Hurricane Harvey Expected To Raise Florida Gas Prices

August 27, 2017

Gasoline prices in Florida are expected to jump in the next week after Hurricane Harvey’s landfall in Texas Friday night.

Oil refineries sit in the  path of the storm, and much of the gas that Florida receives is shipped across the Gulf of Mexico from those refineries.

W.D. Williams, a spokesman for AAA Auto Club, said prices could jump between 10 and 30 cents over the next week, depending on how bad the storm is.

“When the refineries are impacted by a storm such as a hurricane, it shuts them down,” Williams said. “The wind interrupts the power supply. You’ll have flooding that interrupts operations. That means there is going to be no gasoline being produced for a bit of time.”

Williams said  with Harvey making landfall as a Category 4 storm, some refineries could be offline for up to three weeks. photo.


11 Responses to “Hurricane Harvey Expected To Raise Florida Gas Prices”

  1. Irisheyes on August 29th, 2017 8:54 pm

    If that much production has stopped we should have shortages. Instead the gas will keep coming and the prices will keep rising. I guess I’m just jealous I’m not getting rich off this scam.

  2. Richard harry on August 29th, 2017 1:52 pm

    I am a tanker driver , I pull fuel from chevron refinery ( Pascagoula),Shell refinery (mobile) ,Citgo Terminal ( Niceville ) , Murphy Terminal ( Freeport ) and Murphy , verienergey Terminals in Montgomery . They have all added shifts and overtime to increase capacity .I usually pull 4-5 loads a day, but now theres a longer wait to load because of all the trucks loading from closed refineries ,So I can only load 2-3 loads a day now.More drivers are working to cover the missing loads.All this costs a lot of extra money!!! So before you start complaining about a few cent increase in gas ,think about all the people working 14 hour days to make sure there is gas at the station when you go to fill up!!!!

  3. anne 1of2 on August 28th, 2017 9:11 am

    Thought about this overnight. This coming weekend is Labor Day weekend so the prices were going to go up anyway, now they can really stick it to the consumer. All of the consumers going to Texas to help out will have to pay these prices too when they should be getting gas for free!

  4. No Excuses on August 28th, 2017 8:57 am

    @ Sulloa: How do we pay more taxes on our gas if the price goes up? There is a fixed tax per gallon that one must pay. If you pay more for the gas, you are still paying the same for the tax.

    I am with those of you complaining about the prices going up, but we choose to live here knowing what they do. I can see a slight increase because there is a shortage – the law of supply and demand. But any dramatic increase is gouging and needs to be reported immediately.

    @Sue – move to Canada if you like socialism so much. I prefer the volatility here with hard work rewarded with good pay if you are smart and get into a good career field and are willing to work to earn what you get.

  5. Capitalist American on August 28th, 2017 7:19 am

    Sue, if you don’t like the way this country is run – pull up a map, find a country that suits your needs, and move there. In this case, you seem to already have found Canada. Bye now.

  6. old man on August 27th, 2017 8:05 pm

    if you think you are being goulged report it to the state if people dont report it nothing can be done about it as for taxes i dont like them either but look at al those people are taxed to death at least we dont pay taxes on groceries ; drugs ‘and income

  7. Sue on August 27th, 2017 2:11 pm

    Welcome to all the greed associated with Capitalists And the mixed economy we find ourselves in. Canada may pay more for gas and other consumables but there prices are much less volatile and stable compared to our more capitalist economics.

  8. Sulloa on August 27th, 2017 1:07 pm

    Don’t forget that the more we pay in gasoline, the more the county/ state gets in the “hidden” gasoline taxes. I would bet they also have a hand in this. Just when the consumer gets a break ( like lower gasoline prices) here comes the county grabbing their hot share. Other companies do it too- insurance? Also, anyone notice our property taxes rising again? Don’t see anything for it, either. The turn-offs from 29 to 95A are pot-holed and have been for years
    , the medians throughout the county are disgraceful as well as the right-of-way along the county roads. But the county commissioners are fairng pretty well…

  9. bartender on August 27th, 2017 10:05 am

    noone has to tell us gas prices would go up when the talk of a storm.most gas places tries to price goulge anyway. why is every tom thumb a different price anyway? shouldnt they all be the same price? why should it affect us? thats the way its always been.groceries go up to.

  10. anne 1of2 on August 27th, 2017 9:12 am

    This is so bogus. I will never forget one dollar price change overnight after Ivan. It is not OK to stick it to the consumer, like the oil investors need another dime. Greed really sucks!

  11. Jason on August 26th, 2017 2:11 am

    The storm hadn’t even made landfall in Texas before many of our local retailers had already boosted prices at the pump by 10 cents a gallon.
