Century Holds First Budget Meeting

August 10, 2017

The Century Town Council held the first of two workshops Wednesday afternoon to work on setting the town’s budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

Another meeting is scheduled for August 24 at 4 p.m. in the council chambers at the Century Town Hall at 7995 North Century Boulevard.

In previous years, the town council has held budget workshop meetings much earlier. During the past couple of years, the town has held two budget workshops in June, followed by one or two meetings to complete the process in July.

The fiscal year 2016-2017 budget in Century was $4.26 million.


4 Responses to “Century Holds First Budget Meeting”

  1. Resident SD on August 10th, 2017 8:31 pm

    I agree with what Citizen said.

    The Mayor, however, is required by the Municipal Code to attend the meetings of the town council and shall have the right to take part in the discussion and make proposals and recommendations, but may not vote.

    Any ordinance or resolution adopted by the council shall be presented to the mayor for his consideration, recommendation, and approval. He does have veto power regarding that.

    The council shall meet regularly at least once in every month at such time and place as the council may prescribe by rule, shall determine its own rules, and the president of the council shall set the order of business for each meeting. The president shall preside at meetings of the council.

    The Mayor (Executive Powers) and the Town Council (Legislative Powers) each have distinct duties and powers. Certainly, they should always perform their duties to the best of their abilities; and, should work together, not as two teams but as two separate parts of the same team, in the best interest of the Town and all of its citizens.

  2. Nod on August 10th, 2017 7:04 pm

    Citizen, really?

  3. Citizen on August 10th, 2017 5:46 pm



    The DUTY of the Mayor is to:
    “Prepare and submit the annual budget, and program of projects for the coming year to the council for their consideration and approval.”

    Certainly Staff and Employees and Council Members (and citizens) are a part of the workshops.

    The members of the town council are are the ones responsible for the VOTE and to approve the budget.

    Mayor does have veto power.

    The charter states the Council President sets the agenda and it is not to be delegated for the council meetings (held each first and third Monday)

    For a functioning municipality, these decisions need to be made this way.

    It would be appropriate for each council member to add to the council meeting agenda what each has been working on and doing between these meeting and projects and information that they are each bringing forth.

    If the council defers to the mayor and/or allows the clerk to set the agenda that is dysfunction for the council meetings. In Pensacola the Mayor doesn’t even attend the council meetings.

    I think in the past, too much power was deferred to the mayor and the council was not functioning at optimum level, and to his credit, he stepped up to the plate with the help of the consultant and contracted town planner. (and staff)

    Hopefully, leaders are rising to the occasion..on all fronts.

    Blessings to Century!!

  4. Nod on August 10th, 2017 10:09 am

    Does this budget meeting include anyone besides the mayor. He seems to make all the decisions and we do not need anyone to get in his way.