Back To School Shopping? Print A Supply List

August 5, 2017

School starts Thursday, August 10 in Escambia County, FL. This year, there is a single countywide list for all elementary schools and a single list for all middle schools.

For the Escambia County Elementary School Supply List, click here.

– Note: There is an error in the list above from the county on Kindergarten glue sticks — it should ready 15 glue sticks, not 115.

For the Escambia County Middle School Supply List, click here.

(High schools typically do not have a general supply list. Students are advised of their supply needs in each class.)

Note: At Ernest Ward Middle School there will be no backpacks this year. Every student will be given at no cost a draw string bag which may be personalized and five folders with pockets.


One Response to “Back To School Shopping? Print A Supply List”

  1. Mom on August 5th, 2017 9:07 am

    The kindergarten list is supposed to say 15 glue sticks, not 115. The kindergarten teachers at Jim Allen prefer their students to bring 2 bottles of Elmers glue instead of the 15 glue sticks.