Milton Day Care Owner Gets Life For Murder Of Toddler

August 12, 2017

A Santa Rosa County daycare owner will spend the rest of her life in prison after being convicted of the first-degree murder of a toddler

In October 2014, 58-year old Thelma Lowery called 911 from her home daycare, Lowery’s Little Angels, in Milton to report that 15-month old Brodie Kent had been put down for a nap and then went into a seizure. She told authorities that he had been hit in the head by wooden block by another child earlier in the day.

Brodie died five days later.

Multiple doctors testified at Lowery’s trial that the injuries were no accident.

Lowery was immediately sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.


12 Responses to “Milton Day Care Owner Gets Life For Murder Of Toddler”

  1. Jcellops on August 15th, 2017 6:18 am

    A novel idea: if you run a daycare at home or as a structured business, maintain video cameras throughout the house in common areas where children are cared for. We do at my job.

  2. Kati on August 14th, 2017 1:21 am

    To Bewildered, Brodie was my little cousin. My aunt is his grandmother. The reason she got life was because he died due to shaking baby syndrome. From what the doctors said it was the worst case they had ever seen. They could pin point a round about time the injury happened and it was when he was in her care. She is a awful person who away Brodie from his parents and our family. The pain she has caused is I’m sure is unbearable for his parents. No parent should have to burry their child. But a perfectly healthy happy baby boy was MURDERED by this monster I hope she is beat every day in prison that way she will feel just a very small amount of the pain she casued!!!! We love you Brodie!!!?

  3. Bewildered on August 13th, 2017 4:07 am

    Just reading the article – not having all the details – i dont understand how she was convicted of MURDER. She did not plan to kill this precious little boy even if she shook him and caused his death. I think raw emotions overruled this trial, a manslaughter charge would have been appropriate.

  4. Charlie Mike on August 12th, 2017 2:07 pm

    Home day care? No red flags there. Condolences to the family.

  5. Chris on August 12th, 2017 10:05 am

    Huh ,what.. She somehow caused this child’s seizure?
    Not enough facts to know what to think presented.

  6. Gary on August 12th, 2017 8:55 am

    Jusice was served!!!! She should have received the death penalty.

  7. anne1of2 on August 12th, 2017 8:28 am

    God bless Brodie’s family and may he help to ease their pain. If a child is driving us crazy we need to call for help and walk away not shake the life out of the child.

  8. Justice Served on August 12th, 2017 8:08 am

    Justice was served!!!! This woman got just what she deserved. She had plenty of time to raise money for a team defense attorneys. This will not bring little Brodie back, but it will give his family some closure.

  9. Robert on August 12th, 2017 7:50 am

    It does not seem like we are getting the whole story, but I don’t know how this verdict can be reached without a reasonable doubt. Kind of reminds me of all the people convicted of murder due to ” expert testimony” of dental records who were later cleared using DNA testing decades later.

  10. Grand Locust on August 12th, 2017 12:55 am

    She had one medical expert. A person with financial resources would have had five doctors reviewing the medical records and at least two who would testify at trial. Does anybody think that Santa Rosa County gives blank checks to indigents for expert testimony. Poverty should not be an obstacle to justice.

  11. Mothers former coworker on August 12th, 2017 12:50 am

    She got what she deserved…even though this will not bring little Brodie back it gives his family some type of closure…what she done to him should be done to her…my thoughts and prayers are with Brodie Kent family as this trial is over…Brodie is greatly missed and will always be loved…he is his families guardian angel and is always there watching over them and will forever be in their hearts…RIP Brodie Kent

  12. Grand Locust on August 12th, 2017 12:24 am

    Prayers to the family for their loss. Nothing can bring Brodie back. However, this trial was a farce. How color coordinated shirts were let into a trial without objection by the judge can be taken up on appeal. This was not a sporting event. Without a confession, without one piece of physical evidence connecting this woman to the injuries, she was convicted to life in prison. But for the grace of God anyone of us could have had this rush to judgment happen to us. When people cannot afford medical experts to give counter evidence to medical conclusions which the state has an unlimited budget, you get this injustice. Fortunately our jury system works, and so does our appeal process. What a painful process for everybody involved, but there was no justice in this verdict. A good woman who had a spotless record and worked for the people of East Milton in her capacity as a volunteer fireman has been railroaded, at least she was not hanged by a mob on the public square. God help us if this is justice.