Escambia Schools Release Eclipse Viewing Guidelines For Students

August 14, 2017

Where will you child be during next week’s solar eclipse?

If they are a student in the Escambia County School District, they will be indoors unless a specific set of guidelines released by the district are met.

On Monday, August 21, a partial solar eclipse will be visible in Escambia County between 11:30 a.m.. and 3:15 p.m. (This will not effect dismissal times; elementary schools and others that normally dismiss earlier than 3:15 will dismiss as usual). During this time, the school district has said that all activities, including P.E. classes and recess, will be conducted indoors.

Teachers can take students out to see the eclipse, provided a district approved parental permission slip is signed and students are provided with certified viewing glasses. Teachers must provide safe instruction for students that will watch the eclipse. Students will be limited to 10 minutes of viewing time, unless a longer time is approved by the principal.

Students unable to go outside under the guidelines will be able to watch the eclipse online.

Edit 8:30 a.m.: Added information about elementary school dismissal times.


12 Responses to “Escambia Schools Release Eclipse Viewing Guidelines For Students”

  1. John on August 21st, 2017 3:04 pm

    I brought my own solar glasses to school and a self-made permission slip signed by my parents (thanks to ECSD for not providing us the permission slips that were promised, by the way) saying I was allowed to go outside and view the eclipse with my glasses. Despite this, teachers forced me to stay inside. My mom had to check me out for a few minutes just so I could even see the eclipse; I only got to see it for about 10 seconds, and it wasn’t even at maximum partiality.

    Thanks to this school district, I missed the best part of one of the coolest natural events this decade. At least when the next USA total eclipse happens on April 8, 2024, I’ll be rid of ECSD and all its stupid policies. I still can’t believe the eclipse is over and I missed it because of freaking SCHOOL, of all things.

  2. Jessica Smith on August 21st, 2017 9:02 am

    Anyone receive the permission slip? Neither one of my kids did.

  3. Rebecca Howie on August 20th, 2017 6:53 pm

    I’m really confused!!! My son is a first time middle schooler and will be going outside to different classes all day… also my daughter will be going to lunch during it??? Walton county cancelled school all together???

  4. Parent on August 20th, 2017 7:14 am

    If students go to school Monday, someone might get hurt! You’re endangering our kids.

  5. Carly on August 17th, 2017 9:54 am

    There’s no way my teachers are gonna let me out of class… I’m just gonna check myself out and watch the eclipse somewhere else, because watching it online isn’t the same as the real thing. I thought this was a joke at first but i guess escambia is actually that crazy.

  6. HS Student on August 16th, 2017 8:27 am

    Really? What say does the ECSD have in this? Is there a reason they’re making it even harder to find a time to watch this event, or do they just really like to tick off students who are interested in seeing it? Come on, Escambia… we’re not that immature.

  7. Angie on August 15th, 2017 8:24 pm

    Kids will still be dismissed at 2. School District decided while they should not have any classes outdoors during the eclipse, it’s perfectly fine for them to stand outside waiting for their parents to pick them up without having any glasses to wear. Makes a whole lot of sense.

  8. Donna on August 15th, 2017 2:01 pm

    It says that it will not effect dismissal times.

  9. Gary on August 15th, 2017 6:25 am

    What if the sky is overcast like it most likely will be?

  10. tigtag24 on August 14th, 2017 8:12 am

    Yes, what will elementary kids do regarding dismissal time at 2:00?

  11. Carly on August 14th, 2017 7:24 am

    We are going to send in for an excused absence and fly our Lear Jet up to see a total eclispse of the sun…even if some one thinks…you’re so vain, and you probably think this is about you…don’t you? don’t you??

  12. Parent on August 14th, 2017 5:51 am

    Any word about dismissal time for this day? Elementary dismissal is 2:00?