Train Blocks Access To Molino Neighborhood For Hours

August 29, 2017

A stopped CSX train had residents of one Molino neighborhood stuck with no way out late Monday afternoon.

Residents said the Fairground and Daffin Road crossings were blocked for a couple of hours just after 4 p.m. Monday. Until the train moved again about 6:40, residents of Daffin Road, Fairground Road, River Bend Road and Yuhasz Road were unable to get out of the their neighborhood.

Reader submitted photo by Jamie Caston for, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Train Blocks Access To Molino Neighborhood For Hours”

  1. Adam on August 30th, 2017 5:08 pm

    Grand Locust, here is the Florida Laws regarding highway blockage. Also, the Federal Railroad Administration does not mandate a certain time for highway blockage. They say if they did, it might cause an unsafe problem worse than highway blockage.

  2. Adam on August 30th, 2017 4:50 pm

    Bullcp, OSHA has nothing to do with this. OSHA is an employee protection agency. It would investigate any safety hazards that the train crew might encounter.

  3. Grand Locust on August 30th, 2017 1:01 pm

    There is only one answer. The SA has to file a lawsuit. The federal rules are clear. They are in violation of those rules and laws concerning blocking roads. When somebody dies, it will be too late. Some poor non violent addict is given years in jail at taxpayer expense, but the SA does NOTHING to correct this problem. The rules are clear. They have violated those rules and simply complaining does nothing. Criminal indictment and nothing less, and huge compensatory fines. Or we can wait for government incompetence and somebody dies.

  4. Old News on August 29th, 2017 10:39 pm

    This has been happening for the past 25 or so years in this area. Nothing has changed.

  5. Glenda on August 29th, 2017 7:51 pm

    Don’t know if this helps but to all residents take down this phone number. I used it when I drove a school bus and was blocked in or the gates were malfunctioning The number is for CSX…call and ask to speak to a supervisor and give them your concerns. 1-800-232-0144.

  6. Chris on August 29th, 2017 3:56 pm

    For most trains, breaking them is a viable option. However, one event comes to mind when those of us were stuck in our neighborhood because a train ran out of fuel. CSX, please make a plan to incorporate the availability for crossing during planned and unplanned stops through our cities and towns. Also, please ensure that all trains are ready to roll and have plenty of fuel and proper pre-operational checks.

  7. bullcp on August 29th, 2017 1:46 pm

    I live off Fairground and tell me “Why is it that everytime this train gets brokedown it is always right where we are blocked in…..I call bull crap….(keeping it nice) When we call they always say they have a problem with the train….yea right…They have a “good excuse” everytime….I call bull on all of it….We need to start calling OSHA on them….turn them in for all the people climbing in and over the train tracks (even though that’s not allowed or they say illegal) OSHA might not like it should someone get killed while trying to cross these tracks during this time that the so called train is “Broke Down” …….Let OSHA investigate how many times these trains block (Time and Dates cuz you bet we got them all recorded) they might just see a trend here with CSX…….

  8. AprilG on August 29th, 2017 11:03 am

    In the last few years there have been a lot of times we in Cantonment have been trapped by broken down trains. They have to stop the entire train if any one car is reporting trouble. They can’t break the train up to let traffic through. That being said, since they are aware of this, they need to make resources available to the neighborhoods they affect. Emergency transportation and services, for sure. It is ridiculous when a hundred school kids cannot get to or from school because of a train. Figure it out, CSX.

  9. Trish on August 29th, 2017 10:59 am

    Yes, this has been going on for years. Fire trucks and Ambulances can’t get through so you have to pray for nothing major happening when train is stationary. I just don’t understand how something like this can go on for years with nothing being done until residents have to get a lawyer involved. Naturally the train corporation has deep pockets with their own legal teams so they can literally draw this out for years. Shows how powerful money is, all that is important is the bottom line of profit.

  10. wally on August 29th, 2017 9:59 am

    It seems the train could be broke at the crossings if it is known the train would be setting that long ?????

  11. Kelli heaton on August 29th, 2017 9:55 am

    This also happens a lot on airport Blvd. !

  12. J.Larry Seale on August 29th, 2017 9:51 am

    The only way to get CSX attention is to contact the
    FRA in Atlanta…..file a complain with them and CSX
    will hafe to listen……..
    other wise just blow it out your nose………


  13. click on August 29th, 2017 7:05 am

    This happens about once a week and has been happening for the 25 years I have lived in that area. nothing will change.

  14. Lyssa on August 29th, 2017 7:00 am

    I wish that I could say that this is a one time occurrence, but it is not. At one time I even had to file a complaint because my son was missing the school bus due to the train being stopped on the track, not to mention the many times we have been late to work due to said train. Many of the people in this neighborhood have been affected by this repeatedly.

  15. Patricia Hawkins on August 29th, 2017 6:08 am

    Doesn’t the freight have to be somewhere? If the train is waiting for rail traffic to clear ahead it sounds like poor rail management to me. If the train must wait that long, they should find a spot further north that does not impact a neighborhood. No free citizen should have their movement restricted by a company. That is analogous to neighborhood arrest. I would be very angry if it were mine.

  16. mike on August 29th, 2017 1:48 am

    aww, too bad! :)

    I guess you could work something out with neighbors and keep a spare vehicle parked on the other side, and pass under/inbetween railcars. i see a lawsuit(s) brewing when an emergency, medical or otherwise, happens. Fire, hazardous weather evac, dire criminal activity, all sorts of situations where the roads being blocked would be more than a minor annoyance. Perhaps a viaduct or tunnel would be cheaper than the aforementioned litigation? Nothing will be done, I bet.