Century Chamber Looks To Reinvent Itself Facing A 97 Percent Funding Cut

August 4, 2017

The Century Chamber of Commerce is looking for ways to reinvent itself after a major change in how economic development dollars are allocated to Century.

The Escambia County Commission is considering a budget that would remove $55,000 per year in direct funding to the chamber, instead opting to make the funds available to the chamber, the town and perhaps other non-profits for economic development on a project by project basis to be approved by the commission upon presentation by District 5 Commissioner Steven Barry.

But commissioners made it clear at a recent budget meeting that requests can include no more than a 10 percent administrative overhead and funding cannot be used for salaries or daily operations — meaning the chamber won’t be able to use the money to continue funding their $40,o00 per year economic development coordinator position.

“We are fixing to go into some hard times economically,” chamber President Freddie McCall said during a board meeting Thursday afternoon.

McCall said the chamber needs about $4,000 per year to pay basic bills such as utilities and has no funds for any employees.

The $55,000 provided by the county this fiscal year amounted to 97 percent of the chamber’s total funding for the year, according to budget documents submitted to the Escambia County Commission. The chamber reported expected income through September of $56,585.02 and expenses of $60,239.45 for a net anticipated loss of $3,654.43.

The chamber recently held a two day workshop to identify how it might better serve Century businesses  and the community while continuing  to move forward:

During the workshop, the chamber set goals to:

  • Increase membership, developing member’s benefits and a benefits brochure
  • Conduct a monthly business after-hours
  • Create a newsletter for members and community leaders
  • Highlight a business of the month
  • Develop a business visitation schedule with board members visiting at least two members and two prospective members per month
  • Develop a unified website
  • Collaborate with town council
  • Analyze business needs
  • Increase awareness through social media
  • Create a schedule for flexible meetings (holding meetings at different times of day)
  • Develop a beautification program
  • Partner with Florida West and the town council to enhance the recruitment and expansion of industry and businesses
  • Grow local businesses
  • Develop leadership development programs
  • Complete a 2018 budget by November 1, 2017
  • Increase sponsorship dollars
  • Increase membership revenue

McCall said the chamber will continue to work progressively toward achieving the identified goals.

During the past year, the chamber accomplished the following this year, according to their submissions to Escambia County:

  • 6-7 new chamber memberships
  • Annual employment increased from 39 to 45 percent
  • 4-10 business inquired about startups
  • Graduation levels were increased 9 percent
  • A 10 percent increase in the previous year’s 35 Century Welcome Center visitors.
  • There were five job openings last year, until the announcement of 20 part-time jobs at a new bingo hall.
  • There were four housing starts, until the EF-3 tornado destroyed a large number of homes, leading to over 50 new housing starts


12 Responses to “Century Chamber Looks To Reinvent Itself Facing A 97 Percent Funding Cut”

  1. Citizen on August 5th, 2017 10:22 pm

    Oh and by the way..the “Town of Century” doesn’t mean the mayor or the council or the employees or the chamber—only—that means US –who live here..WE are the ‘Town of Century”

  2. Citizen on August 5th, 2017 10:17 pm

    The town of Century owns this building. they do not have to pay property tax on it. The Chamber of Commerce Inc. deeded it to them in 2005. so the Town can pays the Utilities–no big deal and they all work together…

    It’s too far down for a welcome center–get FDOT to put one in—closer to the state line–states dime..It will look better then some abandoned torn up shack..a simple station near the Food Giant/Family dollar..down on the right. It’s doable


  3. Chelleepea on August 5th, 2017 1:36 pm

    I would negotiate with town hall for a place for CC to meet or even a room to set up permanently. This will eliminate the need to maintain an entire building and reduce expenses. Town development organizations should be in close proximity to each other anyway.

  4. Charlie Mike on August 4th, 2017 11:13 pm

    Repurpose the Chamber building as a welcome station.

  5. M in Bratt on August 4th, 2017 5:29 pm

    “Develop a business visitation schedule with board members visiting at least two members and two prospective members per month”. With the number of bustling businesses in Century, they will be done with this goal in a month. Who owns the Chamber building? Sell it or rent it out and you will accomplish some real economic development.

  6. Watching on August 4th, 2017 3:55 pm

    William, thank you for setting that straight.

    It was a grant from the EPA.


    I stand corrected Thank you

  7. William on August 4th, 2017 2:52 pm

    >>>The town of Century announced last year that they received a HUGE Economic development grant from the State..about 450000 K.

    This did not happen. There were environmental grants, housing grants, etc, but not economic development of that size.

  8. Watching on August 4th, 2017 1:49 pm

    Well this is an opportunity to show some unity for the good of the town and put the dysfunctional rivalry to the ground. Bury the Ax (es)

    This is budget setting time with the town.

    The town of Century announced last year that they received a HUGE Economic development grant from the State..about 450000 K.

    Petition the council for funds to pay the light bill and keep the chamber open and get to work.

    and yes the Board and Members of CC, you petition the council.

    This is not a kingdom either way nor a company boss in charge. Those days are in the past. The council is not the “mayors” council of yes or no men and the board is not the “presidents”..board of yes men/no men.

    Realize and wake up to your power.

    Get over any bias and get it together, with the townspeople’s blessings on your ability to come together for the good of US all.

  9. Safebear on August 4th, 2017 12:51 pm

    So looking at the accomplishments last year, the director, or whomever comes up with this stated the following:

    6-7 new chamber memberships – was it 6 or 7 or did somebody start and not finish making it 6.25. Someone paid $40,000/year would be able to tell you exactly how many.

    Annual employment increased from 39 to 45 percent – Was this due to those 20 part-time jobs at the bingo hall?

    4-10 business inquired about startups – one again, was it 4 or 10? that’s quite the large gap in there. I guess none of them actually started?

    Graduation levels were increased 9 percent – Did the chamber go to the schools and mentor or tutor the students to get them this far?

    A 10 percent increase in the previous year’s 35 Century Welcome Center visitors. – 10% of 35 is 3.5 – Woo Hoo! you’re going too fast.

    There were five job openings last year, until the announcement of 20 part-time jobs at a new bingo hall. – Did the 5 job openings go away or part-time job openings create 15 more for a total of 20?

    There were four housing starts, until the EF-3 tornado destroyed a large number of homes, leading to over 50 new housing starts – So Century needs more tornadoes?

  10. Chelleepea on August 4th, 2017 11:57 am

    I wouldn’t consider it a budget cut but a way to help the CC come up with viable programs deserving of the money. We need programs that show results not squandered away as salary with very little benefit to Century. Brainstorming cost nothing. When these brainstorms bring about something beneficial and doable than they can request the funds. It’s like all businesses. You must have a doable business plan before you can request financial support.

  11. molino jim on August 4th, 2017 9:06 am

    It’s sad to see Century trying and it’s almost as if the C.C. wants them to fail. They take one step forward and then the C.C. pushes them back two steps. They are told to do a lot with little or no funding from the county. The beach area gets funding– how about the north end for a change.

  12. chris on August 4th, 2017 6:39 am

    Perhaps, like many of us, the chamber will have to live within its means, not in some fantasy world where they believe they are actually viable.