017 12:13 pm

    I’ve been homeless with three children but it was a temporary situation. I didn’t make it a lifestyle. There are plenty of homeless people that find it easier and enjoyable to be homeless. Don’t bother wasting your breathe preaching to me about woahhhh is the homeless person. As a paramedic who has run on several homeless people,who lived in tent city,I offered information to help several pregnant girls get off the street and where to get prenatal care and neither they or their partners chose to get the help. Some of these people have mental disabilities and I’m not talking about them. Since Searcy closed down there is no mental help for the homeless and the hospitals that do take patients are always at full capacity. Mobile Infirmary is always on psych diversion.

    However, there are those that are totally at fault for there circumstance. The drug addicts and alcoholics that caused their own homelessness. It is much easier to beg for money and sleep on the streets because it’s cheap. It allows them their addictions. I’ve seen plenty of young adults,who are more than able to work a job,standing on the corners for 8+ hours a day in hot temperatures. These people can work and be proud to be citizens of society they just prefer to reach of the goodness of those kind hearted citizens of society who have put their big boy/girl pants on and are living off their own money.

    Let me say this again for the poster who chastised commenters on here.youre delusional if you think every homeless person you see is that way because They have to be. Wake up and if you don’t work with the homeless then please volunteer somewhere and learn about them. Let me reiterate: my comments are not about the mentally ill. It towards all the homeless who chose to be homeless because it’s easier than conforming with the norms of society.

  2. Willis on October 1st, 2017 9:13 pm

    Big Red is correct.
    Law Enforcement can’t do anything.

  3. Big red on October 1st, 2017 8:18 am

    It’s always funny to see the comments the general public makes about law enforcement. Let’s get to the root of this homeless issues. Just less than a quarter mile away from this park is a homeless shelter that feeds these individuals daily. This shelter has limited hours and is not a live in shelter for these people. So guess what folks? When it closes the leave and meander to where ever they want to go. Next stop Street corners where motorists give them cash. “Old saying if you feed stray cats they will hang around “. Now from the corners they go to hang out wherever including Brentwood park. Law enforcement goes through and arrest a few of them for county ordinances violations. This crime is a misdemeanor and the jail will give these homeless a medical screening and usually refuse them for whatever medical reason because most of the homeless people are sick or have some pre existing medical problems that require an extended hospital stay at the cost of taxpayers of you read about a death in the county jail . So they are released back into society with a day to show up for court and more than likely won’t show up. So the cycle continues. And don’t forget all of the different groups out here fight for homeless rights, tries to make life harder for the average person who lives in these areas by getting injunctions to make these ordinances harder to enforce and complain about overcrowding jails. So if you really want this homeless issue to go away STOP FEEDING THEM AND GIVING THEM MONEY. nuff said.

  4. Lara Nunes on October 1st, 2017 7:35 am

    It’s disgusting how the two top responders assumes about homeless American citizen. You should worry about the pedophiles who lives in the houses in your neighborhood.

    Homeless people are human beings they are not trash can be homeless too one day. Loose your job or get sick and you can’t work to pay the bills.

    Being hateful towards the poor can reverse the same to you both.Public Park is for all Americans not just for the two greedy parasites above. Homeless are not going to hurt the children.

    The pedophiles living in homes around the school wil;l they live in houses like you.

  5. e on September 30th, 2017 4:13 pm

    I agree totally with the previous poster…..It is disgusting to watch these drunks hang around a childrens park and yes it seems they do run them out every so often then they slowly work their way back in. How could anyone feel comfortable going there with all that garbage hanging around. If I lived in that neighborhood I can promise u I would gather some others together and take care of the problem!

  6. Just Sayn' on September 30th, 2017 11:52 am

    Just really concerned about these homeless people congregating at that park across the street from that Elementary School! I believe there needs to be some kind of better law enforcement- about the homeless taking stake anywhere near a School! If I had a child going to that elementary school – I would be raising h*ll about the constant sight of these homeless people. If that body had been there when school was dismissed- and a small child saw that – it would never be erased from their memory. Something needs to be done at that park! Make it an actual Park again! Not an outdoor “Hotel/Motel” for the homeless!!!

    Just Sayn’