Drugs, Guns And Cash Seized During ECSO Raid

August 4, 2017

A month long drug investigation by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit ended with the arrest of three people.

The Narcotics Unit and SWAT team served a search warrant at a suspected drug house in the 1800 block of West Maxwell Street. When officers arrived, 25-year old Brandon Anderson and 27-year old John Moore attempted to flee the residence in a vehicle.

Anderson crashed the car he was driving in to another vehicle, a fence, and a tree. Back at the home on West Maxwell Street investigators found cocaine and marijuana that were packaged for sale along with several firearms and nearly $7,000 in cash.

Anderson and Moore were arrested at the crash scene, and Michael Bryant was arrested at the home. Their charges include cocaine trafficking, possession with intent to sell cocaine and marijuana within 1,000 feet of a church, and possession of drug paraphernalia. More arrests are expected to be made in this case, according to the Sheriff’s Office.


16 Responses to “Drugs, Guns And Cash Seized During ECSO Raid”

  1. Bob's Brother on August 7th, 2017 6:54 am

    I agree, Michah… These are hardened criminals likely tied to gangs that murder and rob. They’re not just peddling cigarettes. They’re selling DRUGS. They’re certainly not claiming the cash income, so they’re guilty of racketeering as well. It’s time to put all of them out of business.

  2. Micha Dunleavy on August 5th, 2017 6:20 pm

    I guess most of the commenters missed the three guns and cocaine on the table. I guess some commenters wouldn’t mind drug transactions, burglaries, robberies and shootings right next door to his house. Maybe you’d open up your doors and let them run their operation out of your house since you’re so cozy to the idea. I wonder if you’d just look the other way if the guy rammed into your car haha “oh don’t worry about it man, I know you’re just trying to get away from the cops I’ll just pay for the damage you caused to my car” haha “Nothing but a cigarette”

  3. Cantonment on August 5th, 2017 10:41 am

    Where does it say anything about resource officer in this post…eat your politics…they put away drug dealers (Cocaine) and got what was most likely stolen guns off the street

  4. Bob C. on August 4th, 2017 10:19 pm

    @ Esc co leo on August 4th, 2017 5:59 pm
    You are NOT correct on salaries for the School Resource Officers and you know that yet to curry good favor with Grinnin’ Dave you gotta say what he wants to hear. I do understand that and you are forgiven. Hope you get coffee and donuts with The Man to celebrate your support.

    @ David Huie Green on August 4th, 2017 5:01 pm
    Yes, you ARE correct, the LETF monies can be used for things like Training which is greatly needed and requested by new and experienced officers, Actual Drug Prevention instead of spending on “Charities” where there is very little chance of drug use but having one’s name as a prominent donor plus ‘Don’t do drugs’ in tiny type meets the legal requirements, or supporting with LETF monies a cyberthon which is backed by one of our other county leaders.
    Yep, we need MORE billboards perhaps with light-up grins on them.

    And, the School Board of Escambia County pays half the salaries and costs for the School Resource Officers.

  5. ERIC on August 4th, 2017 6:26 pm

    A waste of time weed is legal across half the United States just like giving a person a ticket for talking on a ear bulb while driving, but you don’t give a person a ticket for driving with there dog or cat in there arms as they cause the same distraction or more cause the animal is moving around a blocking your vision. Come on ESCAMBIA COUNTY AT BEST WEED IS A CIGARETTE NOW.

  6. Esc co leo on August 4th, 2017 5:59 pm

    @ Bob C

    Keep reading… the statute specifically lists the things the money can be spent on. Basically supplies, resources, materials, etc. Noplace does it say “salaries” for school resource officers. In fact, it specifically says ” The proceeds and interest may not be used to meet normal operating expenses of the law enforcement agency.”. Salaries are a normal operating expense.

  7. Retired LEP on August 4th, 2017 5:31 pm

    There are two separate LET funds. There is a state LET that has oversight from the county commission and then there is the federal Justice LET fund, which has no oversight by the county commission. The federal LET has different guidelines and may be spent on salaries in some cases. I am curious where the $2.00 per hour extra duty fee goes that the sheriff collects every time an officer works an off duty job.

    Morgan has a top heavy admin. that is burning up salary dollars and nobody is calling him out on it because he’s a bully. The Sheriffs employees deserve a raise. I’m for that 100%. I just believe he’s got more fat in his budget than the citizens realize.

    No I didn’t leave the Sheriffs Office on bad terms I retired. Just thought I’d get that out of the way before it’s said.

  8. David Huie Green on August 4th, 2017 5:01 pm

    “You must be drinking the Morgan Kool-Aid.,,”

    Right that it can be used for that but keep in mind that it can be used for other things.

    “. . . school resource officer, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, drug abuse education and prevention programs, or for other law enforcement purposes, which include defraying the cost of protracted or complex investigations, providing additional equipment or expertise, purchasing automated external defibrillators for use in law enforcement vehicles, and providing matching funds to obtain federal grants.”

    I believe it was misused before, should have been used to pay for more billboards.

    David for good value
    (and a sense of the absurd)

  9. Bob C. on August 4th, 2017 12:00 pm

    @ Esc co leo on August 4th, 2017 10:02 am

    You must be drinking the Morgan Kool-Aid.

    2017 Florida Statute 932.7055 Disposition of Liens and Forfeited Property
    (5) (a) (5)(a) If the seizing agency is a county or municipal agency, the remaining proceeds shall be deposited in a special law enforcement trust fund established by the board of county commissioners or the governing body of the municipality. Such proceeds and interest earned therefrom shall be used for SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER ….

    Read it for yourself and become INFORMED rather than Told…see link below:

    If you’re really a LEO then investigate and do your research.

  10. Les Bridges on August 4th, 2017 10:50 am

    I wonder why Brandon is the only one that looks worried?

  11. Me on August 4th, 2017 10:48 am

    WOOOOOOOOW. A whole month of resources for $7K! Whats the net defecit on this operation? -$10K? And why the hell would being close to a church make any difference or upgrade to the charges?? I understand a school, but a church!? And who even cares about weed anymore? It’s legal in half the US and only gaining traction.

  12. mike on August 4th, 2017 10:44 am

    Yeah, Nevada could use it too. I hear their governor declared a state of emergency when they ran out. :)

  13. Esc co leo on August 4th, 2017 10:02 am

    @ Bob

    I wish that were true but it is not. Salaries cannot be paid with seized drug money.

  14. mick on August 4th, 2017 8:47 am

    Lock ‘em up throw away the key, if you don’t they will be right back at it soon as they hit the street

  15. A alex on August 4th, 2017 8:24 am

    Why not sell the pot to the state of Colorado at a great discount

  16. Bob C. on August 4th, 2017 5:10 am

    School Resource Officers can be paid from the money and any property seized in this and other drug-related arrests.