Century Creates Short List Of Oil Spill Money Projects

August 25, 2017

The Century Town Council wants to purchase the their old town hall for use as welcome center.

The idea was among seven ideas given the preliminary approval by the town council as possible oil spill money projects after a joint workshop with the Century Area Chamber of Commerce.

The small 1,600 square foot building would be a Florida  welcome center for tourists, if the town is able to purchase it from a private owner. Behind the center, the town would construct a walking trail around a large drainage pond that’s part of what was called the “north Century drainage project”. There would also be a parking area and a “Welcome To Florida” sign for photo opportunities.

Other projects under consideration are:

  • Moving about 20 sewage lift stations underground
  • A workforce development, workforce training and financial literacy education program
  • A partnership with Escambia Community Clinic to construct a new building near the Lakeview Center in the Century Industrial Park. ECC would use the building for an adult medical care, adult dental care and urgent care facility.
  • Wastewater treatment plant improvements
  • The renovation of the old Century High School gymnasium for basketball, youth sports and other activities
  • The creation of a farmer’s market (similar to the Palafox Market in Pensacola) and a community garden.

During a council meeting on September 11, the list of seven projects will be narrowed to five to submit to the Escambia County Commission for possible funding through Triumph Gulf Coast.

The Gulf Coast Economic Corridor Act signed by Gov. Rick Scott on June 2 directs $1.5 billion to be spent over a 15 year period in eight counties in Northwest Florida that were impacted by the oil spill. The act directs Escambia and other seven other counties to seek proposals from other local governing boards withing their county.

Activities eligible for funding include ad valorem tax rate reductions, workforce skill development, local funding match requirements, public infrastructure projects, equipment and personnel for local disaster action plans, promotion of tourism and workforce and educational career development programs.

Pictured top: A panoramic view of a joint workshop meeting Thursday evening between the Century Chamber of Commerce and the Century Town Council to chose projects for possible funding by Triump Gulf Coast. Pictured below: The are properties of the old town hall and the north Century drainage project. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


9 Responses to “Century Creates Short List Of Oil Spill Money Projects”

  1. Nod on August 26th, 2017 8:40 pm

    Still think giving everyone a big pay raise is a good idea.

  2. Chelleepea on August 26th, 2017 11:00 am

    I would like to also point out some of these projects probably can be funded through other grants the town received or will receive , like the wastewater plant improvement and sewage lift stations. Don’t get me wrong I like all the ideas but this grant is a once in a lifetime thing…we should use it for something we can’t normally get done through other grants.

    I also agree with what @citizen said below.

  3. resident on August 25th, 2017 10:32 pm

    Nice projects to improve Century.

    Things I wonder about opening buildings for people to use such as a welcome center or community center, will you have to provide insurance, keep personnel to open the doors and such, employees there, pay electricity, provide bathrooms water, sewer, janitorial services, garbage pick up , pay property taxes etc??

    Making it look good through here is a plus for sure.

    Too many comments about the roadway looking like squalor and degradation in the past and how that scares potential employers and businesses off. So the Pond looking nice where everyone shops and spends money and works will be lovely.

    Get the owner to clean up the mill site, who ever that is or will be. That is dangerous for a next storm to come through. What if some one tries to sue the town or county for not getting it cleaned up?

    Should Be ready alliance BRACE be called in? What if that hurricane was headed here and since it has been allowed to be left that way and tears up houses with debris flying around?

    Seem like that is a big economic thing is the torn up mill but it’s not fair for the taxpayer to clean it up, the owner should, but if it’s a holding company that is defunct, you can’t sue them.
    Can the CRA take it over eminent domain or something, foreclose on them??

  4. Calvin Cottrell, Jr on August 25th, 2017 9:00 pm

    I support these two:

    - The renovation of the old Century High School gymnasium for basketball, youth sports and other activities

    - The creation of a farmer’s market (similar to the Palafox Market in Pensacola) and a community garden.

    We don’t need a welcome center right now. Lets use that money to rebuild our community.

  5. Citizen on August 25th, 2017 11:48 am

    I think it is wonderful they are brainstorming and particularly all in one room.
    I do find it odd that the term “Oil Spill Money” is used.

    I hope the are gaining a clear understanding of all those funds and how they are administered and what types of projects fall into what category.

    The Triumph Gulf Coast Inc. and the RESTORE although related to money from BP disaster are administered differently. It is complex at first but in addition to the coverage here and on local news sites a lot of info is on Myescambia.com and of course google.

    If the proposal for Triumph are the ones being submitted now, do these fit the criteria of the House Bill for Triumph? If they do not, they will not be approved.

    Does this bill support community projects? such as youth sports? although that is a good idea is that what the Triumph Board has said they will approve?

    BOCC also announced the 50K fund for economic development to be administered as projects.

    If one project doesn’t fit one category I hope they follow up and find ways to push it through.

    I think follow up, strategic planning and revisiting things is important. I have noticed it seems may ideas are floated then not completed here.

    They are not brought to fruition such as a web site for example. The six pillars plan, the Comprehensive Plan etc

    I realize a change in elected official occurred and dynamics changed, plus the tornado came through but it’s a new day now and I believe the people and the leaders are waking up to do what is right and I hope the voters are paying attention also.

    A large part of government is finding money then applying it correctly and effectively.

  6. Willis on August 25th, 2017 10:14 am

    I would think they could have a farmers market every weekend that they wanted to at the park on 29.

  7. Chelleepea on August 25th, 2017 10:13 am

    I’m glad the city is brainstorming on how to use the money. I would like them to consider one thing. There are so many empty buildings in town including the two schools. I hope they find ways of renovating those instead of building new facilities.

  8. Watcher on August 25th, 2017 2:27 am

    Also when can RESTORE projects be resubmitted? The waste treatment plant.could go into round two maybe.

  9. Watcher on August 25th, 2017 2:25 am

    Looks good.
    1. Is the Soar with Restore going to cover the #2 on the list? If so it looks redundant. If that is money going into be 501c…not a fan.
    2. Is the last project related to the mill site and the “organic farmers” is that the $ they were talking about getting before they “close”?
    Just some thoughts.

    Hope it goes well.