Cantonment Convenience Store Robbed At Gunpoint (Updated With Surveillance Images)

September 14, 2017

[Updated 9/14 with surveillance images.]

Deputies are searching for the man who held up a Cantonment convenience store at gunpoint early Tuesday morning.

About 3:21 a.m. a white male entered the  Circle K at the intersection of Highway 29 and East Kingsfield Road, walked up to the counter with a handgun and asked for money, according to Amber Southard, spokesperson for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

The suspect fled the store with an undisclosed amount of cash. He was last seen running north through the parking lot toward Kingsfield Road.

He was described as a white male wearing a black ski mask with a skeleton design, blue jeans, a dark zippered hoodie and bright yellow gloves.

Anyone with information on the armed robbery is asked to call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP. file photo.


17 Responses to “Cantonment Convenience Store Robbed At Gunpoint (Updated With Surveillance Images)”

  1. Evidence on September 15th, 2017 7:43 pm

    Yeah, yeah we all watch law and order, CSI, 48 hours etc.. We all know why only certain evidence is released to the public. It’s just a matter of time until they try it again or slip up and get caught.

  2. La Parka on September 15th, 2017 6:15 pm

    I swear I didn’t do it.

  3. CW on September 15th, 2017 5:24 am

    @Laura Hendrix

    This happened to me 20 years ago while working night shift at a store in Atmore. It was about the same time, as I was cleaning the deli area I heard the door open, and by the time I could turn around to see who it was, there was a guy standing there wearing a leprechaun mask demanding money. It’s very terrifying seeing something like that when you’re not expecting it.

    To add insult to injury I had forgot to make a safe drop and was written up by management because the guy got away with too much money. Needless to say, I quit that job the next day. Turned out the guy who robbed me was a crackhead and was needing money for his next fix.

  4. Sue on September 14th, 2017 6:35 pm

    @Laura Hendrix, I’m so glad you are okay. I always worried about my daughter when she worked there. You did exactly the right thing. Money can be replaced. There’s only one of you.

  5. AC on September 14th, 2017 3:19 pm

    The reason law enforcement officials do not give out certain specific information in these type of crimes in well known, and common sensical. This is a way to verify information that may be given later by someone as factual or not. So that if, for example, some low-life in jail decided he wants to set up someone he doesn’t like for the crime and get a sweet deal in the process and claims he knows all about the crime, they can ask him certain questions to verify his info. Such as: what kind of gun was used? If he says a .9mm semi-auto and it was actually a revolver, or he says they got several thousand dollars but it was actually only a hundred dollars; they will know his story is bull. But if he provides details that only the police and the robber knows, then it’s probably legit.

    If this information is released to the public, then everyone knows and eliminates this factual test. And, lets face it, there’s no valid reason why anyone outside law enforcement should know these details. What difference does it make what kind of gun was used, or how much money was taken? Or even a detailed physical description? So what if it was a short skinny person? Are you going to report every short skinny person you see? On the other hand, if you see someone walking around in a hoodie, and skeleton ski mask with bright yellow gloves in September in Florida; I would probably say go ahead and report that.

  6. Howie on September 14th, 2017 11:13 am

    Thank you store clerk for that description. I pass through that area daily and will certainly be on the look out for some dude short and skinny. Could be one of
    the useless criminals living south of the store in the apartments.

  7. Laura Hendricks on September 14th, 2017 9:04 am

    It was 3:15am , I just made coffee and was going behind the register .. I was very tired working 9pm-4am everyday it was catching up with me… all I remember is seeing the door open , as a masked man come in quickly..he was about 5″5 and thin , all I could see was his eyelids when he told me to “empty it out ” I began to do so immedienty .. it happened very quick. I don’t remember much

  8. Teresa on September 13th, 2017 12:59 pm

    People stop freaking out thinking that ECSD isn’t investigating this! They may not have to give a description because they may already have an idea as to who the perp was! There could be a ton of different reasons why more info haven’t been released. There is a lot that goes on behide the scenes of an investigation that the public doesn’t know, nor do they need to. Calm your nerves folks. Have a little faith in your LEO’s.

  9. Mike J. on September 13th, 2017 9:10 am

    I was robbed at gunpoint as a clerk at a Cantonment store 25 years ago. I worked for Nugget Oil at Ensley and Cantonment. That convenience store was the worst job I’ve ever had and not only because of the robbery. I delivered pizzas, worked at older full-serve gas stations, and was in the Navy on aircraft carriers, but I will never go back to working at a convenience store.

    These “people” who rob stores don’t seem to understand that the employee is required to drop extra money over $35 into the safe that cannot be opened by the clerk. This is a Florida law that was passed to protect the clerks so that the criminals would know they only get $35 and it’s not worth it. If they can’t understand that, then it’s no wonder they can’t hold a real job.

    I don’t give convenience store clerks a hard time like I see some people do. I know what it’s like to be on the other side of the counter.

  10. Chris in Molino on September 13th, 2017 5:06 am

    @Exhausted—- Inside job ? You’re kidding right ? This wasn’t a bank or similar target. We’re talking less money than the clerk probably makes in a week.
    Just because ECSO offered no info on the robbers description doesn’t mean their not on top of it.
    If anyone wants to blame something, blame the drug epidemic. Deal harshly with even the most low level dope seller.
    Sad to see this type of thing moving further north. Be prepared folks. This country is definitely not getting better.

  11. William on September 13th, 2017 1:07 am

    >>>I was the clerk that was held at gunpoint. I did give description of robbed and gun. It’s just not mentioned….

    Glad you are OK! The only info the ECSO provided is above. We published everything they would release.

  12. Laura Hendricks on September 13th, 2017 12:59 am

    I was the clerk that was held at gunpoint. I did give description of robbed and gun. It’s just not mentioned….

  13. Exhausted on September 12th, 2017 8:39 pm

    Seriously people, why do you care what kind of freaking gun it was? You should be more concerned that someone was brave enough to walk into the Circle K at one of the busiest intersections in this town and pull a gun!

    The clothing was pretty descriptive.

    I’m sure as the investigation moves forward, we’ll have more information. If the clerk wasn’t paying attention or the cameras weren’t working for some reason, then they’ll have to look at this possibly being an inside job….

  14. BILL on September 12th, 2017 5:43 pm


  15. Howie on September 12th, 2017 4:08 pm

    Robber is short or tall, skinny, fat. He fled the store, on foot, bicycle or car. Descriptions please. Can’t help you out if you can’t provide important information.

  16. William on September 12th, 2017 2:04 pm

    >>The title states that the store was robbed at gunpoint, yet no description of the firearm was given.

    No description has been provided by the Sheriff’s Office

  17. Sedition on September 12th, 2017 1:01 pm

    The title states that the store was robbed at gunpoint, yet no description of the firearm was given. Any idea/guesstimation of caliber? Revolver? Semi? Blued? Pimp chrome? What are we looking for?