Century Chamber Director: ‘I’d Really Like To Talk To The Mayor’

July 27, 2017

The Century Area Chamber of Commerce needs the support of the Escambia County Commission but is missing the support of the town’s mayor — that was the word from the chamber’s executive director during a Wednesday night economic development summit held by the commission.

The major economic development players in the county appeared before the commission — including Florida West, the Greater Pensacola Chamber of Commerce, the Downtown Improvement Board and United Way — to discus the direction and pace of economic development in Escambia County. The meeting was held in advance of a Thursday meeting in which the commission will discuss their budget to fund several of the groups, including nearly 100 percent of the Century Chamber.

“I want to know about Century. I want to know what I need to be doing differently in the conduct  of my job here,”  Commissioner Doug Underhill said. “The Century Census tract is on that really need to be focused on…This is an opportunity for the five of us to understand what we can be doing better to fix the social ills, the economic aspect of the social ills in Century.”

“We are the gateway to Alabama and Florida,” Etheridge told commissioners as she stressed the transportation infrastructure service the town such and road and rail. “We are positioned very well to become a hub…areas that  we have in Century could easily be pitched to companies that want to have an ‘inland port’ because we are so close to rail and highways.”

Etheridge said Century did take a hit in the January 2016 EF-3 tornado that struck the town.

“We’ve got to find a way to get Century out of poverty. We have so many residents that are in poverty, so many,” she said.

The group discussed possible collaboration efforts between the Century Chamber and the Gulf Coast African American Chamber of Commerce.

When asked by Commissioner Steven Barry, Etheridge said she has received assistance from economic development agency FloridaWest, but not from the Pensacola Chamber of Commerce.

“Any issue you bring forward for economic development in Century you’ll find support from me,” Commissioner Luman May told Barry and Etheridge.

Etheridge told commissioners that what she most needs is support from Century Mayor Henry Hawkins.

“What I could use from the county is for the county to touch base with the new mayor. He’s a member of the chamber, but he’s not attended any of the chamber meetings except for one that I know of,” she said. “We would like to see more participation from our mayor. I’ve reached out to him, but he’s not returned my phone calls.”

“I’m going to call the mayor of Pensacola and see if I can get him to city council meetings, and see if I can get the mayor of Century to go to the chamber meeting,” May said with laugh. “I don’t know if I’m going to be successful, but I will try both of them.”

“I’m not trying to be a tattle-tale,” Etheridge said. “I’d really like to talk to the mayor.’

Pictured Century Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Janet Etheridge addresses the Escambia County Commission Wednesday night in Pensacola. Courtesy image for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Century Chamber Director: ‘I’d Really Like To Talk To The Mayor’”

  1. Billy Howard on July 29th, 2017 8:21 am

    Century just needs the enough fishing poles, we can catch our own fish! Development takes time, it does. I like what the Mayor is doing- actually even what the whole council is doing. They are talking, and exploring ideas. The request in the story sounds genuin, until you start names are inserted especially when Lumon May wants to get involved so eagerly. Bad Deal. Stay Away from May! I don’t know the Mayor personally, but I think the Century Mayor approach is to listen to the town’s citizens and cancel out the politicians. That’s a great idea really. The fact is that too much beuracracy can silence the voice of the people within the town. Barry may a good reprensentative up the chain, but it will be this small local group that really gets the ball rolling here.

    Folks we have to stop expecting handouts from politicians. They want the publicity to appear as if they are saving the day. We don’t need an entire town welfare program granted from county commissioners where the citizens become dependent. Let’s keep working with the Mayor and our council to bring ideas to the table and keep our town cooperating from the inside. Mayor Hawkins, keep listening to the citizens within the town, keep exploring channels to get grants (not loans) and funding from private entities, bring jobs in, and do not get consumed by politicians with selfish agendas.

  2. jeeperman on July 28th, 2017 9:31 am

    The Chamber of Commerce is not any entity of the local government.
    It is a “country club” of local business owners and entities.
    It is not common practice for a local government to give away local taxpayer funds to groups so that they can exist year after year with no results.
    Many C of C;s, being local clubs of business people, end up being protectionist of their own turf. With members making efforts to exclude new business that may be competitors for them or their employees.

  3. Citizen on July 27th, 2017 8:58 pm
  4. Resident SD on July 27th, 2017 7:21 pm

    It matters not that I agree with some of these comments and not with some others, because they all have the right to express their opinions, just as I am doing.

    There are some facts, however, that are critical to the common good of all in this area. The Town of Century is the northern gateway into Escambia County and Florida. It does not project the image we should all want it to project. There is a lot of poverty and no real measurable economic development here. There are no major businesses begging for permission to open up shop here. There are still empty, abandoned former business buildings along Century Boulevard. Both the Town Leadership and the Chamber of Commerce, have largely been ineffective in improving economic development and bringing in new businesses. The Town leadership and the Chamber of Commerce generally do not work together. They also generally do not work with Escambia County to receive any assistance they can get there.

    The Town and the Chamber first need to get their own acts together. Neither has a functioning, accurately informative, up-to-date website. They also need to set aside any petty and personal differences – and there are some. They should work together, as well as with the county and the citizens of this area to bring about economic development, cultivate the workforce, bring new businesses here, facilitate the growth of regional industry, and enhance the quality of life for the residents of the Town and surrounding communities.

    The Town, the Chamber, the County, the Citizens, and the Media – working together can do so much. Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. Some uncommon results for this area are long overdue.

  5. Resident SD on July 27th, 2017 7:18 pm

    It matters not that I agree with some of these comments and not with some others, because they all have the right to express their opinions, just as I am doing.

    There are some facts, however, that are critical to the common good of all in this area. The Town of Century is the northern gateway into Escambia County and Florida. It does not project the image we should all want it to project. There is a lot of poverty and no real measurable economic development here. There are no major businesses begging for permission to open up shop here. There are still empty, abandoned former business buildings along Century Boulevard. Both the Town Leadership and the Chamber of Commerce, have largely been ineffective in improving economic development and bringing in new businesses. The Town leadership and the Chamber of Commerce generally do not work together. They also generally do not work with Escambia County to receive any assistance they can get there.

    The Town and the Chamber first need to get their own acts together. Neither has a functioning, accurately informative, up-to-date website. They also need to set aside any petty and personal differences – and there are some. They should work together, as well as with the county and the citizens of this area to bring about economic development, cultivate the workforce, bring new businesses here, facilitate the growth of regional industry, and enhance the quality of life for the residents of the Town and surrounding communities.

    The Town, the Chamber, the County, and the Citizens – working together can do so much. Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. Some uncommon results for this area are long overdue.

  6. Chris in Molino on July 27th, 2017 1:58 pm

    @Chris—Resident is right. Look at the downtown clique. Same story. A lot of these boards, groups, and organizations don’t do a damn thing but hang out. Hell, I think the story itself backs up Residents comment. “The group discussed possible collaboration efforts between the Century Chamber and Gulf Coast African American Chamber” WOW, why is there a group of people who felt the need to start their own Chamber ?
    Nomatter though. Century will remain poverty stricken unless there’s big money involved. That’s the only way powerful local white people will be involved.

  7. chris on July 27th, 2017 12:15 pm

    That’s a hard working mayor if he mows the streets. How did this become a race issue, if you said “Not trying to make this a race issue at all” and then had four more paragraphs about race and “white elitists?”

  8. Citizen on July 27th, 2017 11:42 am

    I was watching this on ECTV last night. It was real sweet and this was in answer to a line of questioning. I bet she had no idea so many were watching. Century has the ear and support of our BOCC. This is our opportunity to come together and not dwell on the drama. It’s a good thing, time to come together, we probably all want the same thing in the long run. This is a time of opportunity and growth and change, in both attitudes and responsibilities. It’s all good.

    I believe the higher ups see a disconnect and dysfunction on many levels, it’s there. Connect, easy as that.

    I also believe there maybe old rivalries that serve none of us. Let’s put them in our past and work together regardless of color. It’s an open session and each has their own strengths and abilities. Lets use them– for the greater good.

    They also pointed out Century being a municipality is an advantage, the league of cities can be utilized.

    Look to our comprehensive plan as a strategy. We need web sites. etc

    We really are poised at a place in time for good things to happen. it’s up to us.

  9. chris on July 27th, 2017 9:57 am

    The obvious lack of concern/participation by Century officials speaks volumes as to why the town is still stuck in the sawmill era.

  10. Resident on July 27th, 2017 9:56 am

    Maybe the problem is not the mayor here…maybe the problem is the chamber of commerce. Remember the article about what the chamber has done with our tax dollars over the past year? Really nothing but pay Mrs. Etheridge $40,000 per year.

    Not trying to make this a race issue at all, but the chamber board is elitist all-white group made up of mostly people from *outside* the Century business community like reps from Gulf Power, EREC, economic group of the week and Century. With the exception of Mrs. Mary B from the restaurant/store, there’s no local business person on the board. Just corporations that do business in Century. The local business community is not all-white.

    Our mayor and council, or the previous mayor and council, were not all-white elitists. They are a diverse group. Business is not all-white.

    So the chamber board locks themselves up in their little house, serves a nice lunch and makes closed door decisions on how to spend tax dollars. They don’t even sell but a handful of memberships….97% of their funding was from the county.

    It’s time the Century Chamber stops being a lunch club and become an viable agency.

    Meanwhile. Hawkins and the town have their pulse on everyday economic development on the street in Century Hell, Hawkins walks the streets, mows the streets and knows what’s going on. He’s not an elitist all-white lunch club powered by taxpayers.

    Best of luck, Mr. Hawkins.

  11. Nana of 16 on July 27th, 2017 8:34 am

    Mayor Hawkins you have a chance to move Century forward into the 21st Century and help get it out of poverty! WOW, this is the opportunity that Century has needed for years. No offense to previous administrations, but “staying the way we are” is not what your town needs. IT NEEDS IMPROVING, be glad to be the first representation of the STATE OF FLORIDA and the last thing people see before entering into the STATE OF ALABAMA. I personally want this for both states, I am originally from Pensacola and I raised my children in Flomaton and now I live further into Alabama. We have a great progressive Mayor in the City of Thomasville and he is moving this area forward, call him if you need assistance 334-636-5827. HELP CENTURY OUT!

  12. Advocate on July 27th, 2017 8:16 am

    I love the mindset of Janet Etheridge. I have the same viewpoint on Century being the gateway to NWFL and has the potential to be a great town. I am rather appalled that the new mayor seems to have no interest in the economy of the town. He is a hard worker. I have seen him helping with the town employees in their duties, which is commendable and certainly an opportunity for a good photo op. It looks good but, while he is helping the town employees with their job, who is doing his job? Six months into the job and no obvious concern for the economy of the citizens of Century.