What Do You Think? How Could Oil Spill Money Be Spent To Help Century?

August 24, 2017

The Town of Century is working on five project ideas to submit for possible funding from oil spill money through Triumph Gulf Coast…and they want to hear your ideas.

If you can’t make a planned meeting tonight, NorthEscambia.com is accepting ideas that we will present on your behalf.  Email your ideas to news@northescambia.com or submit in the comment section below. It’s our effort to involve those in the governmental process that otherwise can’t attend the meeting.

The Century Town Council decided Monday night to hold a joint workshop with the Century Area Chamber of Commerce at 6:00 tonight to received project ideas from the chamber and the public. The council will then hold a special meeting at 7:00 p.m. to vote on five projects to submit to the county for possible funding.

Activities eligible for funding include ad valorem tax rate reductions, workforce skill development, local funding match requirements, public infrastructure projects, equipment and personnel for local disaster action plans, promotion of tourism and workforce and educational career development programs.

Editor’s note: Only serious ideas meeting basic criteria will be presented by NorthEscambia.com during the council’s public comment period. We can’t guarantee that every submitted idea will be presented, as our time may be limited by the council. The meetings are open to the public, and any member of the public may attend the meeting and present their ideas subject to council rules.


3 Responses to “What Do You Think? How Could Oil Spill Money Be Spent To Help Century?”

  1. Citizen on August 24th, 2017 1:42 pm

    Thank you for going to the meeting and bringing info to the public. Perhaps it helps to keep the peace.

  2. anne 1of2 on August 24th, 2017 11:11 am

    Well Gee, Golly, I must improve my choice of reading stories. This explains the other Century scam story! I hope the Mayor will research these speakers from now on. North Escambia, does a great job, even when they are picking on my comments,lol.

  3. Ms Johnson on August 24th, 2017 10:56 am

    Infrastructure! we keep hearing about all the problems with the water and sewer systems. Lets fix those!!