Eight Facing Federal Pot Charges

July 28, 2017

A federal grand jury returned an indictment, charging eight  defendants with conspiracy to distribute marijuana, four of whom were charged with being involved with 100 kilograms or more of marijuana. Additionally, seven of the defendants were charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering.

The defendants are:

• Charles Zachariah Sindylek, 31, Pensacola, Florida;
• Brandon Craig Remeyer, 34, Mission Viejo, California;
• Sanford Eugene Johnson III, 31, Pensacola, Florida;
• William Brett Brownell, 26, Milton, Florida;
• William Ezra Brownell (Brett’s father), 60, Mobile, Alabama;
• David Delgiacco, 55, Lake Forest, California;
• Andrew Paul Marcelonis, 31, Pensacola, Florida; and
• Steven Ryan Michael Sholly, 30, Pensacola, Florida.

The indictment alleges that, between January 2014 and June 2017, the defendants conspired to distribute and possess with intent to distribute marijuana. It specifically alleges Sindylek, Remeyer, Johnson, and William Brett Brownell were responsible for involving 100 kilograms or more of marijuana in the conspiracy. The indictment also alleges that during the same time  period, Sindylek, Remeyer, Johnson, both Brownells, Delgiacco, and Marcelonis conspired to launder money by transferring cash proceeds of the drug trafficking conspiracy through financial institutions. The trial is scheduled for August 28 at the United States Courthouse in Pensacola.

Pictured top: Charles Sindylek, Steven Sholly, William Brett Brownwell and Sanford Johnson III. Other mugshots were not immediately available.


17 Responses to “Eight Facing Federal Pot Charges”

  1. whateved on August 1st, 2017 12:07 am

    Ima say what I want ,,,,, really? I’ve sent them thru rehab. Watched them neglect kids to get stoned. Steal for drug money. Oh and it’s illegal. Also get so addicted that go. BAck to abbusive relationships in order get homeboy to get them pot steal from family. Move to Colorado idiots

  2. Nod on July 30th, 2017 3:24 pm

    Put pot with exactly the same laws as alcohol and i wiil be happy.

  3. Nod on July 30th, 2017 2:07 pm

    Do what you llike 429. 23 years for me. We earned what we get. I am talking of people who will not work and expect the liberals to supply everything for them. Drugs? If a person needs mind altering drugs i feel for them.

  4. 429SCJ on July 30th, 2017 7:42 am

    @Nod; YES!, the government takes care of me and I damn well expect them to.

    I served twenty one years in the US Military and honorably retired. I cut a deal with the devil and I expect for him to uphold his end of the bargain.

    Not everyone who smokes pot is some aimless, dysfunctional minion. Some people just prefer it over alcohol and alcohol is a deadly chemical. Legalize pot or outlaw alcohol.

  5. Nod on July 29th, 2017 2:32 pm


    As each new generation takes over things always get worse. What you want is a permissive society where everything, including drugs, is free. No one works and the goverment takes care of you.

  6. Jay Drake on July 29th, 2017 9:29 am

    Meanwhile someone is ODING or the dealer is cutting the dope with death. Wasting money on looking for potheads is foolish and marijuana is illegal, but the only thing that gets killed is a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts! Things will get better when all of the old people leave the government and we can new and better ideas, things more up to date.

  7. 429SCJ on July 29th, 2017 5:16 am

    @Alex, you forgot man portable nukes and particle beam weapons.

    Pot is not crack or meth, no more than alcohol or tobacco is. If you do not like something, then keep it out from within your property lines, otherwise let the rest of us pay our taxes and enjoy “life liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.

  8. Chris on July 28th, 2017 7:27 pm

    I feel safer.
    Bonus….beware of smiling guys in beards

  9. Chrissygatorfan on July 28th, 2017 3:00 pm

    For real? I don’t even see the money laundering charge… they transferred profits from 1 financial institution to another? He could have loaded his Walmart card from his personal bank account. Geezz. A lot of time and money to get these guys off the streets. Sounds like somebody rolled on them a few years ago and they figured they better wrap this case up before it becomes legal and all that money for investigations was wasted. Especially when the public is in an uproar over School Resource Officers.

  10. David Huie Green on July 28th, 2017 12:51 pm

    “Legal on one end and illegal on the other. ”

    Actually illegal at both ends under federal law which has not been changed and this is a federal indictment. President Obama simply was lax about enforcing those laws since the people voted to allow it. So far President Trump is usually neither bothering to enforce the laws nor ask Congress to change them. This allows the feds to go after those they wish and ignore those they wish to protect.

    Even at that, recreational use was illegal in California until November of last year.

    Further, their unpaid taxes range between 40% to 70% of their sales.
    (The federal government does not have to legalize a thing to tax it.)

    David for fewer crimes

  11. No Excuses on July 28th, 2017 12:36 pm

    For those who think it should be legalized and taxed/regulated, I’m with you. However, until it is legislated as such, it’s still a crime and if found guilty, these folks will be going to prison. If there wasn’t money in this, they might be pushing the harder stuff. It’s not the MJ, it’s the gain of ill gotten monies that’s the point.

    What’s that old saying? You can sell anything if people think it’s stolen (or illegal).

  12. Alex on July 28th, 2017 12:17 pm

    ” seems to have worked with alcohol and tobacco; hello.”

    Then we should add pot then cocaine and then herion and then meth. Just think of all the money we can get on taxes.

  13. Nod on July 28th, 2017 12:14 pm

    I do not need any mind altering drugs whether legal or not. If you know something is agains the law then don’t do it.

  14. anne 1of2 on July 28th, 2017 9:36 am

    For real. Legal on one end and illegal on the other. Tax it and sell it. None of us think of this as a crime anymore.

  15. ProPot on July 28th, 2017 8:32 am

    We are seriously spending the time, money, and effort to bring down these individuals who are distributing weed?? Come on society, open your eyes! We have people addicted and dying from heroin and meth, and not to mention prescription pills!! Please use my tax dollars to put away those dealing harder drugs! Society needs to smoke more weed! We should make alcohol illegal! Give me a break….

  16. I'mma say what I want on July 28th, 2017 5:09 am

    The money laundering I can understand but, the marijuana I mean come on really??? It’s a sad thing that ppl can legally consume alcohol and hurt themselves or worse someone else…. People who smoke marijuana never hurts themselves or anyone else ppl who smoke pot are only a danger to a refrigerator…. Just goes to show this world has it priorities all mixed up…. And y’all wonder why its going to hell…. Let’s not be stupid….. Oh my bad 2 late…..

  17. 429SCJ on July 28th, 2017 4:41 am

    Legalization, Regulation, Taxation.

    Seems to have worked with alcohol and tobacco; hello