Escambia County Alabama Sales Tax Increases

July 3, 2017

Shopping in Escambia County, AL, became a bit more expensive this weekend with a countywide one percent sale tax increase.

The new sales tax rate in Atmore, Flomaton in Brewton is 10 percent. The sales tax in East Brewton jumped to 11 cents on a dollar. Just to the south in Escambia County, FL, the sales tax is 7.5 percent, except for groceries and medications that have zero tax.

The 1-cent increase, which was effective at 12:01 a.m. July 1,  is expected to boost the county’s annual revenue by over $2.7 million. Without the increase, commissioners have said the county will be facing service cutbacks and possible layoffs due to lower general fund revenue, partially due to a decrease in revenue from oil and gas severance revenue and gas taxes.

Pictured top: The sales tax in Atmore, including at this Winn Dixie store, just increased  to 10 percent. A few miles away in Florida, shoppers pay no sales tax on groceries, 7.5 percent on most other items. photo, click to enlarge.


30 Responses to “Escambia County Alabama Sales Tax Increases”

  1. Brad on July 5th, 2017 9:11 am

    Better yet I have a way you can increase the revenue! Try patrolling the roads a little better and handing out tickets for the people throwing trash out the window and dumping dead animals out and maybe take a little of that money to clean it up! I want to see improvements also but I pay just like everyone else and feel that all residents should see the benefits. We shouldn’t have to drive down the road and hold our breath! Is Brewton so big that we just don’t have workers that can get to this but once a year

  2. Brad on July 5th, 2017 8:59 am

    Don’t worry about getting a revenue increase from my pocket! I’ll go across the line and spend my money! Every time I drive down my road it makes me sick! I think at this point the ditch is a better option. I guess it’s kinds of like it was in school. You have to have the “name” to get somewhere r have something done. Makes me sick!

  3. Master Mechanic on July 4th, 2017 6:06 am

    Atmore certainly doesn’t know / or care how to manage ……they have a garbage truck sitting in the weeds at the recycling point…..the transmission is bad in it.Cost for repairs approx. $ 10,000.00…….they go out & buy a new garbage truck ,probably around $250,000.00 – $300,000.00 ?

  4. Jay on July 4th, 2017 4:54 am

    Just drive a few miles to Florida, we won’t screw you over like they are thing I ever fonevwas getting out of that rat hole city of Atmore . What they need to do is force the Indians to pay their taxes on that property .no good will ever come out of that whole county

  5. Ponderosa hill on July 4th, 2017 12:53 am

    To : CW
    You sure may be right on the property tax…..don’t know the mileage rates in
    escambia County Ala. The system in Escambia County Fla. is reasonable if
    You’ve owned your home for a good long time. Florida does have an edge in
    regards to Tourists paying bed taxes,buying gas,eating out etc. we do however
    Have the added traffic & wear & tear on infrastructure etc. that comes with that. I’m
    thinking our insurances may be higher ( hurricanes & traffic ) etc. everything must
    be paid for one way or another……but punishing the ( lower income ) amongst us with
    a 10/11 % tax on groceries etc. is absurd no matter where one lives. It’s just bad
    Policy & Politicians.

  6. KMCK on July 3rd, 2017 9:19 pm

    Would like to see these commissioners comment on resident concerns…

  7. CW on July 3rd, 2017 9:07 pm

    @Ponderosa hill

    What you say is true, however Florida gets their money in other ways. Higher property taxes, and all sorts of little fees and permits that Alabama doesn’t require. No matter where you live they are going to get the money one way or another.

    It does appear that if you’re a renter you’re better off in FL, but if you own a lot of property you’re better off in AL.

  8. Traci cummings on July 3rd, 2017 7:08 pm

    KMCK, that would be a good question, considering we have two of them, and nether one of them want to claim us, which ever side of tumbling lane they claim, not one of them will do anything. A sorry state of affairs, as I have known one of them for years, and really like him personally but…. let us just say, we deserve ) as we work and pay our taxes too, to have a road that two cars could meet each other without running someone in a field. Conditions this a grass roots effort to see something done

  9. Vote them out on July 3rd, 2017 5:33 pm

    Citizens, remember this when it comes time to vote. Why do we keep electing the same people to office. It is time to give someone else the job who has common sense. We do the same thing with congress, etc. We let them stay in office for 20 years and in the back pocket of the lobbyist. Boycott Escambia County Al and go to Florida to purchase your goods. Take a stand !!!

  10. Ponderosa hill on July 3rd, 2017 3:31 pm

    Don’t forget the State sales tax ( Alabama ) is 4 % ….the rest of the 10% is County
    and city etc. also isn’t the 10% charged on Electricity,phone,cable bills ? Then the State (Alabama ) also has a STATE INCOME TAX……..FLORIDA has zero !

  11. northend resident on July 3rd, 2017 3:01 pm

    We need a Walmarts up on the northend of Escambia County, Florida. NO FOOD TAX

    Maybe that loss in revenue would make Escambia Alabama reconsider the outrageous food tax of 11 cents on the dollar. 10 cents was bad enough, needs to come down, not go up!

  12. Wilykyote on July 3rd, 2017 2:37 pm

    Pensions , health insurance and big spending is where problem is…. Think
    Baldwin County also is 10 %. At least gas is 20 cents a gallon cheaper
    ( than Florida ). Otherwise think of moving a little further South to LA ! There’s
    only 21 million people in Florida now…..Escambia,Santa Rosa etc. not so bad

  13. CW on July 3rd, 2017 2:23 pm

    I’ve said it many times on here before, but if the Sheriffs dept would start handing out speeding tickets they could make a LOT of money. Baldwin County has people pulled over all the time on hwy 31, but once you get into Escambia County you never see anyone pulled over, unless it’s by a trooper.

  14. KMCK on July 3rd, 2017 11:48 am

    What District is Tumbling Lane in? Who is the commish? Is that Quarker?

  15. Land owner on July 3rd, 2017 10:10 am

    C.W if their has to be tax increase this is the fair way so every one pays not just the land owner ,I know 10 or 11 cents on the dollar is a bit much it sounds like its time for a change in the commission office.

  16. Traci cummings on July 3rd, 2017 10:07 am

    I agree that the Escambia county commissioners need to be accountable for where our taxes are going! Not ROAD construction because they have been repeatedly contacted about The SINK HOLES on Tumbling lane, to which, when they deem it necessary to come out and patch, it DOES NOT last, maybe they could watch a YouTube video on how-to-do-it… if anyone is in doubt of the need, Please follow it out from hey 31 to chapman lane. I see our tax dollars are Not HARD at WORK! Ridiculous

  17. Jennifer on July 3rd, 2017 9:44 am

    I drive 40 mins to Baker, FL to get my horse feed. 1 to save on tax and 2 I would rather help small ma and paw feed store. I wait and go once a month to the grocery outlet in milton. The only thing I do buy here is gas.

  18. EMD on July 3rd, 2017 9:35 am

    I believe that most governing bodies are run by those who want to make money for themselves at everyone else’s expense. I believe that it is pure evil to tax food and medicine.

  19. Pop on July 3rd, 2017 9:19 am

    I live in Flomaton, so good bye brewton shooing I’ll do all my shopping in century and Pace. That’s just ridiculous!!! All that tax and county rds are still the same poor condition. I guess tax had to go up to pay for all the road employees they got propping up on shovels.

  20. Traci Cummings on July 3rd, 2017 8:34 am

    I agree wholeheartedly that something needs to be done about the Escambia county ( ALabama) commissioners need to account for where our tax dollars are going, They have been REPEADLY called about the road conditions on Tumbling Lane, when they do deem it necessary to come patch the SINK HOLES, it doesn’t last two days, now we are going to have to pay higher taxes?? How about they quit taking out county taxes out of our pay checks and I’ll patch the road with sacks of concrete????

  21. Shake Your Foundations on July 3rd, 2017 8:24 am

    They spoke to the mayors and town councils to get input before doing it…yet they never spoke to the voters. The commission showed no courage by doing it in an off election year so as to hope we all forget about it by the next election…EVERY ONE OF THEM SHOULD BE VOTED OUT! DRAIN THE SWAMP!

  22. Tyree Hugger on July 3rd, 2017 8:23 am

    They have to make up for all those tax breaks rich people are getting. Our commissioners are out of touch with reality but will come face to face with it come election time.

  23. CW on July 3rd, 2017 7:52 am

    This will hurt the poor and elderly more than anyone else, since they are the ones that don’t have the means to go elsewhere. Everyone who is able to, will shop in Florida.

    The right thing to do would have been to increase property taxes (it wouldn’t be much) and leave the sales tax alone. This is just their way of making the poor “pay their fair share”, that’s the backwards thinking in Alabama for you.

  24. Tired of it on July 3rd, 2017 7:35 am

    Headed to the Piggly Wiggly for groceries…and Florida for anything else! Get real Atmore!

  25. jp on July 3rd, 2017 6:54 am

    Orlando, Orange county, FL has a combined state, county and city sales tax of 6.5% and no tax on food.
    Vehicle insurance is about $200 per year less to. That with all of those rental cars driven by tourist that don’t know where they are going.
    Poor management and poor drivers?

  26. area resident on July 3rd, 2017 6:19 am

    We desperately need a full-sized Wal-Mart near Century to accommodate these people. I’m headed to Wal-Mart on 29 in an hour and it will be crowded enough without out-of-staters.

  27. Gary on July 3rd, 2017 5:28 am

    Escambia County Alabama Commissioners should be investigated by the Alabama Attorney General. The county road repair is awful, when they try to fix a pothole or washout they don’t have a clue what they are doing. The sheriff’s department? Where are they? What do they do? The Sheriff needs to step aside. And now they want more money. Shame. I will just go to Piggly Wiggly. Atmore Wal-Mart? Another joke.

  28. Gman on July 3rd, 2017 4:47 am

    Florida welcomes you with open arms.

  29. Louise on July 3rd, 2017 4:32 am

    They want you to shop in Atmore, but for what,we don’t have any thing here,you can go across the state line to buy goc.i don’t shop here in Atmore until it a have to,I sure don’t buy goc.i gone out of town.come on people in Atmore, wake up,you know where all that money going. Think about it.

  30. Emma on July 3rd, 2017 3:06 am

    This is astounding. The fact that Escambia County charges tax on food is just a robbery. What on Earth do you need another 1.7 million dollars for? Your towns are tiny, there isn’t enough that the county needs to keep up with that requires an extra 1.7 million in revenue. This is coming from an outsider, where I come from, a city of millions, which still doesn’t have a tax on food. The majority of the people here are already struggling to get by, and now you’ve just made it that much more expensive for them to simply buy groceries to sustain themselves.