Send Us Your Eclipse Viewing Photos

August 21, 2017

Today’s the big eclipse and we want to see how you experience it!

Whether you are outside in official safety glasses or with the cool cereal box projector, watching inside on the TV or other device, at a viewing party, stuck in a classroom or just working along like a normal day — we want to see your photos.  We’ll be sharing the best  photos on!

To submit your photos, add them to  the post on our Facebook page here, or email them to Please provide the location, any story behind the photo and any names you wish to share. Please send the largest file size you have.

You must follow accepted safety practices when viewing or photographing the eclipse. Don’t look directly toward the sun. Do not point a DSLR or other camera at the sun without a certified filter. We do not accept any liability for stupidity or injury.


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