Century Residents To See Slight Property Tax Increase

August 8, 2017

The Town of Century voted Monday night to approve a slight property tax increase for the upcoming fiscal year

The council voted to raise the ad valorem millage rate to 0.9919 for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. That’s equal to a 94 cent tax increase on  $50,000 in taxable property value. The tax will generate $34,679.79 for the town, an increase of $2,500.91 over the current fiscal year.

Century will begin their budget setting process on Wednesday with a 4 p.m. workshop meeting a town hall.

Pictured: The Century Town Council meets Monday night. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Century Residents To See Slight Property Tax Increase”

  1. Citizen on August 8th, 2017 11:35 am


    You did it last year with out putting it to a vote, and the year before. Talk about following the rules, The way it looks, NONE of you are following the rules.

    This is what is says in the municode.

    Sec. 1.03. – Power to Levy Taxes.

    There shall be no additional ad valorem tax levied on the citizens of the town above and beyond the ad valorem tax rate in effect on the effective date of this charter unless and until any increase recommended by the town council has been approved by the majority of the qualified electors of the town in a referendum called for such purpose.


    This is in the Century town charter from their web site dated August 31, 2015

    Does this not mean before they raise the taxes it has to go on a ballot for the people to vote?

  2. chris on August 8th, 2017 9:12 am

    To offset tank removal costs.

  3. Sam on August 8th, 2017 6:03 am

    this is getting old. Everytime i turn around this mayor and council are raising utility rates or taxing us more. The county has been bad enough now it’s the town of century.