Elementary Students Can Meet Their Teachers On Monday

August 6, 2017

Escambia County Elementary Schools will provide parents and students a chance to meet their teachers on Monday, prior to the first day of school on Thursday:


5 Responses to “Elementary Students Can Meet Their Teachers On Monday”

  1. anne 1of2 on August 7th, 2017 3:04 pm

    Children need to understand that school is their job and they need to do well every day. Employers of the parents need to realize these children are their future employees and make allowances for their employees when the school year begins. If the parents don’t care,why should the children? Schools are not free babysitting and the parents need to be told this every day too. Show respect for these educators!

  2. Heather on August 6th, 2017 11:40 pm

    A lot of parents work and these times aren’t convinenet for working parents. Would be better if they offered times in the morning and afternoon.

  3. Kim Stefansson on August 6th, 2017 8:20 pm


    Please remember to stop by the office to update any changes to your address, phone numbers, emergency contacts, etc. Address changes are especially important as the bus routes are being worked on and updated! The bus drivers can’t find your children if you don’t tell us where they are living!

    If you have new neighbors with school-age children, please help them find their school and encourage them to get up there early, so they can get registered and explore the school (and get assigned to a bus route)!

    Thank you!!!!
    Kim, ECSD PRC

  4. Hometown girl on August 6th, 2017 5:47 pm

    Probably more than half the school. Southern mommas take their childrens schools serious.

  5. molino jim on August 6th, 2017 1:42 pm

    I wonder how many parent will show up with their kids.