Memorial For Naomi Jones Continues To Grow Over Eight Mile Creek

June 12, 2017

A memorial for 12-year old Naomi Jones continues to grow on the Ashland Avenue bridge over Eight Mile Creek.

Jones’s body was discovered in the creek one week ago today, allegedly dumped there by convicted sex offender Robert Letroy Howard, 38. Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan said Jones likely died within 24 to 36 hours after her May 31 disappearance. Her body was then later dumped into Eight Mile Creek, about 4-5 miles away from her apartment.

Howard remains in the Escambia County Jail without bond.

Howard was convicted in 1999 on two counts of first degree rape to two adult females in Escambia County, AL. One of the victims was 19-years old at the time. He served 15 years.

For more photos from the memorial to Naomi Jones, click here. photos by Kristi Barbour, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Memorial For Naomi Jones Continues To Grow Over Eight Mile Creek”

  1. ericka on April 6th, 2021 10:29 am

    she was my good sister to me but im sorry happen to my fake sister . love you and rast and peace sister . we love you

  2. Kim on June 12th, 2017 7:39 pm

    Satan has just taken over this world…I am lost for Words….Rest in Peace, Naomi…We Love You!!!!!

  3. ME on June 12th, 2017 2:06 pm

    May the peace of God be with the family of Naomi Ruth Jones. May the Lord God continue to bless, heal, comfort and keep you all in His perfect peace. The Word tells us that HE will keep you in perfect peace all who’s mind is stayed on HIM (Isaiah 26:3.) Naomi we love you greatly but God loves you best! If we could build a staircase to Heaven, we would climb each day to see you. We miss you baby girl! Heaven has gained a beautiful Angel named Naomi Ruth Jones. We grieve, our hearts hurt, the tears keep coming but ONLY God can heal a broken heart. Rest in the Lord knowing that He will carry you through! God is a comforter, He’s a healer, He can save, deliver,and set the captives free. May God get all the Glory out of this senseless and cowardly act. Rest assured in knowing that Naomi’s short lived life was NOT in vain! Naomi was on an assignment from God. She successfully finished the race, she received her Crown in Glory! Naomi passed the test! We too must pass our test and be about our Father’s business. Our community grieves together with this family. I say to you that God can and HE will heal your broken hearts, HE will wipe away your tears, and give you peace as HE continues to strengthen and comfort you during this very difficult time. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5.) God will take care of you. I pray that souls will be saved and lives changed all for the Glory of God. Finally, I pray the peace, love and comfort of our Heavenly Father be with you all in Jesus name. Amen! P.S. We need to establish a scholarship fund in Naomi Ruth Jones name. For with God, all things are possible. God Bless You!

  4. rc on June 12th, 2017 1:42 pm

    I agree with Mat-I believe the bridge should be dedicated to Naomi.

  5. chris on June 12th, 2017 12:14 pm

    “.any man or woman tell me all he has to do is ask forgiveness from Jesus is no Christian in my eyes” umm what Bible are you getting your info from?

  6. anne 1of2 on June 12th, 2017 12:01 pm

    The family needs community love and support. I don’t remember when these memorial started but I’ve always thought the side of a highway is a strange place for them. Naomi needs to be remembered, yes, but donating to a library will keep her memory alive for a much longer time.
    I’m sure the Lord will have his own way of handling murderers. Thou shalt not kill has to mean more than what we think as human beings.

  7. Mat on June 12th, 2017 10:35 am

    Here’s a thought. How about the bridge be given the name “The Naomi Jones Memorial Bridge.” After awhile all the balloons and bears fade away. Every time someone passes across the bridge, it will be a reminder of the beautiful life that was taken away. It will be a permanent place to come and reflect on life.

  8. Karen on June 12th, 2017 9:47 am

    Jay, I’m sorry to tell you but Saddened is correct in what he says. The bible says God’s ways are not our ways and one day we will understand it all.

  9. mq on June 12th, 2017 9:27 am

    I agree with Bama Girl. I live down the street and I too decided to visit the memorial Friday night. Seeing on tv is one thing, but I wasn’t prepared for the emotions that overtook me when I saw i it in person.

  10. Saddened on June 12th, 2017 8:37 am

    This act that has been committed against Naomi is an act of evil. There’s no other way to explain it. However, Jesus died on the cross so that ALL may come to repentance and have everlasting life. This is such a hard concept for us to understand because we are humans and we immediately assume that because of this mans actions he is doomed to hell. That however is not how our God works. His grace is sufficient for all! Even this man can be forgiven if he truly repents and asks forgiveness. May God bless this family as this is truly any parents worst nightmare!

  11. Bama Girl on June 12th, 2017 7:48 am

    I have followed Naomi’s story since day one. Saturday, I decided to visit the memorial for Naomi. All I can say is prepare yourself if you go there. The pictures don’t do justice to the feeling you have once you see this. I was overcome with emotion. RIP Naomi and know that our community is grieving along with your family over this tragedy.

  12. Jay on June 12th, 2017 5:14 am

    Bless this child Jesus take her and comfort her. Satan has the piece of crap lined up in his eyes.any man or woman tell me all he has to do is ask forgiveness from Jesus is no Christian in my eyes may he rot a in hell