Overall Crime Rate Falls In Escambia County

June 15, 2017

The crime rate in Escambia County is down over the past year, according to data released Wednesday in the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Uniform Crime Report.

Overall violent crime was down 14.2 percent from 2015 to 2016, with 2,057 fewer crimes reported. The numbers include crimes reported by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, Pensacola Police Department, University of West Florida Police Department, Pensacola State College Police and other agencies operating in the county.

Between 2016 and 2015, the number of murders in Escambia County decreased from 24 to 19, rapes from 197 to 188, robberies from 404 to 373 and aggravated assaults from 1,439 to 1,400. Over the period, burglaries were down 2,628 in 2015 to 1,978 in 2016, larcenies were down 9,101 to 7,767 and motor vehicle thefts increase slightly from 644 to 655.

The crime rate per 100,000 population was 3,993, down 15.1 percent.  Overall, law enforcement cleared 32.9 percent of cases in Escambia County.

Florida’s crime rate is now at a 46-year low. In 2016, there were 18,146 fewer crimes than in 2015, which is a 2.8 percent decrease. The crime rate has dropped 4.4 percent since 2015.


4 Responses to “Overall Crime Rate Falls In Escambia County”

  1. 429SCJ on June 16th, 2017 3:33 pm

    Reported or unreported, if they come to my home to commit crime, they will be walking with the saints; or the devil!

  2. Ken Guier on June 16th, 2017 8:44 am

    I find that hard to believe given what is broadcast nightly on the evening news. I goes right along with the statement by the law enforcement agencies saying there is not a drug problem in Pensacola. Murder, Kidnapping, Rape, Robbery, Theft are on the nightly news seemingly every day. Going back 20 years the number of murders in Escambia County was relatively low ( 10 – 12 ). now it is the same old news night after night. Times have changed I know, but the crooks are still out there, some even in elected offices.

  3. Bob C. on June 15th, 2017 12:43 pm

    @ Gman

    Gman, you sure said a mouthful there. Indeed “Crimes Reported” is a big factor in shifting numbers as a good friend had reported a drug deal going down, two guys arrested, then his tires slashed in his own driveway the next night. Deputy comes and looks at that and says, “Happened on Private Property, settle with your insurance company” and made no report. Hearing of many other such instances and have had a deputy say they’ve been “silently instructed” to not write up everything that takes place.

    Other media reports Escambia County and City of Pensacola to be # 3 in top counties having the most crime in Florida.

    “Reported Incidents” may be down but that does not mean there is less crime, just ask the lady car-jacked at Olive Garden last week or the thugs robbing convenience stores. Smoke and mirrors folks.

    Surely we can all take great comfort in knowing “…rapes from 197 to 188…” Uh, that’s only 9 fewer and that does NOT make me feel like the girls and women in my family are any safer.

    Get your training, get your Carry Permit, Train & Practice and Carry at all times is your best protection until the cops can get there.

  4. Gman on June 15th, 2017 5:21 am

    Key words, “crimes reported”.