Bill Would Crack Down On Leaving Children In Vehicles

September 1, 2017

It would be illegal to leave children age 6 or younger unattended in cars for any length of time, under a measure filed Thursday by state Rep. Emily Slosberg, D-Boca Raton. The proposal, filed for consideration during the 2018 legislativesession, would be stricter than current law.

Adults currently can’t leave children in vehicles for more than 15 minutes or for any period of time if the motor is running, the health of a child is in danger or a child appears to be in distress.

Under Slosberg’s proposal, violations would be punishable by a second-degree misdemeanor charge, which carries a penalty of up to $500 and 60 days jail.

Violating current law is considered a noncriminal traffic infraction that carries a fine between $50 and $500. Felony charges are already in place if a child is harmed.

by The News Service of Florida


5 Responses to “Bill Would Crack Down On Leaving Children In Vehicles”

  1. Reader on September 6th, 2017 11:36 am

    If this were law we wouldn’t be able to bring groceries inside without being subject to arrest. There’s no need for it;

    I am against leaving children in cars for any period of time, but the current law of 15 minutes is enough. Some things just don’t need to be laws.

  2. jack on September 1st, 2017 9:35 am

    Lou is spot on. This proposal amounts to a campaign ad. While I was deployed in the Navy my wife would have been subject to arrest every time she brought groceries home.

  3. Mic Hall on September 1st, 2017 8:41 am

    Lou you are so wrong. This is something that has to be done to get the attention of those who have endangered children but have not, so far, had one hurt. Obviously those who have hurt children will already have that to live with but those who haven’t yet need something to get them to stop doing stupid.

    If you as a parent, guardian, or child care worker know you will get charged for leaving a child and it gets your attention then great. If it changes what they do that is risky. Then even better.

    We have children hurt by carelessness almost every day. People need to stop being stupid about leaving children in vehicles. Those who do this already show they are not thinking clearly. If doing this gets them a ticket maybe they will be more careful before it is to late.

    We have laws to try to get people to stop texting and driving. Does it stop everyone? No. Has it made some think twice about texting. Yes. Is it likely that the law has saved lives. Yes.

  4. Lou on September 1st, 2017 7:36 am

    What a waste of taxpayer dollars and lawmakers time…..everything doesn’t have to have a law. This is a horrible thing to have happen….it is punishment enough if you were to leave your child in your car. People need to slow down and pay attention. I agree it is wrong and terrible but a fine isn’t the answer.

  5. Traumaqueen on September 1st, 2017 5:16 am

    It is a sad world when you have to make people look for their children in their cars.