Century Seeks $1,000 Conference Scholarship For Mayor

July 11, 2017

The Town of Century is applying for a $1,000 scholarship for Mayor Henry Hawkins to attend this year’s annual Florida League of Cities in Orlando this August.

The League will award 10 scholarships to municipal officials across the state. The $1,000 will pay for conference registration and reimbursement of travel expenses.

The scholarships are available to municipalities such as Century that have a population of less than 10,000 people that have not attended the annual conference within the last three years.

The Century Town Council has written a letter to the Florida League of Cities in support of Hawkins’ nomination for the scholarship.

NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


9 Responses to “Century Seeks $1,000 Conference Scholarship For Mayor”

  1. e davis on July 12th, 2017 9:36 pm

    Mister Mayor Rome was not built in a day trust me just keep your head up. when we talked last time I told you God got your back so if he before you let no man be against you that’s all you need . keep doing what you doing God will take care of the rest.

  2. 429SCJ on July 12th, 2017 2:17 pm

    You don’t have to be John Milton to appreciate Mayor Hawkins dedication to his office.

    It is better to rule in Century, than say serve in Tallahassee.

  3. Mangler Malachi on July 12th, 2017 11:54 am

    I agree with Century citizen. It is obvious Mayor Hawkins is not content to sit in the air conditioning and “sop up easy gravy”. Rather he is a true leader, out front, willing to get dirty, working for the people of Century. He wants to see his community revitalized. He wants to see job opportunities return and businesses to thrive.
    Folks, Mayor Hawkins needs to be encouraged and prayed for regularly. And I hope he gets this scholarship.

  4. molino jim on July 11th, 2017 9:14 pm

    One of the “things” the mayor could gain would be networking with other small town mayors. The gathering of information about what has helped other small towns is very important for Century. I do not live in Century — but i can see that there are problems. As several have said it will have to be a joint effort.Don’t just sit back and say nothing ever goes right here. Some made negative remarks about the jobs at the bingo hall that has received some help from the C of C. These are people who will be working that were not before.

  5. Century citizen on July 11th, 2017 12:45 pm

    I think Mr. Hawkins is the best mayor we have had yet. I have never seen another mayor get out and work like he does. There is one thing for sure there isn’t a lazy bone in his body. I have seen him out doing things no other mayor would do. We were riding down the road and I said to my husband oh my goodness is that our mayor pushing a lawn mower. If the people of Century wants the town to be like it use to be then get behind him support and help him to make it better. I am so proud of him and I want to do whatever I can to support him. And all you people who don’t live here quit putting us down we having enough problems without your insults.

  6. anne 1of2 on July 11th, 2017 9:15 am

    Mayor Hawkins is trying hard to get the name Century back on the map. He is trying to gather information which is what all conferences are about. Pray for the man and give him a break. At least he is trying!

  7. Shay on July 11th, 2017 8:43 am

    So if the county commission is the one who makes all the decisions on building and shutting down businesses in Century then wouldn’t it be a wasted trip for the Mayor to go to the conference? Following your logic then it stands to reason that the knowledge he gains wouldn’t or couldn’t be implemented for the good of Century because of the commissioners.

    Cleaning up Century’s image is going to take more than a few individuals “stepping up to the plate.” I drive through Century on a regular basis to go to work and it looks like a town that was forgotten a long time ago. How do you fix the criminal element that has such a strong hold on Century. How do you fix long grass, junk filled yards,chipping paint at homes and businesses on hwy 29? Empty businesses? Who does code enforcement? Is there even a code enforcement? It is going to take more than a new name and few well placed palm trees to breathe life back into this city.

  8. Concerned on July 11th, 2017 6:45 am

    Knowledge! Century is still a town, once thriving. It was the County Commissioners that closed the hospital not individuals. Why did Jim Walter Doors close? – wood industry took a hard hit, but if looked into probably County Commissioner aided in that. Who closed and moved the Health Department – County Commissioners. New apartments are being built. Mr. Andy Lewis, Dr. Stewart and others really cared for Century it would be nice for other Century citizens to step up to plate and try to help clean up rather than act out about how sorry of a town, if it is that sorry MOVE. We drive there to utilize the library we don’t have one in Bratt, several go to Whataburger, the Deli and CVS. If upright citizens try Century can become a thriving city again.

  9. chris on July 11th, 2017 6:04 am

    What would Century gain by having the mayor attend this conference?