Century Joins Florida Gas Utilities

July 6, 2017

The Century Town Council has voted to join Florida Gas Utilities.

FGU is a joint action agency serving municipal systems. It has provided natural gas  services for over 25 years.

Essentially, town’s gas system will able to purchase natural gas from a variety of companies from different pipelines, including the new pipeline presently being constructed through the town. That, town officials said, could amount to thousands of dollars per year in additional profit for the utility.

Other membership services include:

  • Regulatory representation
  • Rate studies
  • Sales & marketing
  • Public awareness
  • Capital project management
  • Feasibility studies
  • Operational assistance

The town’s first year membership will be $6,000 with an increase based upon usage to an estimated $20,000 per year.

In the nearby area, the Town of Jay  is also a member of FGU.


One Response to “Century Joins Florida Gas Utilities”

  1. Citizen on July 6th, 2017 2:08 pm


    $6000 to join. I thought the gas deal in Century was no longer a viable source of income for the town and had become a liability.

    Perhaps they are taking steps to turn that around. If so, more power to them.

    I hope it works out great.