Sheriff: Naomi Jones Died Of Asphyxiation Days Before Her Body Discovered

June 7, 2017

Naomi Jones likely died within 24 to 36 hours after her May 31 disappearance, Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan said Wednesday afternoon.

Her body was discovered Monday in Eight Mile Creek, about five miles from where she was first reported missing on May 31, in the 1400 block of East Johnson Avenue. The body was found by men who were looking to go fishing.

Morgan said the death was probably due to asphyxiation, citing preliminary autopsy results.

Family members are not currently considered persons of interest in the case, he said, but there are persons of interest outside the family.

Morgan believes Jones was moved away from the East Johnson Avenue area after she disappeared. She was last seen leaving the family’s home just after noon on May 31 and did not return home. Her last known contact was with a friend on Facebook at 12:21 p.m. on that afternoon.

“If I was a parent and I had a child, I would be extremely careful,” Morgan said, adding that work with the FDLE and FBI has shown the involvement of social media in the case. “Was that the reason for her abduction and her untimely death? That is still be be determined. But I would tell you that it certainly is a contributing factor.”

“Know where your children are, know what your children are doing,” Morgan said. “Be a good parent. Know where your children are. Know what they are engaged in. Question what they are doing and who they are associating with.”


9 Responses to “Sheriff: Naomi Jones Died Of Asphyxiation Days Before Her Body Discovered”

  1. Angela Lee on June 8th, 2017 9:30 am

    first our condolences to the family this little angel touh so many ppl lives its a very sad situation and its unbelievable my heart hurts for this baby i have 4 grandkids and i couldn’t emagic living without them may God continue to watch over us and our community that we live in peace not harm

  2. jane on June 8th, 2017 7:12 am

    sheriff morgan gives such sound advice. and uses tv to do it. he is very in touch w his community. all is safe on his watch. nothing to fear northwest fla. rest easy.

  3. Brett and Donna on June 8th, 2017 7:09 am

    I see constantly on social media that people check in and state where they are, what they are doing. You are setting yourself up for home burglary, or a possible attack on yourself when you arrive back home. The public may not know you on these sites, but they can find you. Sharing too much personal information can cause considerable harm.

    The worst thing that can happen to any parent is the loss of a child. Regardless of what age they are. For Naomi Jones, her loss is a loss to the community as well. We all are grieving.

    Matthew 5:4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

  4. Mike Amerson on June 8th, 2017 6:10 am

    For this to be an ongoing investigation, I think Sheriff Morgan may be putting out a little too much information. I’m sure the case officers are happy about that.

  5. Jonathan Seymour on June 7th, 2017 11:44 pm

    This is something that broke my heart. For the mother: I can’t possibly express my extreme condolences. This hurt my wife so much, because she was scared of our kids being subjected to this type of crime. I’m so glad we have a police department that so quickly got on the case for this.

  6. BG on June 7th, 2017 9:13 pm

    TV should do what they did back in the day. Two or three times a night this ad would come on TV ” Do you know where your children are”. And don’t tell people where you are going on face book….Pray for the family

  7. Dan on June 7th, 2017 8:48 pm

    I feel like sheriff morgans comments are almost blaming the mother and even though she may not have raised her kids like we think she should and my not fully understood the threat of social media I just feel like it’s very personal what he has been saying and it almost ugly giving the time and what this family is going through

  8. Tammy Simmons on June 7th, 2017 8:04 pm

    Please Parents take heed, I have been by this greving family’s home, I have been to the bridge where they found her babies body. hold you children close. You cannot be too protective. Your not their friend, your their parent, their protector!!!!!PLEASE DONT LET YOUR KIDS TROLL ON THE ENTERNET UNSUPERVISED ITS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.

  9. Sage2 on June 7th, 2017 7:01 pm

    Sheriff Morgan is giving parents and especially children great advice to heed or take notice of. Social Media…TMI…Too Much Information is put out by not only children with these devices but parents too.
    The abduction and loss of any child is a tragedy.