Century Man Charged With Beating Cousin During Robbery

July 11, 2017

A Century man was charged with beating his cousin and stealing his necklace.

Eric James Grimes allegedly jumped into a vehicle at a residence on Crary Road in Century, hitting the victim — his cousin — with his fist multiple times. Grimes then threatened to kill the victim, retrieve a large rock that was larger than a softball and attempted to hit him.

Grimes, 26,  then ripped a silver chain from the neck of the victim and punched him several more times in the face, an arrest report states. The victim escaped to call law enforcement.

The victim’s statements were corroborated by a witness, deputies said.

Grimes was charged with aggravated assault with attempt to commit a felony, battery, burglary with assault or battery, robbery without a weapon, and a probation violation.  He was booked into the Escambia County Jail without bond.


9 Responses to “Century Man Charged With Beating Cousin During Robbery”

  1. 429SCJ on July 14th, 2017 7:04 am

    Mr Grimes is opening an invitation for someone to punch his ticket; to eternity.

    The reckoning and bad conclusions walk hand in hand.

  2. Not my fault on July 11th, 2017 7:04 pm

    Or we could pray a little more and judge a little less.

  3. Tarrence Wright Sr on July 11th, 2017 4:13 pm

    Enough is enough it’s time for a lengthy prison sentence

  4. Grand Locust on July 11th, 2017 1:37 pm

    Violent criminals should be given long sentences. Non violent criminals which have filled up our jails and are bankrupting taxpayers guarantee that violent criminals are let loose to hurt citizens. Almost half the people in Florida’s prisons and jails are dopes and mopes who have never done anything violent, yet we let violent predators out every day because we are being bankrupted with housing and feeding dopes and mopes. Stupid is what stupid does.

  5. Jon (a different Jon) on July 11th, 2017 7:30 am

    @j on > “unfortunately we don’t live in North Korea,” unfortunate for you, maybe, I’m quite happy here.
    However, I do agree with locking him up for good. I never understand people like this… I understand recidivism is a problem, but I’ll never understand why someone with so much at stake would do something so petty like this and risk imprisonment. If you’re upset just walk away, and live another day out of prison. Some people truly do have anger issues so serious it’s almost as if they black out and go into a blind rage they can’t control – something else I will never, thankfully, understand.

  6. Robinhood on July 11th, 2017 7:00 am

    Grimes has been arrested SIXTEEN (16) times and has violated probation a couple times. Put his butt in PRISON for about 5 years and just maybe he will get the message. The ONLY message he has received so far is that he will just get a slap on his wrist and be let go on the streets again. Hopefully, He will get what he rightfully deserves when he does this to the wrong guy with a gun.

  7. Gary on July 11th, 2017 6:59 am

    Grimes is a thug. He should be locked up. I doubt that will happen. He should be sentenced to the max and Sent to Raiford.

  8. j on July 11th, 2017 5:02 am

    the problem is that we get morons on here that complain about the “cost” of locking people like this up, then on the next story call for someone to be locked up forever. Unfortunately we don’t live in the 1850s or in north korea so locking the people up and not paying for it isn’t an option. I agree with you though … I’d be happy to give nearly all my money to the prison if they’d lock EVERYONE like this up.

  9. Ash on July 11th, 2017 12:51 am

    I have seen this guy too many times on here. When is enough enough? He is a danger to society! He will be out in a few days to roam the streets and be a constant problem. Throw the key away already!